Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
I still believe the whole thing is blown way out of proportion to scare people, granted there are possibly some valid points.

Then why don't you investigate the information posted in this thread on your own. (both sides) I have done the hard part for you, All you have to do is verify it on your own to see if it is truely accurate or see if I am just talking out of my ass for my own amusement.


Supramania Contributor
I'm saying I have read up on things. I'm not claiming I'm an expert but there are many things that advocates claim that are causing global warming that are irreversible but the effects have slowly been fixing themselves. As I stated once they said the holes in the ozone layer were never going to be fixed, but recently they have been shown to be repairing on their own.

Basically do I think we are contributing to the problem? Of course. The way it's talked about we'll all be dead in fifty years which will not happen.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
When I say investigate I don't just mean read what they are saying and agree or disagree with it.

I mean find out who specifically said it, what is their background, how did they determine their facts, who do they work with, if they got their fact from someone else, then find out about that person, who they work for, how that company is assosiated with other companies and how they are all connected to the government and the oil companies and what might be in their best interests. All this information is out there and accessible if people will only look.


Supramania Contributor
It's kinda hard to agree or disagree with satellite imaging. Although what it sounds like you're trying to say is every single scientists who disagrees with GW is owned by the oil companies. I'm sure they are plenty who are, but just because someone doesn't believe the disaster theorists, who there are plenty of, doesn't make them owned by someone. Don't worry I don't just take anybodies word for something. Only certain people have that honor. :icon_wink

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Just keep in mind that every single expert that says it is a hoax, not one of them is an actual earth climatologist.. They are all sun gazers and astrophysicists..........

And yes, that is what I am trying to say.

Personally, I do not trust people easily and I do not take anyones word as fact. Not even my folk, my boss, my church or my government are error proof.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
"good" or "god like" works for me. I dunno about "god" lol it does say so when my mouse moves over his rep though. Might be true. :biglaugh:

You too. :drink1:

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Read this today in the news, It is a quote from President Bush himself.

Reporter said:
Do you think Gore is right on global warming?
President Bush said:
I think we have a problem on global warming. I think there is a debate about whether it's caused by mankind or whether it's caused naturally, but it's a worthy debate. It's a debate, actually, that I'm in the process of solving by advancing new technologies, burning coal cleanly in electric plants, or promoting hydrogen-powered automobiles, or advancing ethanol as an alternative to gasoline.

Now I ask you all how doing any of the above can help if "man made" GW is not real or even a problem? Granted, he should have said "and" instead of "or" because I don't think burning more coal is the answer, but if it can be done cleaner, so be it!!

Bring on the debate!!! Houston.........We have a problem...

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Sorry to be the "bad news guy" here people. I realize I am in a "car forum" and I am sure that I pissed some of you off but ohh well... I really don't want to scare anyone but this thread has been eating on me ever since I first read it last year.

If only a few of you do your homework and see that there is a problem here with "man made GW", my time spent here in this thread was worth while in my opinion. ;)


Supramania Contributor
Wow, this thread is still alive and kicking... Amazing.

Let's go over what's been said.

Global warming as a theory is proven false. (As far as it's being caused by man in anycase.)

Warming and cooling trends in Earth's climate are normal, and outside of the 90,000 year ice ace cycle, have a more moderate 1,500 to 2,000 year swing of cooler and warmer years. (The 90k cycles cover places like Europe and North America with thick sheets of ice, but the warmer/cooler trends are more moderate with just a few degrees of change from "average" either way.)

Sun drives the weather.

C02 levels have nothing to do with climate change in the long term.

Al Gore is still an idiot. (An inconvienent truth for him I'm sure...)

Here's another thing to discuss.
Big oil supports greenpeace and others like them.

Prove me wrong.

Here's some ammo.
1) Who is to benefit from "scarce" oil supplies?
2) Who is to benefit from laws that limit hydrocarbon drilling, production and use?
3) Who knows that hydrocarbons are not fossil fuels, but would quickly lose all ability to charge whatever they want if the masses know and understand that hydrocarbons are plentiful, and everywhere on the planet?

Chew on that for awhile.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
3) Who knows that hydrocarbons are not fossil fuels, but would quickly lose all ability to charge whatever they want if the masses know and understand that hydrocarbons are plentiful, and everywhere on the planet?
Actually, "big oil" has pointed that out. Just as lumber companies don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, if the earth really did run out of oil, "big oil" would run out of money.

For them to acknowelde that the supply might not be finite shows IMO, they are not as evil as represented.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Adjuster said:
Global warming as a theory is proven false. (As far as it's being caused by man in anycase.)

Says who specifically? I am still waiting for anyone thats not in it for the money to say it. Take your time here and try and find some.

Warming and cooling trends in Earth's climate are normal, and outside of the 90,000 year ice age cycle, have a more moderate 1,500 to 2,000 year swing of cooler and warmer years. (The 90k cycles cover places like Europe and North America with thick sheets of ice, but the warmer/cooler trends are more moderate with just a few degrees of change from "average" either way.)

Not in despute here, at least with me anyways,,,LMAO... . But the rate of temperature increase is off the chart when compared to recent solar activity which seems to be on the decrease. This is my entire point here.

Sun drives the weather.

Again, this is a given and not in dispute, but there are other factors involved!

C02 levels have nothing to do with climate change in the long term.

Are you talking years or 10, 100, 1000 or 1,000,000? Pick your scale and we can wait here and see I guess...kinda pointless untill it happends or not. Most scientists NOW disagree with you here. Sorry..

Al Gore is still an idiot. (An inconvienent truth for him I'm sure...)

This is your opinion and not worth commenting on really as he is not a scientist or here to defend himself. I for one have only seen short clips of his movie. I hear he actually sound like a human and not a robot.

Here's another thing to discuss.
Big oil supports greenpeace and others like them.

Prove me wrong.

Your not wrong but it's called a tax break as GP is non profit!!! :biglaugh:

Here's some ammo.
1) Who is to benefit from "scarce" oil supplies?
2) Who is to benefit from laws that limit hydrocarbon drilling, production and use?
3) Who knows that hydrocarbons are not fossil fuels, but would quickly lose all ability to charge whatever they want if the masses know and understand that hydrocarbons are plentiful, and everywhere on the planet?

Chew on that for awhile.

Ok, I will

1) Its called supply and demand!!! Big oil and anyone involved with oil, gas, coal, car companies and yes maybe even insurance companies benefit from higher prices and record crushing profits in my opinion..

ExxonMobil said its second-quarter profits rose 36% on higher energy prices and better refining margins.

The world's largest public oil company reported today a net profit of $10.4 billion, the second-largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded company.

For the second quarter, BP booked record profits of $7.3 billion, 30 percent higher than those announced for the second quarter of 2005. Revenues were $74 billion...IN PROFITS.

2) I think a safe answer would be "everyone on this planet" in the long run. That's just me though.

3) Not sure where your going here?

Here is one definition:

"An organic chemical compound of hydrogen and carbon, called petroleum. The molecular structure of hydrocarbon compounds varies from the simplet, methane (CH4), a constituent of natural gas, to the very heavy and very complex. Octane, for example, a constituent of crude oil, is one of the heavier, more complex molecules."

Crude oil was made over millions of years from tiny plants and animals, called plankton. The plankton on the left would form oil in about 150 million years time if the sea bed is not disturbed. The plankton that lived in the Jurassic period made our crude oil.

This was the time of the dinosaurs. It was about 180,000,000 years ago.

When plankton die, they fall to the bottom of the sea.

The plankton are trapped under many layers of sand and mud. Over millions of years, the dead animals and plants got buried deeper and deeper. The heat and pressure gradually turned the mud into rock and the dead animals and plants into oil and gas.

Coal is a combustible mineral formed from organic matter (mostly plant material) that lived about 300 million years ago (during the Pennsylvanian Period ). During the Pennsylvanian Period, the earth was covered with huge swampy forests of giant ferns, horsetails, and club mosses. As layer upon layer of these plants died, they were compressed and covered with soil, stopping the decomposition process, forming peat.

Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetable matter. Peat forms in wetlands or peatlands, variously called bogs, moors, muskegs, mires, tropical swamp forests and fens.

This gets into evolution and I think I know how you feel about this one. ;)

Still hungry here man...:)

Do you want me to name some scientists that don't get paid by the oil companies or government grants and actually have an education in their field and work on global climate studies here on this planet that say MMGW is real?

Just ask, the list is a long one...

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
"Big Oil" is quick to point out their profit at 59 cents on the dollar compared to world average of 56 cents on the dollar, with many other main stream products blowing that 59 cents out of the water. Profits are up because sales volume is up. India and China are buying nearly as much oil as we are.

So we have 3 times more demand than just a few years ago. Yet production has not tripled. So prices go up.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Jspec7m88 said:
Joel always having short and sweet, yet, complicated comebacks.


Gotta love it. ;)

Thanks, I realized late in school that if I actually studied the subjects, the tests were easier to ace!