I have a warrant out for me? I don't suppose we have any lawyers here....


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Supracentral;1087566 said:
I simply avoid doing the things that wind you up in jail. Seems to make life go much more smoothly...

I'm just sayin'...

Totally agree with that. I made ONE mistake when I was 18 and pay for it to this day. I tell you though, 20+ years on the run will make you learn how to avoid trouble real good. Made me a better driver too ;)

Ckanderson;1087538 said:
did he tell you he was innocent?
Actually he never said one way or another. His Lawyer told him not to discuss it and he took that to heart. At the time I personally thought the guy was innocent, just didnt seem like the killing type. Now, many years later and after a divorce...I think CHris Rock put it best, "I dont think its right killing a bitch...but I UNDERSTAND!"


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Doward;1087584 said:
So what did I really learn? Telling a LEO the truth will land you in jail, if you know you did something wrong. Deny deny deny!

John, SC had a post about not ever talking to police that you should check out when you have time. It has some very long videos in it. It will give you some good insight for the rest of your life. IT'S ONE OF THE BEST THREADS THIS SITE HAS HAD IN A WHILE.

I learned some love for the officers of the law while you were away through a 4th of July incident my Dad had
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New Member
Apr 30, 2008
Doward;961254 said:
You seriously have no fucking idea how pissed I am about this. I'm watching almost 3 years of blood sweat and tears go down the toilet, because of this bumfucked backwards assed county.

I'm about 2 seconds from changing my degree from Engineering to Law, just to learn the fucking procedures for putting shit like this out of my life.

Sure, selling the engine will pretty much take care of the majority of what this will cost - but fuck - how the hell will I possibly replace the time and effort into that motor? I've built is as perfect as I possibly can. :3d_frown:

I figure I'll just sell everything off. After this shit is behind me, I'll build a nuke and wipe Sumter from the map....

er, I mean, I'll see if maybe I have enough left over for a decent N/A :cry:

sue for damages


New Member
Apr 30, 2008
Supracentral;961973 said:
Rennat, I'm not directing this at you, but towards an age group, which I suspect you are a part of.

I suspect you are in your 20's or so. I see these reaction from folks in your generation to these kinds of things all the time. You seem to expect fairness and justice from our system. I hate to break it to you guys, but out here in the real world, it doesn't work the way you think it should. Justice is blind, and often asleep at the switch. We are not a nation of justice, we are a nation of law. Sometimes bad law, sometimes just law wielded badly.

Sadly, more often than not, Doward's situation isn't the exception it's the norm. It's why I invest, and have invested so much damned effort into getting, and keeping, the government out of my life.

It's one of the reason why government needs to be severely limited. It should be fair and just, but it rarely happens. It has little respect for your rights at this point, and as you can see by the shit Doward is going through, they really just don't give a fuck.

Next time you think about government, or it "taking care of you", think about the bullshit Doward is going through right now.

Now this I wholeheartedly agree with. Whether it's helping someone out with a car problem, or donating to help the site keep running, or helping out someone like Doward who is in a tight spot, this community rocks. I've seen a few circumstances where communities have helped members out, but this community beats them all hands down.

Thanks for helping Doward out folks. I know he appreciates it. I'm damn proud of our "Supramania family" and how fast everyone came to John's call for help.

something like this happened to me as well, i had a credit card from capital one and charged 300 bucks on it, i payed it off on time and they added a 400 dollar charge on it for a "late fee" i completely ignored it for 2 years, calling only proved to be useless to me, they gave me bullshit. i ended up with a 1400 dollar fine and instead of buying a gte from my 1500 dollar tax return, i had to drop it on that because no layer was interested in a credit case under 10 grand.