Joel W. said:
I believe they are scientists! :icon_razz
First, let me say that I knew nothing about "man-made" global warming before reading this thread. Now I know that I REALLY know nothing about "man-made" global warming!
I do however know something about the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and they are not scientists.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and its founder, Michael F. Jacobson, are not as nice, sweet, and unbiased as CSPI's name might imply. The group routinely uses scare tactics justified by "junk science" and media theatrics as part of their ceaseless campaign for government regulation of your personal food choices.
Jacobson once said: "CSPI is proud of finding something wrong with practically everything."
Officers and supporters- these are the main players in CSPI
Micheal Jacobson- Executive Director-
Jacobson founded CSPI in 1971 with two lawyers from Ralph Nader’s Center for the Study of Responsive Law. He hopes that “regulation through litigation” will result in limits on children’s access to food advertising, extra taxes on foods he considers unhealthy, and government-mandated nutritional information on restaurant menus all across America.
Jacobson is a vegetarian and sits on the national board of the animal-rights-oriented “Great American Meatout.” And he won’t touch a cookie. Indeed, Jacobson will not tolerate any of his employees eating “bad” foods. CSPI’s in-house eating policy is so puritanical that Jacobson once planned to permanently remove the office coffee machine -- until one-third of his 60 staffers threatened to quit.
Although he strives to present himself as the sober arbiter of America’s food choices, Jacobson demonstrates a willingness to do anything for publicity. That includes sending a bag of decayed teeth to the Federal Trade Commission, dressing up as Tony the Tiger to attack sugary breakfast cereals, and whacking at a 50-pound block of vegetable shortening with a hammer and chisel on TV.
President and Co-founder, Center for Science in the Public Interest; National Council member, Farm Animal Reform Movement; Former employee, (Ralph Nader’s) Center for Study of Responsive Law
John Banzhaf III - Legal Advisor - George Washington University law professor
Kelly Brownell- Scientific Advisory Board - Yale psychologist
Caroline Smith-DeWall - Director of Food Safety - former attorney for insurance issues, Public Citizen; Former staff counsel, Voice for Food & Health Policy
George Hacker-Alcohol Policy Project Director- He chairs the Coalition for the Prevention of Alcohol Problems, an organization that conducts anti-alcohol lobbying on the federal level.
Dr. Marion Nestle-Former Advisory Board Member-New York University nutrition professor
Margo Wootan-Director of Nutrition Policy- Could find no credentials
Anne Bancroft-Board Member-Oscar-winning actress
William Corr-Board Member-Executive vice president, Campaign for Tobacco-Free kids
Stephen Havas-Scientific Advisory Board-Professor of epidemiology, University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Medicine
David Hensler-Board Member-Partner, Hogan and Hartson LLP; Former associate general counsel, US Securities & Exchange Commission
Jayne Hurley-Senior Nutritionist-could find no credentials
Mark Ingram-Board Member-President, Ingram CPA Review
David Jacobs-Scientific Advisory Board-Professor of epidemiology, University of Minnesota
Norman Kaplan-Scientific Advisory Board-Professor of Medicine, University of Texas Southwest Medical Center
Myra Karstadt-Senior Staff Scientist-Former toxicologist, US Environmental Protection Agency
Bonnie Liebman-Director of Nutrition-could find no credentials
Diane MacEachern-Board Member-Co-founder & president, Vanguard Communications (DC); author, Save the Planet and Enough is Enough!: The Hellraiser’s Guide to Community Activism
Mark Ordan-Board Member-Founder, Fresh Fields food markets; Owner, Sutton Place Gourmet and Balducci's markets; CEO, Bethesda (MD) Retail Partners LLC; Executive committee member, National Symphony Orchestra Association
Kathleen O'Reiley-President-Executive committee member, the Cultural Environment Movement; Former executive director, Consumer Federation of America; former consumer/legal correspondent, NBC’s Today show
David Schardt-Associate Nutritionist-no credentials found
Bruce Silverglade-Legal Director-no credentials found
James Sullivan-Board Member-Top Scarer at Monsters inc.( just kidding!)-Director, USAID Office of Energy
Deborah Sezekely-Board Member-Health Spa Founder, the Golden Door, Rancho La Puerta, Fitness Resorts; Founder, Combined Arts and Education Council of San Diego; President & CEO, the Inter-American Foundation; Trustee, the Menninger Foundation
The Senior Staff Scientist came from the EPA ! You don't think that the EPA has a vested interest in promoting environmental crisis in order to continue getting their taxpayer funded paychecks, do you?
Seriously, The Center for Science in the Public Interest is a bunch of lawyers and professors and socialist activists who wish to wield power over people by scaring them. This amazingly enough mimics the behavior of many of the "man-made" global warming alarmists in the media today. Coincidence? I think not! I will however research the issue and come to my own conclusion based on logic and reason, not fear . I have added all the books mentioned in this thread to my wishlist and will read up as soon as i'm done with The Politically Incorect Guide to Islam and the Crusades.
Thanks for helping me to exercise my brain today!