How do others feel about your Supra?


Supra Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2005
SupraDreamPDR said:
the only thing that gets me is when they ask what kind of car you have and you say Supra... their eyes get real big and they automatically think its a twin turbo MKIV. then the look on their faces when i tell them its an '88 and that it only has one turbo. but, what can you do?
yea i get that all the time too. people are dissapointed to find that you have mkiii instead of mkiv:3d_frown: oh well i will have both mkiv and mkiii real soon so i guess i wont have to dissapoint the people


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
people i dont know are all excited about it and then ask about the year and arent as excited anymore, but I think its more or a lack of knowing what it actually looks like considering the year to them.

But to the people I do know, they all like but the question I hate having to hear is "when is that supra going to be running again?"


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
Nappy City
For people that ride in my car that are foreign to umm...*hem*...Supra's. I get things like, "Damn it's loud". "Get sideways". "Show that Camaro that you're faster" and silly stuff like that.;) At first, everyone didn't really know what to expect of my car...but now that I'm doing things to it...let's just say that people learn.:)
Oh..and just from personal experience of owning an "OLD SCHOOL" Supra...I officially hate those damned Jellybean MKIV Supra's.;);)


I ♥ Boost
May 3, 2006
Kelowna, BC
Hmm... well ya I get a lot of the "what a waste of money" and "my $2000 88 RX-7 is better since I only paid 2k for it and you have about 7k into your 88 supra"... and i'm sure every supra owner gets the "when is it going to be running again" question.... (sooner or later haha)... but my parents both absolutely LOVE the supra, my dad is crazy about it and is always talking about how nice the 7m motor is and stuff and he said something like... how it's so advanced for it's day.. imagine an 88 chevy compared to it haha... I love the supra, I love the 7m (damn head gasket and air trapping coolant system from hell).... I love it, and I will keep putting money into it and honestly I dont think I'll ever sell it, well maybe to get a 91 or 92 turbo down the road, but that's another story. Also, as for girls opinions of it.... they love it, it's just the classic 80's sports car that looks way nicer than most sports cars being released since.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Same old crap here, kids think since it's a Supra, that it's got 6 turbos, nitrous, and eleventy hundred horsepowers, domestic guys think "It's a Toyota. It's front wheel drive."
No girl has ever disliked my car.
the only complaint, which really isn't a complaint, but I've heard "eww, brown interior?" but I'd say "eww, 96 cavalier?" or something like that.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
No one has really complained about my car. When I bought it it wasn't running, so my parents were kind of pissed cause I left it in their driveway because I had to go back to school :evil2: . But as soon as I fixed everything and took my mom for a ride she fell in love with the car. Same with my dad, he's a muscle car guy, owned like 5 or 6, and all he tells me is that I'll never have a car like the ones he had, as soon as he rode in the supra he was like "It's just like riding in some of my old cars!!! Not as fast...but FUN!!"'s just a shame that dear old Dad doesn't know that boost is on its way :naughty: .

Other than my parents, my brother and my best friend, no one is allowed in my Supra, haha...the interior is in too good of shape for some dumbass to I haven't heard anything from anybody else!



Beer Pong Champ
Oct 27, 2005
upstate ny
I am a senior in high school, most people like my car, but every morning i pull into school and start driving to the end of the parkin lot and my BOV sounds, people will just stop and stare at me. Then i will get out of my car and people will come up to me and be like "Whats wrong with your car?, your car makes a weird noise... somethings broken."

As for my parents, my dad loves it and always trys to get me to let him drive it to work and take it out when he needs to run errands. My mom thinks its a old POS that im just dumping all my money into.


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
Nappy City
I agree with Kurt. That's one of the biggest things to me is when I lose respect to a Mustang or Camaro owner because they say, "Oh, this thing is RWD? Wow". :3d_frown:


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
So far i've been moaned at for it being:

a) Ridiculously expensive to run & insure
b) Old - ie, "Why would you want to buy a car so old?"
c) Cramped in the rear (although i can see why - i'm 6'4)
d) Expensive to repair
e) Too wide
f) Too long
g) Too Loud
h) Too 'Obnoxious'

And many other comments. Basically - people think that I should be driving around in a 1.1 Fiesta because i'm a student :D


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
oh no

another one of these threads!

Why does everyone give a rats ass about what other people think about you or your car? Please don't tell me you don't because of you REALLY didn't this thread would not be here!

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
I do care. I just don't take it to heart. They can think what they want but I know that I love my car, and nothing will change that. Its unique and good lookin. I get enough good looks from guys in vettes and other higher end cars sayin they used to have a 'XX, First real sports car. Im keepin it up in the Bay Area. Representin the slowest Supras! AUTO + NA!


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
I have gotten some thumbs up! and some weird looks. I think most people just like the vinyl graphics on it. If I took them off its just another car.. I like it! its far from completed but who is??


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
Nappy City
HEY! I love my car to death. It's mostly the little ricer kids that don't have much respect for it because it doesn't have 24208874 inch rims, carbon fiber doors and a 3 foot wing. I enjoy getting respect from older guys that just drool over my car. :)


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I pay about £1808 per year for Third Party Fire & Theft - and i'm 24 :(

Insurance in the UK for anything over a 1.5 is nuts, unless you have about 10 years no claims and drive less than about 5000 miles a year.

And on another note - a 1.1 Fiesta would barely move with me in it - my little '92 Escort 1.4 CVH would only hit about 95mph downhill with the wind behind it - and that was with a full car load :D


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I honestly don't worry about what people say... about anything.
I'm just that way. If you don't like it, don't look at it. If you don't like what I'm doing, pay no attention.
When people tell me it's FWD, I agree. I tell them that their Mustang is superior and I'm an idiot. They go away smug and happy, while I stay happy with my car and content that they're still clueless.


Dec 20, 2005
I get all kinds of complains like "It blew it's HG after 1 week? and It got rod-knock after you fixed it?" Well I don't care even if the car doesn't run still I like to just look at it crazy but true


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
thesandymancan said:
"whats so fantastic about an 80's car?"

I'm sitting here in the hospital reading when I run across that, My GF asks me everytime I bring the Supra up... "It's 2006, Matt, you CAN come in to the 90's if you'd like" *Aside from a 97 Civic, every car I have owned has been from the 80's... And all the cars I like are from the 80's.

The GF also asks "Wouldn't you like to have ONE car that you can just get in and drive?" I reply Cressida, she laughs, I reply my 89 when I get it finished, and she says "you mean my Supra?" then laughs, then I say "How about the 82?" she gets a confused look on her face and says, "Oh yeah...!"

I still love everytime some random guy at a stoplight/parkinglot/wherever says "nice car" not even knowing what it is. A few of those and I could give two shits what everyone else thinks... I like it, and that guy pretended to like it because the GF was in the pass seat. :icon_bigg