Cooling Problem? or bad HG?


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
if he leaves it in and uses a flashlight he'll be able to see if the float is stuck without doing anything.

if he takes it out and somehow jarrs it loose, that could have been the problem and we'd never know until he put it back and refilled it.

not a big deal, johnathan's idea is good. i was just mentioning that.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
Figit090 said:
if he leaves it in and uses a flashlight he'll be able to see if the float is stuck without doing anything.

if he takes it out and somehow jarrs it loose, that could have been the problem and we'd never know until he put it back and refilled it.

not a big deal, johnathan's idea is good. i was just mentioning that.

So I just went to drive it up the road a mile just because, and usually at night is when i hear the waterfall the most. Well, I didnt hear it at all, and I havnt lately. Also my cap wasnt milky on the bottom earlier. Tomorrow i'll be gettin about 30 bucks and im going to get a thermostat and an oil change.

Is it possible that maybe its using antifreeze cuz of the bubble and being completely empty, and that my shitty running problem could be because the timing is retarded a bit? I do smell gas alot.

And also (i know this is turning into a "whats wrong with my car thread and im jacking my own thread), but if i slowly accelerate, when my car hits 3800-4000 rpms, it just ... quits? Im pretty sure I have a clogged cat, and thats why.

But while driving back from the store a second ago, i got on it in 2nd to get past this guy, and i noticed that right at the same spot, 3800-4000 rpms, with my foot in it, my car felt noticeably faster in that spot. It felt as if my car was going, then all of a sudden at 4k rpms, it like woah now and went, but then immediately slowed again.

And also, the AFM has been messed with, someone popped the cover off and messed with it inside, because its all siliconed. Is my best bet just to replace the cat (or cut it off, sell it, and weld a straight pipe in), replace the afm (thiers an old supra down the road that i could go knick it off, it hasnt moved in years), replace the thermostat, and check and change the oil and see where i'm at then? Also i think i should probably pull the timing cover off and check the timing, and maybe retime it just to be sure.

I know my HG is probably bad, but it isnt adding up perfectly :1zhelp:


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
I bet you're about to smoke a clutch.

Mine went out and before it did it drove way better than ever before in the same rpm range as you are quoting and KERCHOW.

Smoked Clutch.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
why would a bad clutch cause it to drive way better than ever?

IMO you probably just started having too much fun, and that caused your "kerchow"

Burntz - i'll post back to you when i get home...not enought time right now


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Now..., you have been here long enough to know that no one thinks the na's are that bad a$$.

I'm telling you like it happened. It was like getting into an auto that mrs. daisy was driven in and you get it out on the free way. You run it up to where gramps hadn't had it in years and all of a sudden the top end of the engine wakes up and you have a new level of performance.

That's what it was like. It started running real good because the clutch was slipping just enough to let it spin at a higher rpm. Thus the added horse power. It's the same basic principle as a lightweight flywheel. Only the clutch is smoking from the rotation instead.

I would have thought just like you do.......,

If it wouldn't have happened to me in person.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
Well a few weeks ago when I bought it, I dropped it into 2nd immediately and floored it, and no movement, so I was pretty sure the clutch was still good.

I'll go try it again in a bit, but I consider myself pretty good with a manual, so I doubt I fried that baby in a few weeks, but then again who knows? lol

I think I need to get some time to do a few things. I was gonna go "borrow" a AFM off a pretty much junk supra last night, but i forgot a bout the dam brace bolt, and the chick across the street at the gas station scared us and we left, cuz she was on the fone, but i think she was just not working and talking to her b/f. Damit lol. I think i running a bit rich cuz whoever messed with my AFM didnt do it right

And figit may be right. But I only truly beat it once, and that was when I did a couple 0-60s runs on a road by my friends. And I guess driving an hour to that town going 70-80 on the interstate, and one time bumping up to 100 for a sec, might be considered beating it.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
DUDE..., the clutch is hydraulic.

I'm not disputing your driving ability. The stock clutch isn't the same as the one in your gramps old ford, Or your big Bro's Nissan either. I have no real idea what made toyota do some of the things they did with these autos.

But I'm thankfull for most of what they did do. Some of what they did is just a pain in everyones a$$.

My original stock clutch went out at just over 135k. When it went it went quick. I hope this isn't your problem. Because there is no inexpensive solution. I'm just relaying a similiar experience.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
I know the clutch is hydraulic lol, every manual iv driven was. I drove a volkwagen fox with a 4 speed for a year, drove my moms 02 civic for months (5 speed), and drove a 01 hyundai elantra for a month or so (5 speed).

I was just saying I have experience, but maybe no matter how good I am with a stick the clutch will go to shit, who knows lol. I may go test it here in a second to see how well its still holding up. What I need to do is just hacksaw the cat off and weld a straight pipe to see what kind of difference it makes, then go sell the cat for 40 bucks heh.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole

You'll be in need of some ear plugs with a straight pipe.
All I know about the cat is that without it you can say goodbye to any kind of decent miles per gallon. You'll run rich as well. Puff smoke from what I understand but all of this is hear say.

If it's your clutch you'll know it. It's like it slips but not really it's hard to explain even after having it happen.

Good Luck man.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
supramacist said:

You'll be in need of some ear plugs with a straight pipe.
All I know about the cat is that without it you can say goodbye to any kind of decent miles per gallon. You'll run rich as well. Puff smoke from what I understand but all of this is hear say.

If it's your clutch you'll know it. It's like it slips but not really it's hard to explain even after having it happen.

Good Luck man.

I'll still have my muffler, so it wont be that bad. And all the cat does is lower emissions, so I dont think that it will affect MPG, unless of course my o2 sensor is housed in the cat, which would suck (it probably is, hope not).


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
How in the world would the catalytic converter cause you mileage to decrease, or make you run rich?? Obviously you don't know how it works...

You may get some unburnt fuel (black soot/smoke) after removing the cat, because the cat would normally get rid of it...But it is ultimately a restriction in the exhaust flow, won't make you run rich, and if anything you get better mileage after removing it.

Burtz: You don't have to worry about the mileage going down, Supras are ODB-I, and only have one o2 sensor, which is located on the top of the turbo elbow. There is no o2 sensor located post-cat, like on ODB-II cars.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Mine is in the bottom of the exhaust manifold.

The 02 sensor.

I said it was hear say johnathan, what more would you have me do man, lol.

Dude..., new rims I see.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
Ahh, see I knew I learned something from working at a parts store ;)

Well if thiers no o2 sensor, then I might just get this done today. A friends dad is a welder, and has chevy parts out the wazoo from projects, plus a lot of exhaust and a nice welder in his garage.

I think i may have him cut and weld a section for like 10 bucks hehe

Edit: And I bet my power and mileage both improve dramatically after this. It puts amazing backpressure once RPMs hit 4k, its rediculous lol.
Id make a profit cutting it off and selling it. Thiers a local place that buys old cats from 30-50, and new cats from 60-90. No joke.


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
I was just offering what I had heard wich is why I added that it was hear say.
I don't really give a rats how the cat works. Air passes through it on it's way out. That's all I need to know, until......., I do something more than a glass pack for the exhaust.

I'm not giving you guff man. I stayed up all night working on my car and haven't been able to sleep today. I'm flat, tired. So PLEASE, don't go taking this stuff personally.

I was just trying to help as best I could because if I was wrong someone always comes along and teaches me something.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
Haha, im not taking it personally at all, I was just perplexed when you said that.

Its all good though, you dont know about cats, but you probably know alot more about other stuff I dont have a clue on, but you may not like me because I'm going NA-T haha


Apr 8, 2006
The Grassy Knole
Go with it man.
Turbo's just aren't my bag.

Dude it was my exhaust tech that told me what I had heard.
Maybe the reality is he's just a lazy f%&k that didn't want my money that badly.

Hard to say.

Why does everyone follow - I'm going na/t with a HAHA??
I don't get it.

I don't know anything. I know what I know because I work on my own $hit.
If it's not broke I don't fix it unless I think it's going to brake.

Wich basically means that when I get done I'm going to have a new 15 yr. old auto. Cause on this thing.... EVERYTHING, is a potential problem.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
supramacist said:
Go with it man.
Turbo's just aren't my bag.

Dude it was my exhaust tech that told me what I had heard.
Maybe the reality is he's just a lazy f%&k that didn't want my money that badly.

Hard to say.

Why does everyone follow - I'm going na/t with a HAHA??
I don't get it.

I don't know anything. I know what I know because I work on my own $hit.
If it's not broke I don't fix it unless I think it's going to brake.

Wich basically means that when I get done I'm going to have a new 15 yr. old auto. Cause on this thing.... EVERYTHING, is a potential problem.

I totally know what you mean. I cant wait till the day I make enough to afford a new auto, ahh the headaches that will be gone :D


Rally Man Sam
Nov 2, 2006
iwannadie said:
When i had my BHG my oil was perfectly fine, no milkyness or coolant in it at all. My coolant on the other hand was a mess. Drain the coolant into a bucket let it sit over night and check it. Mine had a thick layer of oil on the bottom.

Also look into your coolant catch can, mine had oil sludge in there. Check your oil dipstick if its in place. Mine would kinda pop out about an inch, from the exhaust gas pressure.

Hey, mine did exactly this when I blew my head gasket too. interesting. New JDM 7MGE is starting to make alot of internal noise now as well, hmmm. I would like a 1 or 2JZ asap thanx


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Burntz said:
But while driving back from the store a second ago, i got on it in 2nd to get past this guy, and i noticed that right at the same spot, 3800-4000 rpms, with my foot in it, my car felt noticeably faster in that spot. It felt as if my car was going, then all of a sudden at 4k rpms, it like woah now and went, but then immediately slowed again.

And also, the AFM has been messed with, someone popped the cover off and messed with it inside, because its all siliconed.

I know my HG is probably bad, but it isnt adding up perfectly :1zhelp:

for one, fix your timing

two, dont just cut off your cat...if its bad you shouldnt sell it, if its good, you want it. i guess its up to you, but your car will pollute a lot more without it. not good at this point in time. and i dont think its smart. if you are worried its clogged you can remove your exhaust and take a quick test drive (loud!! and dont let it get hot or sit idling with you in the car!!!) or cut it off and replace it with your choice of exhaust pieces.

you shouldn't be smelling gas. its possible you have a leaky fuel system or injector... if its excessively rich or your timing is way off i guess that could do it, but just fix your timing. having you car tuned funny to start will just make everything else harder and you dont want the extra varaible - bring it to stock.

if you decide to drive her more, look underneath at the cat and see if its too hot, if its clogged there's a chance it will be RED hot. DO NOT touch it, but if its excessively hot you might be able to tell and that will give away if its clogged. otherwise i dont know how you can outwardly tell if its gone bad.

if your car cuts out at 3500-4k like you said when you rev it, it will not run right when you're flooring it under a load. until you get the engine running right you wont know if its the clutch or an engine issue. again, timing might effect this. so fix it. if your plenum clicks to full-bore under full-throttle, you'll feel more power, and then if your engine gets starved or starts getting to far out of time/rich, you will start having problems. the car does react differently under full-throttle, and the HP curve might just be at around 3.5K RPM... not sure. if you want to hear proof that your intake changes, turn the key on (not the engine) and depress the throttle. nearing full-throttle you'll hear a click when the plenum valve moves.

as for your AFM - you should look at a stock one before deciding that is has been modified. clear silicone? i'm not sure if that isn't stock. mine is silicone-sealed and if its been tampered with i will be suprised. and worried. but either way. find one you know is stock. unless its a mess, yours might be. and i think there is a test you can do on at AFM to see if its still good. but you could just swap it permanently or temporarily to see the effects. hopefully the new part is a good one though.