Well its been a while since I updated this, so I thought I would do a quick update with details to come soon.
I have almost everything I need for my big upgrade. I have have been squirrelling away parts now for the last 4 months. So far I have managed to get these parts:
- SSac 321 Manifold
- Lexus V8 AFM
- Walbro 255lph pump
- Lucas 550's
- Apexi SAFC-II
- Greddy Profec-b Spec II
- no-name Turbo timer
I also made a deal for a T4 60 trim turbo and 40mm external wastegate, and I should be able to pay that off pretty soon here and get that on its way. I want a wideband setup, and an adjustable fuel pressure regulator in my hands before I start the build up.
I also managed to pick up a few things for Christmas. I got a new Kenwood head unit, 3 pairs of 4" coaxial speakers to go in the stock locations, an Infinity reference series 12" Dual Voice Coil Sub, and about 700W (RMS) of Pioneer amplifiers. Im still trying to decide how I want to install it all, so for now I only have the head unit and speakers in.
I will try to get some pictures of the goodies soon here.