I'm getting sick of my fellow americans.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
nick m does ur car have a michigan license plate??
It did. I bought just north of Ann Arbor.

I have since corrected that abomination.



Mar 30, 2005
i'm talking about really overweight people were they can't even wear jeans anymore and there at BK getting the double whopper with cheese. ( btw.. that sandwich carries over 1100 carolies)


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
You have a very good point malloynx, the fat-ness is getting out of hand. We glorify the large and snub the small. Big houses big cars and bigger people. The land of the large, and the home of the biggie size.

It all comes down to my biggest annoyance with America right now. It has become trendy to not accept responsibility for you own actions. It has become popular for people to believe that when ever something happens, it's somebody else’s fault, no if ands or buts, so lets find that person and see how much we can sue them for. But what ever you do don’t accept responsibility for it and then do something about it. That’s just not cool.

So why accept responsibility for being big? Its McDonalds fault. Taco Bell just made those big burritos. 99cents I can’t pass that up. Claim Jumpers just gave me enough for three people; I have to clean my plate or think of those starving Chinese children (yes they grow thinner while you stuff your face). No I can’t accept responsibility for getting fat, its McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Claim Jumpers fault.

News flash!!!!!! It is your fault for getting fat, and it will also be your fault for dying from it! No matter what that lawyer (that is going to take 80% of whatever you sue McDonalds for) tells you, IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR BEING FAT! It’s is your life and your responsibility for what you do with it. Don’t place the responsibility of living on others, deal with it yourself.

I guess I should quit now, before I blow a gasket.

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AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
Boostaddctn said:
YEah and with that said, I hate looking at over weight people and what they do, its like its came to a point where its not even shameful for them to go out in public... I actually make fun of em as much as I can, such as the other day when dude took the elevator for only 1 floor, I went- Wow, 1 fucking floor when dude pushed the button... yeah I'm a fucking asshole, I don't care.. aight peace :chicken:

wow:icon_conf i must be nuts my best friend lives on the 15 floor of his apart ment lol we race to see who can make it to the to useing the 2 difrent staries

P.S. where both CF


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
^ that $.99 burrito from taco bell is AWESOME...

Uhh... I think fat and overweight are completely different.

overweight = a little big, but still active (like me!)

Fat = HUGE... everything just kind of..."blends" together, the forearm and upper arm are one only it bends. Your legs are the same way. People can't find your knees, can't feel your hips, and you can't stand up for 2 quick pictures of your chest. Better yet, X-ray techs have to take a portable machine up to your floor, into your room, over to your bed, and take a picture of your fat-ass just laying there-they also have to lift you up so they can put a film behind your back while you just lay there like dead weight because you're too lazy to do anything... but you sure like to bitch about everything. Why didn't the gastric bypass work? Oh... you didn't change your diet? You eat all the time? I bet they didn't do the surgery right... lol I love working at the hospital. :icon_bigg

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
Anyone else catch the thing on TV with the guy so fat if he layed on his back the fat was heavy enough to crush his organs? They said the guy was like a half ton. Fucking crazy.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
I think its just harder to STAY in shape and at the right size without having to realy WORK at it.

i am in the no carbonated beverage mode and go through my day looking for something healthy to eat quick because i have no time, its damn near impossible.

keep track of how much carbonated sugar shit you drink, and how healthy the food you eat is. I'm at home like a total of 8 hours a day (the hours that i sleep) so i cant cook myself anything and DAMN is it hard to eat anything healthy.

everywhere i go or try to buy something is deepfried or mass produced burger crap. america is just way to into the idea that you just need to eat quick and it doesnt matter what it is. subway is like $10 a sand, all the fast food healhty stuff is a joke.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Uhh... I think fat and overweight are completely different
They are. It is a scale. How far you are down it is the determing factor. I am overweight. I go 6'2" and about 230 lbs. I shouldn't weigh but 200-210. That however is far from obese, the technical description for an alarming number of Americans.

The internet needs grammar police. And I think it started with AOL, and those stupid chat rooms, and that "You've got mail" garbage.

Louisiana isn't that bad. I know quite a few self proclaimed redknecks from the last job. It was more an accent than being way off from the rest of the US


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
cajunangel said:
I will overlook that last remark... simply because you have great taste in music... getting sassy with me will only get you voodooed =P . :nono: boys *rolls eyes*
Grammar Police! Slap those cuffs on her and take her downtown.

The sad thing is that there is an alarming number of morbidly obese people littered across our great nation.

I know that Hawaii doesn't have the highest fat-to-normal people ratio but it seems as though "they" perpetuate it out here. It's perfectly normal to be fat as fuck, a high school drop-out and work at McDonalds.