Dare to race your Supra against a ZX14?


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
nosechunks;931573 said:
I cant believe half of you on this forum, just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast.

Im 20, wanted a bike and found a 05 hayabusa with 500 miles on it. i bought it, and ill tell you why.

Im 5'6 so 600 is WAY out of the question unless i lower it a good 4-5 inches at least. same with 750 and liter bikes, there too tall and after riding my friends 07 gixxer 1k, im glad i didn't because there QUITE uncomfortable IMO.

Also i like speed but i have enough of a brain to realize theres a time and place. I also bought it because since i know what i like, i didnt want to go threw the hassle of buying a 600, then selling for a 750, then for a 1k and then for a busa.

I have self control and know the time and place so i knew what i wanted.

I bought my bike because i can ride it easily, its comfortable and still has balls to play. (besides being IMO the sexiest street bike made.

Not to mention this was my first street bike and passed my road test on it.

a zx14 is not "comfortable" it sounds like you have never owned any other street bike, and riding other people's bikes occasionaly doesn't count for "experience"

you said "just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast."


"still has balls to play"

tells me that you have mistaken your level of skill for bravery. and that's what gets people hurt. :nono:


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver, WA.
nosechunks;931573 said:
I cant believe half of you on this forum, just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast.

Im 20, wanted a bike and found a 05 hayabusa with 500 miles on it. i bought it, and ill tell you why.

Im 5'6 so 600 is WAY out of the question unless i lower it a good 4-5 inches at least. same with 750 and liter bikes, there too tall and after riding my friends 07 gixxer 1k, im glad i didn't because there QUITE uncomfortable IMO.

Also i like speed but i have enough of a brain to realize theres a time and place. I also bought it because since i know what i like, i didnt want to go threw the hassle of buying a 600, then selling for a 750, then for a 1k and then for a busa.

I have self control and know the time and place so i knew what i wanted.

I bought my bike because i can ride it easily, its comfortable and still has balls to play. (besides being IMO the sexiest street bike made.

Not to mention this was my first street bike and passed my road test on it.

Some if not most bikes have an adjustable rear shock to help lower the ride hieght. My FZ6 has an adjustable rear and when I set it to a softer setting my 5"4 wife can almost flat foot it. People have also shaved the foam in thier seats to adjust for this as well. Saying you bought it for comfort, or ride hieght is just you giving yourself justification for it and nothing more. Hope we don't read about you like we did that kid with his dads M5.


supra addict
Apr 7, 2005
i can't ride sport bike's.the only time there comfy is going fast.there just way to tempting for me.i'll stay on my cruiser,which i've had for 9 yrs.still leave's a nice long burner with just under 20,xxx mile's.
good luck with the zx though


supra addict
Apr 7, 2005
Murd;931624 said:
Some if not most bikes have an adjustable rear shock to help lower the ride hieght. My FZ6 has an adjustable rear and when I set it to a softer setting my 5"4 wife can almost flat foot it. People have also shaved the foam in thier seats to adjust for this as well. Saying you bought it for comfort, or ride hieght is just you giving yourself justification for it and nothing more. Hope we don't read about you like we did that kid with his dads M5.
that spanner is more for pre-load and would make it handle funny ,if used to lower the bike.cutting the seat foam does work though


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver, WA.
tsuper92;931629 said:
that spanner is more for pre-load and would make it handle funny ,if used to lower the bike.cutting the seat foam does work though

It does soften the rear up a bit, but for normal riding it's safer for shorter people than tip toeing it. Also works well for lighter people so the rear isn't too stiff.

ill Z

Back on the Grind
Mar 18, 2007
Please please please PLEASE! Be careful, I know many experienced, mature, OLDER riders who have purchased a ZX-14 and have totalled them. They are not a bike for just anyone. I would rather not see you fair with ANY supra and hear of many great riding stories to come. So please, be safe, be careful. I do not want to read of anything unfortunate about you.

Enjoy the ZX-14 :)

I cannot believe I have just read some of the posts to this topic. I won't even comment.
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New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
tsuper92;931625 said:
i can't ride sport bike's.the only time there comfy is going fast.there just way to tempting for me.i'll stay on my cruiser,which i've had for 9 yrs.still leave's a nice long burner with just under 20,xxx mile's.
good luck with the zx though

Thats how it should be though, if you want comfort buy a bike built for it(read: cruiser). If you want performance buy a sports bike and dont plan on riding more than 1 hour without a break.

The ZX and hayabusa are ment for sport touring though not all out performance. So they have comfort in mind more at least.


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
i decided i wouldn't get a motorcycle until i was confident that no one was depending on me for financial support. if that means that i never get one, so be it. bikes genuinely scare the shit out of me.

good luck and don't become another statistic.


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
The ZX14 is a good bike. The busa and the ZX are not consider sports bike's there Sport Touring bikes. The ZX feels heavier then the ZX, both bikes are amazingly fast. The ZX also comes with some safety features such as A.B.S Low Tire Pressure sensors , A Bus system with a nice Multi gauge. If you wanted a good conferable bike, there is the concourse that has the same motor as the zx14 is heavier and it's shaft driven so it does not jerk you around like a chain. Also you don't have to ADJ your chain all the time. I have had a couple of scary moments in both bikes. Good choice but you can't really open up the bike in the city or in a busy highway.
TO the guys that were talking about power shifting or shifting with out using the clutch. That will bent or break your shift forks and will break or tweak your shift gear... ask me how i know. Most people that do that will break or bend there shift gears in no time. Why not try quickshift from Power commander? It shifts for you and it stops your motor while you are shifting all in a fraction of a second, very cool thing to have if you drag race.
To the other dude that whats to get a bike. The new Ex 250's are a nice bike, look in to the 2008's they just came in and some kauwi dealers can't keep them in stock. Hot new colors,easy to ride, Good low mid and top end power. You can learn how to ride a bike if you take the MSF course, If your under 21 it's cheaper and it will save you alot of money with the insurance and you can learn how to ride a bike with that class and you will learn some cool stuff alot of people don't know.
Oh i 4 got to meantion for some reason people have trouble riding the zx14, like i said they feel big.
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New Member
Dec 11, 2007
tsuper92;931629 said:
that spanner is more for pre-load and would make it handle funny ,if used to lower the bike.cutting the seat foam does work though

the proper way to do it would be to buy a set of lowering links for $75 (for a good set) shaving the seat is common practice though cause it's free :icon_razz


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
slidebabyslide;931685 said:
TO the guys that were talking about power shifting or shifting with out using the clutch. That will bent or break your shift forks and will break or tweak your shift gear... ask me how i know. Most people that do that will break or bend there shift gears in no time. Why not try quickshift from Power commander? It shifts for you and it stops your motor while you are shifting all in a fraction of a second, very cool thing to have if you drag race.

it doesn;t stop your motor, it shuts off fuel to relieve pressure on the forks, then goes again once it's in gear. it's the same thing my air shifter does, and it's the same thing when you manually burp the throttle with pressure on the shifter.

if you bent your forks/damaged your drum, i'm willing to bet it was your first fork with the most damage, that's caused by people going from 1-2 hard, usually a result of not knowing how to shift using the throttle


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
Cuts fuel and spark and it allows you to keep your hand on the throttle. Yeah, i should of posted the right info...shame on me:3d_frown:

No it was my 2nd fork. On my 04 zx600 RR. How do you shift using the throttle? Clutch yes.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
iwannadie;931588 said:
....08 hayabusa seat height 805mm, 08 gsx 600r 810mm. 5mm seat difference.

The difference in width plays a big role too. the engine on the busa is totally in front of your legs so they can point straight down, where the sport bikes is more under you for better balance making your legs have to reach around the engine cradle more. Then factor in the 3 inch lowering links i installed and my seat height is more like ~728mm, a considerable difference.

selfinfliction;931612 said:
a zx14 is not "comfortable" it sounds like you have never owned any other street bike, and riding other people's bikes occasionaly doesn't count for "experience"

you said "just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast."


"still has balls to play"

tells me that you have mistaken your level of skill for bravery. and that's what gets people hurt. :nono:

I dont own a zx14, i own a hayabusa, witch i said was comfortable, and it is when compared to a full on sport bike like a gixxer. if you disagree with that then you must have either never ridden a busa or have much more tolerance then i do for ride quality. The busa is a sport/touring bike after all.

Riding someone else's bike for 20 miles is enough to gauge the ride quality compared to something i put 5000 miles on. And no i never owned any other bike(s) but have ridden more then a couple.

About you quoting what i said, i guess you missed the part where i said, "....i have enough of a brain to realize theres a time and place...." and "I have self control". But tells me you have selective reading skills. :icon_roll

I never said i was the best rider out there, but just because i bought a busa doesn't mean i don't ride around at 60mph and follow traffic laws 95% of the time to just enjoy a nice day out on my bike. but also doesn't mean on a clear day and nice open road i don't crack the throttle a bit. But thanks for the generalization.

Murd: i guess you missed this...."I bought my bike because i can ride it easily, its comfortable and still has balls to play. (besides being IMO the sexiest street bike made."

Bottom line is any bike is as fast and as dangerous as the rider. Saying someone has more of a chance to kill themselves on a busa or zx14 then a 600 or even a 250 ninja is ridiculous. Any bike can go fast enough to result in a deadly accident if the rider cant control themselves.

This would be like saying a 16 year old kid that has little self control in a stock MK3 is less prone to get killed ,injured or wreck then Duane or Nate because the 16 year olds car is less powerful/slower.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
selfinfliction;931697 said:
it doesn;t stop your motor, it shuts off fuel to relieve pressure on the forks, then goes again once it's in gear. it's the same thing my air shifter does, and it's the same thing when you manually burp the throttle with pressure on the shifter.

if you bent your forks/damaged your drum, i'm willing to bet it was your first fork with the most damage, that's caused by people going from 1-2 hard, usually a result of not knowing how to shift using the throttle

Its hard to cause damage shifting with the clutch. Its easy to cause harm without the clutch. Most people clutchless are doing it wrong, at least that I see out on the street. Clutchless on the street has no gain and alot of chance of harm, so why do it?


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
I was wanting an FZ6...


...a FZ1


...or a bandit!



2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
I clutchless shifted my gsxr 750 making drag passes for 4 years or so. every time I raced... probably two hundred passes. Bike had 18k miles on it and still shifts like new. I come off the throttle slightly, apply slight pressure to the shifter and it just goes.


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
the new bandit is nice. They have a very smooth power band. ask your local dealer to let you ride one. They handle good you ride it up right. Have you seen the BKIng?


Friend of Fast
Apr 14, 2006
Tacoma, WA
selfinfliction;931407 said:
holy jesus batman, i think that is the worst possible reason i have ever heard anyone give for getting a high power bike

wow...... :3d_frown:
It’s also very clear to me you have little to no riding experience. I’ve ridden 600’s, 750’s, 1000’s, Honda blackbird, varius v twin crotch rockets (tl1000, sv650), and my dad has bmw’s spin on a goldwing. I wanted the looks and rideablity of a crotch rocket, but I like to be able to travel for more than 100 miles in a day without waking up the next morning not being able to move. You have never ridden a zx14, so you have no idea how they ride, and you obviously don’t know anything about them. Kawasaki engineered them, and marketed them towards riders like me who want something fast but more comfortable at the expense of a little road course.

mkiiSupraMan18;931434 said:
Wow, and lets get a really fast, really powerful bike.

I consider myself a damn good rider, and that's WAY too much bike for me.

Get leathers and keep your helmet on, Please.

And we all know why people want bigger bikes.

If you were worried about comfort, you sure as hell wouldn't be getting a crotch rocket. Thats like saying you got your Supra for the gas mileage. I'm just curious who you are really trying to fool.
You are right, it is a lot of bike, and I can’t fully exploit it’s performance, but I stated I have a lot of learning to do simply because I do. Anybody who says they are the best rider out there is going to come off looking like a jackass, and they are arrogant.
As for fooling anyone, I didn’t get the bike for anyone but me. It is MY bike, and I don’t ride it to get anybody’s approval. Zx14’s are FAR more comfortable then any crotch rocket out there, I KNOW because I’ve ridden a lot of bikes.
(and I have full leathers and an arai)

momodu7;931466 said:
this may be a stupid question for some, but in your opinion (and i say YOUR as in the experianced bike riders) what would you guys think is a good beginner bike. Im a beginner and my uncle said that if i get a bike, he would teach me how to ride. Id like to hear of some of your opinions. thanks
Though this goes against what the others are saying, I think a katana 750 is a great starting bike. I don’t say this because you’ll need the extra power that 250cc’s offers, I like the extra low end that 750’s have over 600’s. Both will be more then fast enough on the top end, but with a 750, quick lane changes can be accomplished without a downshift, where with the 600 you will be lugging the engine with any throttle increase at lower revs. 600’s are dogs down low. Also consider an sv650. This was the main bike I learned on the street with. Low end torque is good because it’s a v-twin (longer stroke compared with a 4 cylinder).

nosechunks;931573 said:
I cant believe half of you on this forum, just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast.

I bought my bike because i can ride it easily, its comfortable and still has balls to play. (besides being IMO the sexiest street bike made.

Not to mention this was my first street bike and passed my road test on it.
Thank you, the famous saying goes, the car/bike only goes as fast as you want it to. I’m not some idiot that has no respect for these amazing machines. Every bike should be feared, because there isn’t protection like cars offer.

selfinfliction;931603 said:
i was just giving an example, as i said before most experienced riders never use the clutch from second through sixth on the street.

upshifting like this is not bad for a motorcycle
That's a great idea if I want to gernade my gearbox. Ever heard of shaving the gears. That's why some bikes pop out of 1st and 2nd when you get on them. Either gixxer750 is lucky, or just that good! I prefer using my clutch to running .3 seconds faster, and possibly facing a blown gearbox.

ill Z;931637 said:
Please please please PLEASE! Be careful, I know many experienced, mature, OLDER riders who have purchased a ZX-14 and have totalled them. They are not a bike for just anyone. I would rather not see you fair with ANY supra and hear of many great riding stories to come. So please, be safe, be careful. I do not want to read of anything unfortunate about you.

Enjoy the ZX-14 :)
Thank you for not being a jackass with your comments (that is serious not sarcastic). I respect what you are saying, and I accept the potential danger that the zx14 brings (and pretty much any other bike). However, I am curious to know how many times you've watched a bike vs. car video on the internet. Racing a car whether you are in a supra, or on a bike is equally irresponsible. I will only do it in the right situation where others are not at risk. Besides, I hope to become a Marine Officer, and any wreck less driving is almost an automatic black card for getting in.

slidebabyslide;931685 said:
Oh i 4 got to meantion for some reason people have trouble riding the zx14, like i said they feel big.
All the reviews say that the hayabusa beats the zx in the twisties, but I'm not into railing on public roads. Many people don't know it, but few people loose control or die during acceleration. It's always during braking, and coming into corners too hot. The 07 gixxer 1k was an awesome razor sharp bike. But it's too aggressive to be anywhere near put to use on the street. It is just as fast as the zx14, but it is NOT comfortable.
As for my experience so far, I love the bike, and it's plenty capable around the corners. I just want to take it through the canyons way south of breakneck speeds. Besides, the fastest car in the world (ssc aero) was tested less than 5 miles from my home in eastern washington. There is a perfectly safe place to stretch the zx14's legs.

Riding isn't for everyone. I like to ride, whether it's my dads bmw, or an old triumph. I love bikes, and now I have the bike of my dreams. I paid for it with my hard earned cash, yet I'm looked at as irresponsible, stupid, and wanting to die. I may have expected this from the general public, but coming from the supra community is a little odd. I like to race other vehicles when it's safe, and 90% of supra owners feel the same way.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
gilberjj;931929 said:
(and I have full leathers and an arai)

Wear them. It's not just you that you have to worry about.

Just take a look at this thread from another person's perspective...
assumed 'young kid' just bought a new crotch rocket, bragging about it, challenging members' cars...

I don't care if I absolutely HATED someone on this forum, I don't want to see something like THIS ( http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Columns/articleId=124526#2 ) happen to anyone on this forum. I think that's the concern that 99% of the members giving you shit are trying to convey to you.

Just remember:
EVERYONE is going to pull out in front of you and EVERYONE is going to cut you off.


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
gilberjj;931929 said:
All the reviews say that the hayabusa beats the zx in the twisties, but I'm not into railing on public roads. Many people don't know it, but few people loose control or die during acceleration. It's always during braking, and coming into corners too hot. The 07 gixxer 1k was an awesome razor sharp bike. But it's too aggressive to be anywhere near put to use on the street. It is just as fast as the zx14, but it is NOT comfortable.
As for my experience so far, I love the bike, and it's plenty capable around the corners. I just want to take it through the canyons way south of breakneck speeds. Besides, the fastest car in the world (ssc aero) was tested less than 5 miles from my home in eastern washington. There is a perfectly safe place to stretch the zx14's legs.

Yup, thats what i said the bike feels big for some people, I was talking about what my customers complain about it, but there used to riding smaller bikes.... I never quote magazines....lol.....any one can ride a bike fast in a straight line. The corners are different. I never said that people eat it in a straight line or all people eat it on a straight. i have seen to many wreck of people eating it hard on the streets and tracks. I also said that theres no room for the zx14 in highways with heavy traffic or citys.
Well good luck to you and brake it in right or i will void your warranty.....:sarcasm:
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