Deuce Haters!

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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
I was wondering the same thing, Nash...
That trim panel is gonna look awfully funny inside, resulting in a lot of "Was there a window there?" questions from passengers...


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
I'm not taking sides on this but as another "old loser" I'll offer two thoughts:

1) It's just a friggin car. It means squat in the big scheme of things. In 10 years a majority of you will wonder: a) what all the fuss was about and b) how you could've possibly been dumb enough to spend what you did on it.

2) Contrary to what Shaeff said we're not all adults here. Many should be based on their age but clearly aren't. I shake my head at the level of immaturity on this forum, flaming or not. It's rampant at times.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Here's my $0.02:

A cocky attitude does not go far in our community. It doesn't matter HOW good you are at modifying your car's looks - in all circles, when it comes to a showdown, it's going to be a contest of muscle. Whether that muscle is in your body or your engine does not matter. It also does not matter how big or bad your are, or how fast your car is - there is always someone bigger, always someone faster.

When you go around calling someone a ricer when their car is almost completely stock visually, compared to your car, well it isn't just "pot calling the cauldron black", it's like watching a turd make fun of a sunset. A ricer is someone who modifies the appearance of their car to make it look faster or more aggressive than it really is. Either someone didn't understand the meaning of that term, or someone is a hypocrite

Seriously.. trailer/show queens are looked down upon by multiples more than even dyno queens.

Now that I'm done there, good to see that you are sticking around. Many young kids come here, get flamed out, come back as a nuisance under another name, and then their IP address is banned. I hope that you will be a valuable part of this community.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Hey everybody... Pull my finger!

:evil2: I FARTED!:evil2:

Anyone wanna guess what came out?
:biglaugh: :biglaugh:
:biglaugh: :biglaugh:


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
only negaitve comment i made was because of the "jump" thread,

you have to understand that younger people come to this thread even as young as 14 with no driviing experience and what they reed and see one the internet will influence their future behavior. to endorse acts of immaturity that could get people arrested hurt or killed would be a huge act or irresponsibility by everyone on here. the reason you got such negative feedback is that its not something we'd want others to follow, (and cus its stupid) there are allot of impressionable new drivers that will look at forums like this and say "hey that was cool i should try it" if i endorsed something that could get someone killed and infact influenced something that did hurt someone i would ban myself.


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Comments like dirgles is the way it should be done, he gave me his .02 cents and did it the right way. And to answer the questions...

I have most of the parts to convert my n/a to a turbo, and to do a clean mild rebuild on it for now untill i get cought up on my school payment then more power.

In Texas, every Jap car is a RICER, bottom line. This is my first inport and probobly my last, except for british cars.

The side moulding i cut a piece of metal to size, put it on a roller and gave it the exact same curvature as the car, welded it in and put a thin layer of bondo on it and blocked it down.

The quearter windows, I havent started on the interior but it has none. All that I will have is the dash, seats, and aluminum panels, which will most likely cover that opening. Instead of carpet, Rattle Can Spray in Bed Liner, thin so its not heavy, but tough.

p.s. helpfull criticism is the way to go. And Turbos do suck, they also blow, thats how they work.


T-virus infected
im from houston as well and we refered to ricers as kids with cans on there honda's or outrageous body kits on a slow car.
No offense towards you because I remember when you first posted pics I gave you props on effort and craftsmanship even tho it looked as one of the lights were a little more crooked then the other one but it could also be the angle at which the pic was taken.
But i just dont see where you think 05 stang tails look good on the back of a supra? Im not saying its horrible i've seen worst. but they just dont fit at all.


ToP DeaD CenTeR
Jan 26, 2006
San Diego, CA
What the hell is a "Deuce" in refference to?

I take it NOXIDE is getting flamed for his ride. My advice, who cares, it's your ride, do to it whatever floats your boat. One of my favorite phrases when it comes to personal taste is, "You should be the worst critic of your ride". $.02

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
This thread was on thin ice last time I posted, and only got worse from there, so it's closed. Glad you decided to stay noxide, I hope you enjoy it, I'm closing this thread, it's run it's course.

I always thought the SM guys were above petty name calling, etc, I guess not. That's disappointing.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Jeff Lange said:
This thread was on thin ice last time I posted, and only got worse from there, so it's closed. Glad you decided to stay noxide, I hope you enjoy it, I'm closing this thread, it's run it's course.

good call, because i was about to close this, too.

Jeff Lagne said:
I always thought the SM guys were above petty name calling, etc, I guess not. That's disappointing.

honestly... :3d_frown:

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