Nice, is that an IS300 Pryo? Looking sharp!
Thanks for the support Faye and Pryo! I really wish you guys were not so far away indeed. I can follow the TSRM, but some things just come with experience that I don't have. (For example, I could not get the timing light to show me anything at all...)
I bet either of you could listen to the car for 10 seconds and tell me everything that is still wrong with it.
I am pretty sure the oil is coming off the turbo oil return line but I need to investigate... I guess that is what I get for following specified torque

Going back in there with another new gasket and a tube of FIPG once I can confirm.
The white exhaust concerns me more, as I never had that before and it usually means coolant in the cylinders. Are there any other causes of this? (For example, not driving the car for three months, adding newly ceramic coated parts, new gaskets on manifolds and EGR valve (not cooler), or timing issues?) The exhaust didn't smell like coolant, but I guess it is time to get out the block tester again.