Legal High and Trip (Salvia Divinorum)??

Should Salvia-Divinorum be legal?

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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
While a drug may or may not enhance your mental capacity you still need to have a good intellect to begin with...

NO AMOUNT of drugs are going to turn BillyJoeBubba DumbFuck into another Hawking or Einstein...


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
Did Salvia-A for the first time today... lets just say wow... can't believe it isn't illegal... wow...

Btw, there is NO Way that anyone on Salvia-A is going to get into a car and do anything, also if you are in the car and smoking that shit, you are as stupid as someone falling asleep while driving...

And, yea, I could see how people could harm themselves or others while on Salvia-A, but you can barely walk, so any real motor control is out of the question, and talking is VERY hard, and requires most of your concentration to do so...

Very effective drug, but leaves very little room for one to hurt themselves or another while on it.

Btw, Salvia-A 60 AtomiX (15 X Standardized) For the first time.. $49.99 for 1 Gram.
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Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Tanya;913765 said:
That's such a load of crap.

I've been trying to "acquire the taste" for years, and just can't. I have drank numerous beers and hate them all (except the sparkling bitch drinks).

While it is a "acquired taste", not everybody acquire it. I've been trying to acquire straight rum, but I haven't do so, quite possibly never will.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Sorry, my post in this thread was a little out of hand. I do understand that you should be able to do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone else, or their property. I never intended to sound otherwise. If the adrenaline rush of loading one bullet in a revolver, spinning the wheel, flipping it closed, putting the gun to your head, and pulling the trigger gets you off, feel free. Just make sure the bullet isn't gonna take out the neighbor, too.

What I don't like is someone stating that any drug is not bad for you, when it alters your state of consciousness, or reality. The more you shut down your analytical power, the less you are able to fight off suggestion, or make a good decision in an emergency.
Like I said, I've been there. I'm just one of the fortunate few who woke up in time. I look back on those times and regret it. Too much time lost, where I could have been doing something productive. You can never convince me that any drug is good. Especially not one I had a fair amount of experience with.

As far as artists using drugs, you mean people like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison? Kurt Cobane, for the younger crowd? They had talent that came from within, not from without. Talent that is lost forever, now.

Other than a coffee in the morning, the only thing I drink is water.


Freeway Foreplay
May 11, 2006
c-ville, Utah
sorry i didn't read all the way through this post... but fuck no it shouldn't be legal. It may only last for 10-15 mins but it is one of the worst drugs out there. Its about as bad for your body as heroin or inhaling Duster.

I have a friend that has done about every drug you could ever imagine, and he said it was about the scariest thing he has ever done, the hallucinogen is 20X that of shrooms. he said he thought he was a rock and then turned into a wall and physically could not move. even when he came out of it he said that he didn't know what to think or what was real for a week and almost wanted to believe he was a rock.

scary shit.


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
Clueless;913826 said:
While it is a "acquired taste", not everybody acquire it. I've been trying to acquire straight rum, but I haven't do so, quite possibly never will.

i think it's more a bred trait,

personaly ever since my first drink of bud , coors, or most other cheep beer's it taste like water, or much goes down like water,

i really haven't disliked a beer so much that i haven't finished it. currently im hunting down all the local brew's and testing them , so far i have found about 5, and about 10 on the west coast,

i reallyed liked stoned ipa, though arrogant bastard ale can catch some off gaurd but is still a great beer, bit expensive though.

fat tire and mirror pond are good aswell,

i like alot of henry weinhards stuff.

for some reason this thread has really made me want to go out and purchase some more salvia, maybe even smoke a bowl about a hour after eating some azurescens i hand picked off the oregon coastal area's


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
boostadikt;914244 said:
sorry i didn't read all the way through this post... but fuck no it shouldn't be legal. It may only last for 10-15 mins but it is one of the worst drugs out there. Its about as bad for your body as heroin or inhaling Duster.

I have a friend that has done about every drug you could ever imagine, and he said it was about the scariest thing he has ever done, the hallucinogen is 20X that of shrooms. he said he thought he was a rock and then turned into a wall and physically could not move. even when he came out of it he said that he didn't know what to think or what was real for a week and almost wanted to believe he was a rock.

scary shit.

I am sorry, but I have to believe that he either did a VERY large dose of the drug, or it was laced... I have done Salvia now twice...

I am not an avid drug user

I went to the store today (as I stated in my post above) and picked up Salvia -A 15x Standardized Extract.

I have taken it twice so far, the first time I packed an entire bowl and smoked the entire thing, had a bad trip, because I was not expecting that, and 5 minutes later was back to reality...

I was able to record my entire trip for the 2nd time which was not as large of a bowl, and only one hit...

And if you care to watch the video, it shows the effects of Salvia 15x Standardized on me...


As you can see from the video, I am one to try things for the experience... as I state in the video "I am almost tempted to grab more" then my friend motioned to it and I responded "no no no"

I am not one of those people who drinks a lot, or does really any form of drugs (other then Nicotine) on any form of regular bases. This thread is the reason I went out and even purchased Salvia. From my experience there was NO long term effects, the moment I turned the camera off, my high was gone, I felt a little dizzy and light headed, but after that we went out to get a bite to eat (my friend drove) and I was able to function normally, was able to buy cigs at the local store where a friend works, and he was not able to notice any difference in my personality or ability to function.

Whether the drug become illegal or legal, i will say the drug is VERY strong, and if you do not have a grip on your life or reality it can have some effects on you, but so far in the research (though little) they have done on Salvia, the experience your friend had has never been documented, and no long term effects (lasting more then 4 hours, and that is simply a dizzy feeling, but no Hallucinogenic effects) such as his have been recorded.Salvia has the same health risks (as found so far) as smoking cigs or any type of smoked substances.
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thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
Merlyn;914343 said:
I am sorry, but I have to believe that he either did a VERY large dose of the drug, or it was laced... I have done Salvia now twice...

I am not an avid drug user

every one i know that has tried it say smoking out of a bong will hit you harder and more intense then smoking out of a pipe.

15x is rather weak too, 40x and greater is where it's at.


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
pimptrizkit;914357 said:
every one i know that has tried it say smoking out of a bong will hit you harder and more intense then smoking out of a pipe.

15x is rather weak too, 40x and greater is where it's at.

For a first time use, 40x is stupid, and that is the reason people are trying to make this drug illegal because of stupid people using it...

"Oh yea, you did 20x well I am going to do 40x and pack the biggest bowl possible and until the pipe falls out of my hands, I am going to keep hitting it"

Have some control over yourself...

If you think 15x Standardized is weak for a first time trip, you are out of your mind, and just want to sound cool, which in reality just makes you sound like a complete moron.

I have not found ANYWHERE online that sells 40x STANDARDIZED... again not just 40x Salvia, 40x Standardized Salvia...

Standardized states that the number (40x) in this example actually means something...

Most sites sell as follows...

5x = 12.5 MG per Gram is Salvia A
10x = 25 MG per Gram is Salvia A

so With me doing 15x... I am doing 37.5 MG per Gram of Salvia...

40x by the above calculation would be 100%... meaning there is nothing but the active chemical in your Salvia... which I am sorry, but I don't believe..

Non-standardized which I have seen go up to 60x is nothing more then it is 60x better then just the leaf, there is no actual Standard of Measurement involved, and 60x doesn't mean the same thing from company to company...

Now the standard just went up, so what I have today as 15x may not actually be 15x... but in theory... non standardized, I smoked 60X today (Standardized is calculated as 1/4 that of non-Standardized)

60x Non Standardized = 15x Standardized...

Hope you understand what I am saying....
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thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
Merlyn;914360 said:
For a first time use, 40x is stupid, and that is the reason people are trying to make this drug illegal because of stupid people using it...

"Oh yea, you did 20x well I am going to do 40x and pack the biggest bowl possible and until the pipe falls out of my hands, I am going to keep hitting it"

Have some control over yourself...

If you think 15x Standardized is weak for a first time trip, you are out of your mind, and just want to sound cool, which in reality just makes you sound like a complete moron.

im sorry you were not there, and have never "triped" with me, i heard about this long after i have tried mushrooms and would call this drug pussy compaired to a good nights trip on mushrooms, gold flake cubensis or closed cap cubensis, azurescens,

but from what i have seen, heard and expeinced, the same amount 40x is better then 20x and is not lethal,

please leave the name calling out of this thread. and web site.

how is it stupid when 15x or 100x will have the same effects, are non lethal, and just increase the amount of time you are in the trip, and how intense the trip is?

i guess i am a rare person that enjoy's a sight to see every now and then.


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
pimptrizkit;914361 said:
im sorry you were not there, and have never "triped" with me, i heard about this long after i have tried mushrooms and would call this drug pussy compaired to a good nights trip on mushrooms, gold flake cubensis or closed cap cubensis, azurescens,

but from what i have seen, heard and expeinced, the same amount 40x is better then 20x and is not lethal,

please leave the name calling out of this thread. and web site.

how is it stupid when 15x or 100x will have the same effects, are non lethal, and just increase the amount of time you are in the trip, and how intense the trip is?

i guess i am a rare person that enjoy's a sight to see every now and then.

I stated it was stupid, any site you go to will recommend no greater then 5x for a first trip, never said you were stupid...

and 100x, you have no clue what you are talking about, you are just adding "x" after a number now, have you done ANY research at all on Salvia, have you read anything about it.

They have not found a lethal dose of Salvia, as your are unable to smoke that much and would pass out from Carbon Monoxide far before you would die...

I don't care how big of a drug user you are, again from my first post, I find it completely retarded for people to push their drug use exp on me as if that means anything...

My mother works for the National institute on Drug Abuse, and I probably no more about the effects of the drugs you have taken then you do.

It is STUPID to take a mass dose of a drug your first time, just like a first time smoker would not smoke Marlboro reds, at least not enjoy it as much...

I never called YOU stupid, unless of course you fall under that category, and I stand behind my statement, it is stupid to do that...

And if you have ever done an Hallucinogen you would know a larger dose can completely change the outcome...

my first trip, with 15x and a full bowl caused me to completely lose my entire touch with reality and felt as if my trip was reality, where as my second trip, you can see I am well in reality, realizing what is and isn't real... that is an effect of a much larger dose...

Have you ever even done a drug, damn, you seem to have no understanding and just feel the bigger the better... hope you learn something about drug use soon before you kill yourself, because that is the WORST attitude to have when taking drugs... "its all the same, just more = longer and better"

This is why so much is illegal in our world today... because people abuse things... My second trip was so very enjoyable, and the thing is... I now have more left over to enjoy it again and again... where as you, who would attempt to pack an entire gram into a bong will have a nice intense trip, for still, 2 - 15 minutes... and then it is done, and now you have to spend more money...

I guess that is why I never got into drugs, I enjoy the feeling, it grounds me, it makes me feel at tune with the earth, where as drug users do it to be cool and see how much they can do, and goof of with friends...

Yea, I laughed in the video with my friend, but in all honesty... I would have rather said nothing, and enjoyed the effects to their fullest, then be distracted by reality...
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