First scientists thought it was slowing down, then they discovered it was speeding up. Now a team of international astronomers say the universe is expanding even faster than they thought.
The universe is not only expanding, but that expansion appears to be speeding up. And as if that discovery alone weren’t strange enough, it implies that most of the energy in the cosmos is contained in empty space
What is with the constant diversion from our topic at hand? :1zhelp:
It's not that we (the earth) will get flung out into space but our orbit distance around the sun is expanding. The moons orbit around the earth is moving farther away from the earth every year (a few centimeters per year). Someday we may have moved far enough where we are no longer in this "sweet spot" where life here now is comfy and warm... (Not in our lifetime anyways)
Fair enough man. .
Your right Nick, I am sorry I jumped you for agreeing with me. I just want to try and keep religion out of this debate here as it can not be proven either way. Your entitled to your beliefs in anycase. My bad!
What I really want to know is why after 20 pages of debate, still no one here has even asked me to try and prove my side or list the scientists/climatologists that say MMGW is real and happening right now so you guys can check their back grounds and refute them if you want to???
It is almost like you do not want to see them.? lmao... I guess it is easier that way for you all to go on thinking that we are not to blame for what is happening outside..
Quote from Liar Liar:
Fletcher Reede: Your Honor, I object!
Judge Stevens: Why?
Fletcher Reede: Because it's devastating to my case!
Judge Stevens: Overruled.
Fletcher Reede: Good call!
The universe is not only expanding, but that expansion appears to be speeding up. And as if that discovery alone weren’t strange enough, it implies that most of the energy in the cosmos is contained in empty space
What is with the constant diversion from our topic at hand? :1zhelp:
It's not that we (the earth) will get flung out into space but our orbit distance around the sun is expanding. The moons orbit around the earth is moving farther away from the earth every year (a few centimeters per year). Someday we may have moved far enough where we are no longer in this "sweet spot" where life here now is comfy and warm... (Not in our lifetime anyways)
Nick M said:Space and Missile Defense command, missile testing, the company SpaceX and the Davis-Besse nuclear power station are not "things I believe in". Sorry my friend. I was making no refrence to politics/religion (for once) when I stated that.
Fair enough man. .
Funny, you state what you believed true, and when I point out the Bible says the same thing, you call it story time.
Your right Nick, I am sorry I jumped you for agreeing with me. I just want to try and keep religion out of this debate here as it can not be proven either way. Your entitled to your beliefs in anycase. My bad!
What I really want to know is why after 20 pages of debate, still no one here has even asked me to try and prove my side or list the scientists/climatologists that say MMGW is real and happening right now so you guys can check their back grounds and refute them if you want to???
It is almost like you do not want to see them.? lmao... I guess it is easier that way for you all to go on thinking that we are not to blame for what is happening outside..
Quote from Liar Liar:
Fletcher Reede: Your Honor, I object!
Judge Stevens: Why?
Fletcher Reede: Because it's devastating to my case!
Judge Stevens: Overruled.
Fletcher Reede: Good call!