First things first use the Napa block tester and get that out of the way. If no BHG then you can proceed to fix other minor issues.
Have you done it yet? we're waiting......
If no BHG you may proceed...
I recommend you focus on safety issues first, brakes, glass, lights, gauges. Then move to maintenance items, belts, fluids, hoses, etc. Then finally worry about your cosmetic issues. No sence in having a perfect looking Supra that is unsafe or unsound to drive.
That oil could be dripping down from the distributor, that is a common leak and an easy fix. Try to find the source by tracing it back up the block. If you need to you may have to do some cleaning so you can see the fresh drippage. A minor oil leak is more of a pain than anything so long as you keep a good eye on your level. Compared to gasoline oil is cheap and you can afford to leak a few drops so dont panic. That being said however it is preferable to find and fix the leak.
As for your mouldings, I dont know of any way to repair the early model version. You will probably have to find replacements if you want them all looking right. Try the for sale section here, alot of guys "upgrade" to the later model mouldings and have the old set for sale.
For the door panels, you can actually just move over the leather insert part of the panel if you prefer. The leather inserts have a tendency to yellow and in my opinion look older than the cloth ones when worn.
It looks like you have a nice clean example of a first year mk3. Welcome to Supramania, the best mk3 site period!