Legal High and Trip (Salvia Divinorum)??

Should Salvia-Divinorum be legal?

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Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
AF1JZ;911661 said:
Think about last for 2-10 mins right? Say someone does it and then hops in their car and drives...I think you are catching my drift.

Moronic position.

Alcohol lasts longer, what if someone drives after they drink it? Should be ban it? How about just banning the car?

This might get the point across to you:

Or perhaps the 2nd half of this:

Why did you join the military? To defend Liberty & Freedom? Could you identify either if they bit you in the ass?


drunk_medic;911787 said:
I don't understand why people are constantly trying to find new ways to get high. In these days of wretched excess, aren't there already enough ways to ruin yourself?

I've asked the same question...

But my question for you is, do you feel you have the right to make the decision for them?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
st2b;911786 said:
They technically don't. You can smoke pot all day, or trip acid all day, as long as your not in the public where you can possibly injure somebody else, then it's perfectly fine.

they technically do. while marijuana has been decriminalized in many states, it is still illegal. you can still be fined, just instead of it being a criminal offense, it is a city code much like being drunk in public.

it is still illegal to be in possession of schedule I drugs, which include cannabis and LSD.

so it IS illegal. i dont know who taught you US law.


just here
Aug 1, 2005
have they even figured out the side effects of it yet? i want to know what are the long term effects of it are.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
And st2b, in this country, Marijuana, for any use, is illegal under federal law. Even if you live in a state that has enacted legislation or passed a ballot initiative that recognizes marijuana's medical utility you are subject to arrest by federal officials for possession or cultivation of marijuana.


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
For all you people who havnt done any real drugs, dont say its bad if you dont know.

I am a familiar user of D-lysergic Acid (Lysergic acid dythylamide) also knows an LSD, and magic mushrooms, As well as LSA.

Salvia is a very very cool drug, and can be used to learn alot about yourself. I am a strong beiliver in psy-drug usage and think that it has thousands of positive effects on my brain, and body, and barley any negatives.

So i say go for it, but be ready for a trip, that most of the time isnt pleasant. Youll wind up feeling like your tripping hard for hours, even though its moments.

When i do salvia 20+x i find my self smoking a large hit, and before i know it, im laying on the ground and trying to control my thinking. Its an awesome experience, but definatly not for everyone.

LSD is a much much better choice.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
did something public just come up about this? my friend was talking about trying it YESTERDAY... and i've never heard of it before.

he said he saw opening garage doors and football players.

sounds pretty f'd up and not fun. I dont think I would like to loose control of my body, thank you. as far as being legal i was about to say no sounds like there are worse things out there that should be taken care of first. in other words...i dunno.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
It was all over my local news the other night. Funny it seems to hit alot of local news at once. I always find it funny that the news broadcasts this stuff showing kids where to buy it and what it is etc.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
yeah....the news nowdays is really really stupid. they ignore important things and go for ratings...whatever.

I need to find a un-biased all-around news coverage website..... i dont mind watching the news on public television but it is...uh...selective.

Child gets thrown from burning building! Tornadoes! Huckabee gets fucked! (well, not quite those words but it would be funny :p)

what about genocides and the war and all that shit that I have no idea about what is going on? oh well


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
lagged;911805 said:
they technically do. while marijuana has been decriminalized in many states, it is still illegal. you can still be fined, just instead of it being a criminal offense, it is a city code much like being drunk in public.

it is still illegal to be in possession of schedule I drugs, which include cannabis and LSD.

so it IS illegal. i dont know who taught you US law.

What I was saying is, they aren't monitoring your house with cameras....

You're not being fully stopped, you still have the freedom to smoke pot all day in your home if you're not caught.


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
st2b;912063 said:
What I was saying is, they aren't monitoring your house with cameras....

You're not being fully stopped, you still have the freedom to smoke pot all day in your home if you're not caught.

Using that logic you have the freedom to murder people in your home too.....


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
Murfreesboro/Knoxville, Tn
st2b;912063 said:
What I was saying is, they aren't monitoring your house with cameras....

You're not being fully stopped, you still have the freedom to smoke pot all day in your home if you're not caught.

I have the freedom to beat the shit out of you and take your supra if I'm not caught too. It's still illegal


May 14, 2005
Lowell, Arkansas, United States
I've smoked salvia a few times. It's fun at first in low concentrations but after a few trips things can get really wierd. My mistake was smoking some of the high potency stuff while home alone.

During the trip, I completely lost my sense of self. I couldn't understand who, what, or where I was. I had alot of really intense visions. I realized that if doing drugs ever really messed me up, that there would be no coming back. I couldn't believe I had been so irresponsible.

People who have done more hardcore drugs scoff when I tell this story, but it was one of the most defining moments of my life. I was really disturbed for a few months afterword, but I think I'm better of for it. 3+ years 100% drug free.:icon_bigg


thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
salvia has been around for 5-10 years possibly longer.

i tried 40x back in high school (roughly 6 years ago)

will it be deemed illegal one day,. possibly.

but will probaly be for similar reasons they criminalized pot.

if i remember correctly pot was made illegal for a few reasons,

- they could not tax what you grew your self.
-oil company's were fearing high alcohol production "fuel"
- the mas majority of the us didn't know what pot was , and voted against it,
- the other half that didn't smoke it belived it would drive you mad
- the government / south, told every one the weed made the worker's go mad! (they used to give the slaves coke to work harder, till they became violent against the slave master, they convinced the popluation pot did the same
-hemp clothing could hurt proffet's for cotton & wood,

the worst possible effect pot could give you is cancer, there's been no deaths. directly related to pot, (not saying some one was high and was in an accident but they didn't die from smoking it like over dosing. )

i personaly belive if pot was legal for industial use, we could bounce back from the fuel crissies..


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
st2b;912063 said:
What I was saying is, they aren't monitoring your house with cameras....

Yet. Give it time. With idiots like you saying things like this gem of wisdom below, it likely won't be long...

st2b;912063 said:
You're not being fully stopped, you still have the freedom to smoke pot all day in your home if you're not caught.

Wow, that is, without a doubt one of the most fucking stupid things I've heard uttered on this site.

I suspect that I could probably break into your home tonight, and shove a cattle prod up your dumb ass. I'll bet I can I manage to do it without being caught, would that be ok with you?

Do you have any more wisdom to share with us? I need more material for the Wall of Shame, and this is getting close...


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
are you actually making a wall of shame?

it fits the

I was asking myself as i read that...what is this country coming to?
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