Face to names

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The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
Okay, you get one pic. Bra is on, because I'm too pasty pale to (happily) pull off completely bare bewbies.


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Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
DsBetterHalf;899494 said:
Oh fail. That's why John isn't allowed to touch the laundry...

Screw you! :icon_razz Until I met you, ALL clothes got washed together, under 'Cold' temp, and it was fine! NO bleeding colors, no crazy shrinking clothes.

Damn I love being male. Our clothes, for instance - I wear a size 36 - that means I've got a 36" waist! Women's sizes? WHAT THE FUCK IS A SIZE 00??


Just further proof, that logic goes out the window when a woman is involved. ;)


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Doward;899525 said:
Screw you! :icon_razz Until I met you, ALL clothes got washed together, under 'Cold' temp, and it was fine! NO bleeding colors, no crazy shrinking clothes.

Damn I love being male. Our clothes, for instance - I wear a size 36 - that means I've got a 36" waist! Women's sizes? WHAT THE FUCK IS A SIZE 00??


size 00 = bones


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Think flowers, tropical drinks, games and tournaments, zombie beach parties, cargo cult, pirates, Dr. Moreau, chupacabra, cannibalism, virgin sacrifices, live-action candyland, drag queens, art, spanking, sex, massages, pagan rituals, and parties, lots and lots of parties!!

There's even drag racing...

Nothing quite like a 6'6" guy in 6" heels and an evening gown and another guy dressed as a nun squaring off on scooters.

(the Nun won by the way)

Was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Fucks sake, this is the second time i've had to write this thanks to my retarded fingers twitching on the 'back' mouse button *grrr!*

Anyway, doward is correct, men's clothes just WORK. They come in simple sizes like small, medium, large, huge and rediculous. We dont care what size we are, we just go and buy what fits. Also, mens clothes need no pansy settings - you dump them all in the machine in one go regardless of colour, along with the powder and press the 'on' button. They still come out 40 minutes later clean and not smelling of sweat, oil, grass, sheep turd, moss or pond weed...they're just done ;)

Besides, even if the colours DID run, who cares? You just got a free clothing mod and its not like they become unwearable :D

How do i reach these conclusions? From being a rugged geezer who just gets on with it!



When i go shopping for clothes, i buy them at the same time i'm shopping for food. In the same store. When i buy shoes, its through necessity, and only when i'm starting to squelch around with holes in, in the rain, do i really start looking. I find the one shop in the whole freaking neighbourhood that sells US size 16 wide and buy whatever they got that i like the look of ;)

In both cases its get in, buy it, get out. No 'ooh i like the look of those' or 'does this make me look fat?' because I AM FAT! I LOOK FAT IN EVERYTHING! :D

I procrastinate over the deli counter, not the clothing aisle! :p

This rant was brought to you by the letter T and the number 25...
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