I like 'em both. Giada's nose it a little big and hooked, but she's good looking and yes, very classy looking for also being sexy. She seems like she is not the type to really cut loose and have fun though, like she would be uptight in social situations. Rachael Ray is cute - I love redheads, and that she can cook is a bonus. She has a personality, but I think she is a little too bubbly. Watch the show on mute! They both have their annoying points, but doesn't every woman - no, every human being in the world?! Look in the mirror!
And as for low tips... with the service some people give, they should be glad they don't get a penny [and I say a penny because someone could forget to tip, but if you leave a server a penny, they know that they messed up]. Some people can't afford to leave 12-20% tips. I used to tip high - always. Then I had a bad experience and it changed the way I look at tips. My wife and I went to a restaurant on a night with little business, but for some reason our waitress left us with drinks for over 15 minutes. We had closed our menus, finished our drinks and were talking, and then it hit us - we were ignored! She wasn't on a break, wasn't busy - so I got up and asked for our check. The manager was on the register and she basically nudged him out of the way and told him "Oh, I'll get it!" to cover her own ass. She ruined it for every wait[er/ress] in me and my wife's future.
Watch the beginning of Reservoir Dogs.
"Well, what if she's too _ busy?"
"Words 'too _ busy' shouldn't be in a waitress's vocabulary."
They don't make any effort, I'm not tipping well. Go out of your way and I'll tip very well.