Legal High and Trip (Salvia Divinorum)??

Should Salvia-Divinorum be legal?

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Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Wait so you mean to tell me that the pounds of coke I've been transporting across the border, and hookers I've been bringing back and burying in my back yard, is illegal? But... I've never been caught... what's wrong with it???


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
MassSupra89;912206 said:
Wait so you mean to tell me that the pounds of coke I've been transporting across the border, and hookers I've been bringing back and burying in my back yard, is illegal? But... I've never been caught... what's wrong with it???

Dude quit taking it out of context. I misread the post. Don't get a hard dick over the situation.


Permanently Banned
Nov 26, 2007
Hayward, CA
I've seen a lot of people do Salvia and it's quite entertaining to watch and hear their interpretation of their "trip." I wouldn't do it myself, though.

Some of them describe going to purgatory and back. I watched someone who just went limp and his eyes rolled into his head. It was pretty freaky.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
from what i understood about lsd is:

that it's like the fibre glass in cigerett's ,but instead of cutting your throat and so on to help the nigotine (sp?) into your blood,

the chemicle make up sorta cut's either the brain stem, or the cords from your eye's.

and that your actualy tripping because your brain and body are repairing the damage.

sorry if im wrong, but i did a little research but most of this is remember from a friend telling me how it works.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
AF1JZ;912275 said:

This is written on Erowid, which is well known for there exstensive drug research and development.;912275 said:
> - physical damages include depletion of brain cells thus brain damage,
> chromosomal mutations and damages to the nervous system

This is utter bullshit. None of these effects have been shown significantly.
The most widely quoted study "demonstrating" chromosomal damage used aspirin
and caffiene as controls, and they produced MORE damage than the LSD.
Not to mention, it studies the effects of these drugs on cells in Petri
dishes at incredible concentrations, which really has little bearing on the
state your body is in when using them.;912275 said:
> - LSD is used in experimentation to produce a state of hyper arousal
> of the central nervous system. It is used to induce psychotic
> reactions and other such feelings akin to psychosis and madness

This is also BS, as spouted by the medical establishment of the 60's.
The reason they got psychotic results is because they didn't pay any
attention to the importance of set and setting.LSD does not cause any chronic physiological or neurological damage. period.

And one more:;912275 said:
LSD does not cause any chronic physiological or neurological damage. period.

LSD does not produce a psychotic state. LSD is not a psychotomimetic
drug in the literal use of the word. I've experienced true drug psychosis
before, and LSD just ain't close...

LSD may produce chronic visual "tracers" -- probably as a result of receptor
changes in the sensory pathways of the brain. This is not damage. Some
people have these naturally, particularly in the morning. I've gotten
them from prescription drugs, which caused this and enhanced my vision at
the same time (QED, I'm not complaining...).

LSD may cause mild "flashbacks" (IMHO a misuse of the word) which is really
just state-dependent learning. Users sometimes can get themselves into a
slightly shifted perspective when a stimulus is similar to one experienced
while on LSD, or if one is familiar enough with the LSD state they can
sometimes create this mild perspective shift themself.

LSD may produce thick chronic visual "tracers" which interfere with vision.
This is very rare, and is not "damage" per se since it is reversible with
drug therapy (probably neuroleptics, but I'm not positive). Most users if
they report anything report the benign type.

LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This
is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god
flashbacks from. Its also not very common.

LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already suscpetible to
schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly
bad trip. This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it
would've happened at some point"..

I could go on for days and days about how LSD is NOT harmful to your body. I dont exactly have the time, but if anyone has any questions, shoot them my way about most hallucinogenic drugs, and i probably have an answer. :)

LSD causes no permanent changes in brain chemistry. No reputable studies
have demonstrated anything of the sort.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
lagged;912300 said:
wow you truly are uneducated. (or mis-educated)

Yeah i think thats the case. (mis-educated)

Everyone, as people nowadays, are taught that all drugs are bad. That is 100% NOT the case.

LSD and many similar drugs have PROFOUND effects on your mind, and enlighten your thinking and mind expansion to a level which you cant think is even possible.

AF: I am in NO way callign you ignorant or anything like that, so please dont take it the wrong way! :)


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
AF1JZ;912311 said:
No, I don't have any reason to know about drugs. I don't use them and never will.

That may be your choice, and i respect that. But please make sure you know the facts before telling people that drugs are bad :)

Theres nothing wrong with learning about drugs!


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
He asked for proof of a statement you made... If anything that reflects a good education. He questioned for truth rather than just taking your short word for it. I would have asked for proof too as I have never researched such drugs and for all I know you completely made that up.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
MassSupra89;912314 said:
He asked for proof of a statement you made... If anything that reflects a good education. He questioned for truth rather than just taking your short word for it. I would have asked for proof too as I have never researched such drugs and for all I know you completely made that up.

Well i didnt make it up, and ill be honest in saying that i have been a *LSD* user for quite some time.

It has had so many positive effects on me, i cant even begin to explain them :)


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
I never accused you of making it up, didn't mean to come off that way, but the articles you posted really help the statement you made, it never hurts to back yourself with proof.
I personally am not into such drugs, I hold no grudges to those who do, it's just not something I have an interest for. I think drug users are alot like Honda owners... there are some that do it respectfully and some that just make it look bad and ruin it for the rest.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
MassSupra89;912327 said:
I personally am not into such drugs, I hold no grudges to those who do, it's just not something I have an interest for. I think drug users are alot like Honda owners... there are some that do it respectfully and some that just make it look bad and ruin it for the rest.

That pretty much sums it up for me as well.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
Yes. I agree with you on those notes. Many people abuse drugs.

During my years of LSD useage, i made sure that i tested everything, and new the chemical makeup of every drug i was doing. I dont do coke, i dont do pain killers, i dont do heroin or even speed.

The drugs i do are not harmful, and i make sure of that. I dont do drugs at parties, i dont do drugs in public.

When i use LSD im at my own house, with the doors locked with a friends lstening to music and touching soft pillows and talking about love, peace, and outer space. :)

Nothing harmful about that :D


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Haha I work with a friend who you remind me of. He likes those experimental halucinogens on occasion.
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