Dare to race your Supra against a ZX14?


T-virus infected

I must say while its tempting to have a 10sec bike or lower I prefer to take my chances in a car because too many of my friends or friends friends have been road kill on the streets around here. Heck even going @ 35mph is deadly around here. People just don't or refuse to see you
Dec 3, 2003
This is a Supra forum so this has been moved to off topic.

Note: High powered Supras and high hp bikes (with inexperience riders) are a bad mix. I have ridden bikes for a long time and I wouldn't just go and buy a bike like that and make a post such as this. This is a recipe for disaster.



I think with my dipstick
Apr 3, 2005
Newington, CT
Shit, even my basically stock 750 runs 9.80s (geared,lowered and stretched...no commander, stock filter, only a bolt on pipe)

Good luck with the 14. BE CAREFUL!! Thats a lot of bike.....I'd hate to hear of something bad happen. Please don't do any racing until you get used to the bike for a few months at least.....


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
gilberjj;931362 said:
Most of my experience is through racing motocross, however, I've also been riding on the street for a couple years (in only 21). I wanted the bigger machine for comfort on longer rides, plus I'm 6'2. I have a lot of learning to do, but I would consider myself a better than average rider.

holy jesus batman, i think that is the worst possible reason i have ever heard anyone give for getting a high power bike

wow...... :3d_frown:


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
gilberjj;931362 said:
I have a lot of learning to do

Wow, and lets get a really fast, really powerful bike.

I consider myself a damn good rider, and that's WAY too much bike for me.

Get leathers and keep your helmet on, Please.

And we all know why people want bigger bikes.

If you were worried about comfort, you sure as hell wouldn't be getting a crotch rocket. Thats like saying you got your Supra for the gas mileage. I'm just curious who you are really trying to fool.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
selfinfliction;931407 said:
holy jesus batman, i think that is the worst possible reason i have ever heard anyone give for getting a high power bike

wow...... :3d_frown:

Sorry to the OP but I agree. 21 with a 'few' street riding years and buying the fastest bike made, not a good idea imho. Add into that the urge to street race, against cars. :1zhelp:

The ZX is a fast bike but it is more touring than race bike at least. A 600 with capable rider would kill the zx on a roadcourse. I never got bikers bragging about straight line speed, not much skill in twisting the throttle and hanging on. Most kids these days dont bother with the clutch to shift, hold WOT and kicking the shifter doesnt impress me lol. I hear it all the time "im such a great rider i did 145mph on the freeway!!!". Drag your knee around a corner then you got something to talk about. Getting a great jump off the line while keeping the front wheel on the ground is a skill most do not have around here.

Sorry, rant. Az is a hotbed for kids buying super sports and thinking they have some amazing skill because of it.
Dec 3, 2003
mkiiSupraMan18;931434 said:
If you were worried about comfort, you sure as hell wouldn't be getting a crotch rocket. Thats like saying you got your Supra for the gas mileage. I'm just curious who you are really trying to fool.

Amen to that paragraph.


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
Tulsa, OK
this may be a stupid question for some, but in your opinion (and i say YOUR as in the experianced bike riders) what would you guys think is a good beginner bike. Im a beginner and my uncle said that if i get a bike, he would teach me how to ride. Id like to hear of some of your opinions. thanks


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
i am not into the riding thing, i feel noone pays enoguh attention to them on the road.

theres plenty of low cc bikes out there i think would be a good start.


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
iwannadie;931435 said:
Most kids these days dont bother with the clutch to shift, hold WOT and kicking the shifter doesnt impress me lol.

ummm, the majority of experienced riders only use the clutch when starting from a stop, or downshifting. 1-2 shifts take some time to learn, but 2-6 is easy. you would add a full second if not more to your 1/4 times by using a clutch for more than the launch.

burp the throttle with pressue on the shifter and it slides right in

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Ask Tejon (Sidewayz) why he finally got rid of his 180whp 'Busa'(?)! He had ridden for many years on the street, and had never been down. He told me he felt like his number was coming up soon, and it would be better not to be travelling @ 190mph+ when it did!!!:nono:
Be careful,... and be sure to say your prayers every night!:icon_razz

P.S. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!:thefinger
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
selfinfliction;931468 said:
ummm, the majority of experienced riders only use the clutch when starting from a stop, or downshifting. 1-2 shifts take some time to learn, but 2-6 is easy. you would add a full second if not more to your 1/4 times by using a clutch for more than the launch.

burp the throttle with pressue on the shifter and it slides right in

1/4 mile times on the street mean what again? I wasnt talking about track riding...


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
momodu7;931466 said:
this may be a stupid question for some, but in your opinion (and i say YOUR as in the experianced bike riders) what would you guys think is a good beginner bike. Im a beginner and my uncle said that if i get a bike, he would teach me how to ride. Id like to hear of some of your opinions. thanks

My opinion, buy some thing old/used that has some scratches already. Buy that 1st bike with every intent of selling it in a year or so. Biggest mistake I always see is people buying their dream bike the first time out.

After that it depends on the kind of riding you want to do. If you want a cruiser get something that has a nice low seat height you can easly put both feet Flat on the ground. The weight of cruiser is usually heavier and is a problem learning slow speed stuff, so you want it low.

If you want something sporty look into the ninja 250 or 500. I dont care what anyone says about the 250 lol its fast for what it is. The 500 will give you more power and still be very forgiving and let you learn not just hold on. With sports bikes the weight is all up heigh again making slow speed stuff tuff, so you want an over all smaller bike.

Its more fun to learn to ride the wheels off a slow bike than to be afraid of a Fast bike. You wont 'out grow' anything no matter what people tell you. As long as your out to ride for yourself and not to show off/keep up with your friends on SS bikes. Anyone who says 250s are slow, look at the motoGP 250 class and tell me they are Slow.

Your first bike should be a learning tool, not something to go out racing with. I also would take a riding class not have your uncle teach you. Nothing against your uncle but its better to learn from pros than family I think. Alot of small bad habbits are hard to unlearn later on, might as well learn the correct way First.

In my riding class we had some people.... One guy was taught by his friend to literally lay on the gas tank(owned a new super sport). Of course that technique looked funny on a rebel250 cruiser. He also would stretch his knee way out to the side when he turned. A bunch of guys were coming from dirt and wanted to use pinky/ring finger on the levers, not good on the street. etc.

Buy the book Sport riding techniques, It teaches alot of stuff.


New Member
Jan 2, 2008
Tulsa, OK
iwannadie, this is by far the most/best info anybody has given me about beginner bikes. thanks a whole bunch!!!! as for what you said about people saying that 250s are slow, im glad that i didnt listen to them. i dont want or need to keep up with anybody. If anything, Ill just use it to cruise the highway on the weekends.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
momodu7;931506 said:
iwannadie, this is by far the most/best info anybody has given me about beginner bikes. thanks a whole bunch!!!! as for what you said about people saying that 250s are slow, im glad that i didnt listen to them. i dont want or need to keep up with anybody. If anything, Ill just use it to cruise the highway on the weekends.

Im not saying the 250 is for everyone though. Its up to you, the ninja500 is a perfect starter bike too. Body size plays into things alot too, the 250 wont move you very well if you 180+ lbs. Also, if your looking for highway use I wouldnt go 250 just not enough top end for it and too light weight.

Just dont get caught up in the motor size and the "youll out grow it" junk.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
I cant believe half of you on this forum, just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast.

Im 20, wanted a bike and found a 05 hayabusa with 500 miles on it. i bought it, and ill tell you why.

Im 5'6 so 600 is WAY out of the question unless i lower it a good 4-5 inches at least. same with 750 and liter bikes, there too tall and after riding my friends 07 gixxer 1k, im glad i didn't because there QUITE uncomfortable IMO.

Also i like speed but i have enough of a brain to realize theres a time and place. I also bought it because since i know what i like, i didnt want to go threw the hassle of buying a 600, then selling for a 750, then for a 1k and then for a busa.

I have self control and know the time and place so i knew what i wanted.

I bought my bike because i can ride it easily, its comfortable and still has balls to play. (besides being IMO the sexiest street bike made.

Not to mention this was my first street bike and passed my road test on it.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
nosechunks;931573 said:
I cant believe half of you on this forum, just because a bike is fast or has the potential to be fast doesn't mean it has to be ridden fast.

Im 20, wanted a bike and found a 05 hayabusa with 500 miles on it. i bought it, and ill tell you why.

Im 5'6 so 600 is WAY out of the question unless i lower it a good 4-5 inches at least. same with 750 and liter bikes, there too tall and after riding my friends 07 gixxer 1k, im glad i didn't because there QUITE uncomfortable IMO.

Also i like speed but i have enough of a brain to realize theres a time and place. I also bought it because since i know what i like, i didnt want to go threw the hassle of buying a 600, then selling for a 750, then for a 1k and then for a busa.

I have self control and know the time and place so i knew what i wanted.

I bought my bike because i can ride it easily, its comfortable and still has balls to play. (besides being IMO the sexiest street bike made.

Not to mention this was my first street bike and passed my road test on it.

....08 hayabusa seat height 805mm, 08 gsx 600r 810mm. 5mm seat difference.


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
iwannadie;931479 said:
1/4 mile times on the street mean what again? I wasnt talking about track riding...

i was just giving an example, as i said before most experienced riders never use the clutch from second through sixth on the street. hell even most of the guys who have experience on street bikes, shift their cruisers the same way

upshifting like this is not bad for a motorcycle


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
gilberjj;931131 said:
I am officially out of the Supra game, and as of yesterday, I am the proud owner of a brand new ZX14. I'll stick around on the forums, and I'm planning on heading to Centralia for the annual Supra Meet.
Don't bother, go here: http://www.zxforums.com/forums/zx-14-forum/

If you have ever wondered how your car will fare against one of the most powerful streetbikes ever built, maybe we can organize something.

It's just hard to say no to a true 9 second machine with a warranty, and drop dead sexy looks.
Could've saved a ton of money and bought a 9mm and 1 bullet. You have limited experience on the street and you want to go out and fuck around with a bunch of cars? Over confident on an insane bike. Don't kill yourself...