You really get A Viper Kevin?
Jake, AEM EMS is the way to go. As far as simplicity goes, plug it in, tune.
But of course you want to switch to speed density, so you have to rewire for that.
The thing with EMS is that people think that you can plug it in and race. That is NOT the case. It took months to get my dad's supra to run like it should. But we were running a civic box because AEM didn't support us yet

I've never seen a T88 spool like it does in his car though. On the street tuning on pump gas, pulling fuel in vaccum and adding timing aggressively to make the windmill turn gave us 21 psi by 4000 RPM. When we took it to the track, we went by the "shift when the power lets off" mentality. Looking back at the logs, that was 8400 rpm. With stock cams. It's ALL in the tune. Ron has been tuning his car conservitively for YEARS to keep his $4000 rods from dying. If you want to plug in a magic box and make 700 hp. It's not going to happen.
The thing I like about AEM is knock monitering. that way you can advance timing until knock, and back it off to be safe. There are so many failsafe features, like fuel automapping, knock control, EGT control. All of these things can save your motor. Or make it run like shit if you don't know how to utilize them. I suggest you get the AEM software, (it's free) and play around with it. Traction control, Nitrous control, Boost control, you name it. No piggy back comes close. And if all else fails, fly Sean McElderly out to tune it for you. He is the Man. Also, get a FFIM from Ron.