Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
First scientists thought it was slowing down, then they discovered it was speeding up. Now a team of international astronomers say the universe is expanding even faster than they thought.

The universe is not only expanding, but that expansion appears to be speeding up. And as if that discovery alone weren’t strange enough, it implies that most of the energy in the cosmos is contained in empty space

What is with the constant diversion from our topic at hand? :1zhelp:

It's not that we (the earth) will get flung out into space but our orbit distance around the sun is expanding. The moons orbit around the earth is moving farther away from the earth every year (a few centimeters per year). Someday we may have moved far enough where we are no longer in this "sweet spot" where life here now is comfy and warm... (Not in our lifetime anyways)

Nick M said:
Space and Missile Defense command, missile testing, the company SpaceX and the Davis-Besse nuclear power station are not "things I believe in". Sorry my friend. I was making no refrence to politics/religion (for once) when I stated that.

Fair enough man. . :)

Funny, you state what you believed true, and when I point out the Bible says the same thing, you call it story time.

Your right Nick, I am sorry I jumped you for agreeing with me. I just want to try and keep religion out of this debate here as it can not be proven either way. Your entitled to your beliefs in anycase. My bad! ;).

What I really want to know is why after 20 pages of debate, still no one here has even asked me to try and prove my side or list the scientists/climatologists that say MMGW is real and happening right now so you guys can check their back grounds and refute them if you want to???

It is almost like you do not want to see them.? lmao... I guess it is easier that way for you all to go on thinking that we are not to blame for what is happening outside..

Quote from Liar Liar:
Fletcher Reede: Your Honor, I object!
Judge Stevens: Why?
Fletcher Reede: Because it's devastating to my case!
Judge Stevens: Overruled.
Fletcher Reede: Good call!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Joel, the information is already there. Man making 1/25 of less than 1% of the atmosphere drastically thanging the other 99.96% or natural causes. Take your pick.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I am really growing tired of saying this, but state your source Nick!!!!

I bet they work for the oil companie$ !!! (in fact, I know they do)

Do yourself a favor and read some new information. As an arguement, this is truely pathetic!!!

Widely recognized as the "Keeling curve", the Mauna Loa atmospheric CO2 concentration measurements, taken since 1958 and now extending through 1997, constitute the longest, continuous record of atmospheric CO2 concentrations available in the world and are considered to be a reliable indicator of the regional trend in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 in the middle layers of the troposphere.

The methods and equipment used to obtain these measurements have remained essentially unchanged during the 40-year monitoring program. The CO2 concentrations taken at Mauna Loa Observatory are obtained using a nondispersive, dual detector, infrared gas analyzer.

The Mauna Loa record shows a 15.2% increase in the mean annual concentration, from 315.83 parts per million by volume (ppmv) of dry air in 1959 to 363.82 ppmv in 1997.

Each year, the atmospheric CO2 concentration varies between a high value in winter (because of biospheric respiration) and a low value in summer (because of drawdown by photosynthesis); thus, a wave-like pattern is superimposed on the year-to-year increasing trend.

(Updated)The Mauna Loa record shows a 19.4% increase in the mean annual concentration, from 315.98 parts per million by volume (ppmv) of dry air in 1959 to 377.38 ppmv in 2004. The 1997-1998 increase in the annual growth rate of 2.87 ppmv represets the largest single yearly jump since the Mauna Loa record began in 1958. This represents an average annual increase of 1.4 ppmv per year. This is smaller than the average annual increase at the other stations because of the longer record and inclusion of earlier (smaller) annual increases.


The percentage is low, but it is increasing at an alarming RATE!!!


Supramania Contributor
Joel, your basing your Co2 theory on flawed data, flawed computer models and other huge problems with the whole idea. (I'm really tired of going over this with you, so rant on all you want, but untill your precious GW advocates have to eat crow, and admit they are inflating the numbers, using scare tatics and in many cases are completely full of shit, your going to quote them ad nausum.

Safety data for crash tests is put out by the makers of the cars... And the insurance companies pay for testing as well, but does that make the data any less credible? (In your view I would have to say that anything you don't get spoon fed from some Al Gore ball sucker is false.)

Same goes for the oil compaines and guys like Gold. (He notes in his book that he's worked with Russians, and Scandianvians on this theory, in fact the most damming test of all was done at the Siljan ring, a metor impact site where the upper layers of earth and rock were blasted clear by the impact exposing 4 billion year old bed rock. Long before any fossil life. They drilled a well in the middle of this impact, in the 4 billion year old rock, and you know what they found? Oil.)

It was not funded by oil companies. It was done to prove a theory that is based on science, not mear obvervation and conclusion jumping. (Like the original theory of fossil fuels... there is fossil remains in there, so it HAS to be from fossils..... )

Yes I think based on what I've researched that microorganisms live and thirve at great depths in the earth. Just like they do at great depths in the oceans. (Once belived by the same scientists your trying to prove GW theory on though the deep oceans were devoid of life, since clearly nothing could live at that pressure and tempature.)

So, is global warming happening? Yes it is. And why? It's part of a natural warming and cooling trend the earth has been going through for all of recorded time, and even time we can "theorize" on.

Is man responsible? Not any more than you or I can reach out and pull our orbit closer to the sun, or push us away from it.

I would suggest you enjoy the time you have to enjoy the elements collected up to form your body while you have a chance. Very soon in the long term scale of things, we all come and go very quickly, and spending even one more moment discussing this with you is a waste of my short period of time here on Earth.

Please read some more, pull your head out, and see that what your being fed by liberals and other scare tactic sources is just a ploy to push on you there feeble cause for existance.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Funny, the left always claimed the idea that "only Nixon can go to China" is false, and you can have an opinion but not let it interfere. Not the case with global warming huh?

The sun changing the earths temps is driving up atmospheric CO2.

Global cooling is upon us, and man is to blame.
left leaning Newsweek said:
There are OMINOUS SIGNSthat the earth's weather patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a drastic decline in food production-with serious political implications for just about every nation on earth....

THE EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF THESE PREDICTIONS HAS NOW BEGUN TO ACCUMALATE SO MASSIVELY TAHT METEROLOGISTS ARE HARDPRESSED TO KEEP UP WITH IT. (sound familiar?).....Last April, the most devasting outbreak of tornadoes ever recorded, 148 twisters killed more than 300 people and caused half a billion dollars worth of damage in thirteen US states....To scientists these seemingly disparate incidents represent the advance signs of fundamental cahnges in the worlds weather. The central fact is that after three quarters of a century of extrordinarily mild conditions, the earth's climate seems to be cooling down. Meterologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend, as well as over its specific impact on local weather conditions. BUT THEY ARE ALMOST UNANIMOUS IN THE VIEW THAT THE TREND WILL REDUCED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY FOR THE REST OF THE CENTURY!


Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Prove it!!! For the second time, I have not seen anything from Al Gore except a short few clips.. All my beliefs are based on my research into GW from a nuetral point of view.

You can not even list a single source that does not get paid by big oil/sales to back up your position and yet you say I have my head up my ass? Wow..:nono: I feed myself!!!

Your blind eyes, narrow mind and selfish attitude saddens me dude... I wish you luck in your future....

Edit: Nick 1975???:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And with that, I think I am done here... :)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Joel W. said:
Prove it!!! For the second time, I have not seen anything from Al Gore except a short few clips.. All my beliefs are based on my research into GW from a nuetral point of view.

You can not even list a single source that does not get paid by big oil/sales to back up your position and yet you say I have my head up my ass? Wow..:nono: I feed myself!!!

Your blind eyes, narrow mind and selfish attitude saddens me dude... I wish you luck in your future....

Edit: Nick 1975???:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And with that, I think I am done here... :)
Joel, are you really missing that point? Of course the earth is not cooling off. But look at how certain scientists were of our cooling due to increasing CO2 as you pointed out. Global cooling did not stick, so global warming will be the next attempt to derail capitalism.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
This is the original Newsweek story on "Climatic Change". Notice the language and warnings. Nothing has changed except the climate is going the other direction.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Nick M said:
And NASA and the Space Enviorment Center are not on Big oil payrolls. Even if they were, that does not change the data.
Ohh please....Congress fully funds NASA... Bush is trying to change that though...... I wonder why?:3d_frown:


One moronic thread at a time Gary... LMAO
My work is almost done here!!! ;)

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Joel W. said:
You can not even list a single source that does not get paid by big oil/sales to back up your position.

Here are three who don't get paid by big oil.

From the Carleton University website:

Dr. R. Timothy Patterson, professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences (paleoclimatology), Carleton University, Ottawa

Professor Tim Patterson, a paleoclimatologist in Carleton’s Department of Earth Sciences, says the science used to establish the Kyoto Protocol is flawed. Patterson, who studies evidence in ocean and lake sediments to decipher how climate has varied over the past two million years, claims that the warming effect scientists are observing is mostly natural.

“In the eight years since the Kyoto Protocol was first introduced, there has been a revolution in climate change science. What we have learned is that many of the scientific assumptions underlying Kyoto are false. Climate is not naturally constant and global warming is not evidence of human interference,” he insists. “Climate change, including global warming and cooling, is perfectly normal.”

Patterson contends that the sun is the reason why the 20th century has experienced some of the hottest temperatures in recent history.

“My own research shows that, on all time scales, there is a very good correlation between the Earth’s temperature and natural celestial phenomena, such as changes in the brightness of the sun. The fact that the sun is now brighter than it has been in 8,000 years should have a major impact on climate.”

Dr. Fred Michel, director, Institute of Environmental Science and associate professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa

Fred Michel, an associate professor in earth sciences and director of Carleton’s environmental sciences program, along with a number of climate science colleagues, presented the opinion that “Kyoto is unsubstantiated scientifically” at a news conference in 2002.

“We showed that climate change is a natural occurrence and would continue unabated even if all human activity on the planet ceased immediately. The influence that anthropogenic carbon dioxide has on global climate is simply miniscule.”

Dr. Tad Murty, former senior research scientist, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, former director of Australia's National Tidal Facility and professor of earth sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide; currently adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa

Tad Murty, an expert in meteorology and physical oceanography, who is an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth Sciences, states his views more strongly.

“This is the biggest scientific hoax being perpetrated on humanity. There is no global warming due to human anthropogenic activities. The atmosphere hasn’t changed much in 280 million years, and there have always been cycles of warming and cooling. The Cretaceous period was the warmest on earth. You could have grown tomatoes at the North Pole,” he says.

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Oops, I found some more.

From the Friends of Science website.

In regards to a video entitled "Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You're Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change"

The idea for the video was initiated by the Friends of Science Society, a registered not-for-profit group of geologists, environmental scientists and concerned citizens, “in an effort to make the science of climate change available and understandable to the general public”, stated Dr. Doug Leahey, President of Friends of Science Society.

Dr. Tim Ball, former professor of climatology, University of Winnipeg; environmental consultant

“There is absolutely no convincing scientific evidence that human-produced greenhouse gases are driving global climate change”, stated climatologist, Dr. Tim Ball. He added that the Canadian government’s plan to designate carbon dioxide as a “toxic” under CEPA is irresponsible and without scientific merit. “Carbon dioxide is a staff of life, plain and simple. It makes up less than 4% of greenhouse gases and it is not a toxic.”

IPCC assertions about the unprecedented nature of the past century's warming, or the widespread beliefs that we are experiencing an increase in extreme weather, accelerated sea level rise and unusual warming in polar regions are also shown in the video to be wholly without merit.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Aaron J Williams said:
Here are three who don't get paid by big oil.

You guys need to take a lesson from Aaron here. He knows how to search.. This does not mean His 3 experts are looking at the correct data but good job anyways..:icon_bigg

Here is the full artical so none of that is taken out of context.

In fact, Patterson, who recently participated in a documentary called Climate Catastrophe Cancelled that seeks to dispel global warming myths, says that GHGs are actually good for the environment.

That's just funny to me man..:biglaugh:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
So Joel, knowing that those who claim man in causing global warming are funded by left leaning orginizations, then all their research is invalid.

So there you have a CO2 chart that does not prove that temps rose, and a chart with sun activity doing the exact same thing. And the Astrophysical Journal is not funded by big oil. And as I already pointed out, if they were, it would not matter.

Those that claim man is causing global warming also say that the theory of "only Nixon can go to China" is wrong. Well you can not have it both ways.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Nick M said:
So Joel, knowing that those who claim man in causing global warming are funded by left leaning orginizations, then all their research is invalid.

In your opinion maybe. At least they are not in it for the profits, Nick..:icon_razz

So there you have a CO2 chart that does not prove that temps rose, and a chart with sun activity doing the exact same thing
Pssstttt... Nick, That is not a CO2 chart??... It is a temp graph! It does not indicate or include any CO2 data???:nono:

Anyways, I have seen it already in this thread once...