I am growing quit tired of this noxide. You say people should not insult your car then you turn around and insult them. Lead by example. My respect for you and your accomplishment is quickly going out the window.
We are in a transition stage going from the older people that like the clean line of the car to a younger crowd that thinks they have to be loud and sometimes obnoxious to get noticed. I believe in "speak softly and carry a big stick, or a shitload of horse power, which ever comes first." That is how I prefer to make my point. You obviously have a different approach. Neither one is better than the other. So please don't insult mine and I won't insult yours.
You say that all of us that like the stock body are the same. That could also be said for every person that has to have a radical body modifications and wild paint. And those people seem far greater in numbers.
Your use of the term Ricer (or ricing is) also off.
"Ricing" (a term usually not used by the modifier himself) a vehicle is meant to emulate the aesthetic work of independent automotive tuning companies who modify more than just appearance, and to give an appearance of greater ability than the car actually has. Ricing is generally looked down upon amongst people who actually modify the running parts of the vehicle itself, e.g. engine tuning. (from:wikipedia)
A ricer is usually someone that places a higher value on aesthetics than on performance.
The supra is a performance car first and for most. As such you should expect the majority of the community for this car to follow the same mantra. Because of the nature of the supra, the people that own these cars tend to look at performance first. Appearance comes next. Lamerossa also follows this to a certain point, as his car is unique but it is also quick.
Don’t hate this community because we don't tend to hold appearance of the car first and foremost. It’s just the nature of the beast. If you want a community that is accepting of wild body kits and radical modifications then you might find the Honda crowed more accepting.
Till then you are just going to have to accept the nature of this community currently. It’s changing but slowly. Till then leave or go, the choice is yours. Just don’t expect every one to love what you have done with your car.