any one had to deal with a "stalker" before?


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
except that he is dealing with a kid, not some hardened thug in an alley.

oh no it's illegal to pull a gun on someone stalking your sister? well it's also illegal to shoot him unless he's posing a real threat. some states it is legal to shoot someone just for trespassing, but i dont think washington is one of them.


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
joel w. said:
he is in his 20's , he is an ex boyfriend of hers from 2 yrs ago, she has not had contact with him untill she saw him out side 5 nights ago, then he called her out of the blue the next day and said it was not him, lol

i dont want to hurt him, but i will shoot for the leg or foot first.. i promise, lol

He stated that this guy is in his 20's. Let me also get this straight it is not illegal to pull a gun on someone just because he is stalking your sister you do know that its his word against yours. pulling a gun is illegal unless being used as self-defense and that does not mean he punched me so i pulled a gun. if you pull a gun you had better believe that 12 of your peers better believe that you had no other choice but to pull it and saying it was to scare him into not stalking my sister is not going to convince them.


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
mcpcola said:
He stated that this guy is in his 20's. Let me also get this straight it is not illegal to pull a gun on someone just because he is stalking your sister you do know that its his word against yours. pulling a gun is illegal unless being used as self-defense and that does not mean he punched me so i pulled a gun. if you pull a gun you had better believe that 12 of your peers better believe that you had no other choice but to pull it and saying it was to scare him into not stalking my sister is not going to convince them.

ii see your point, but im saying that if he pulls it just to scare the guy, most likely he will be scared shitless and not come back. he's not gonna get in trouble for pulling the gun because if the guy goes and calls the cops, what is he gonna say? "uhhh i was breaking into this guys house, and he pulled a gun to scare me away."

i mean this guy has a frickin assault rifle, and i dont think there are very many people out there crazy enough to pull a gun on a guy who is pointing an assault rifle at yo ass.

sorry i missed the part where he said he was in his 20's. i assumed he was younger because his actions are pretty childish


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
its cool and i think we were talking different events. Like if he approaches him out side that home unless the guy attacks him it is illegal to use a gun but if he is inside the home its a different story. In side the home it is ok because its self defense covered under the Castle doctrine but if he knows he is in the home and approachs him then a jury will have to decided and that could send him to jail. Never the less guns are not the solution to every problem but I would shoot someone for entering my home that i know was stalking or robbing me but i have two kids and a wife so I do not worry why he is here just that he is here and he is not suppost to be.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I have no idea what kind of person im dealing with, i know he used to shoot. i know that the cops know him by name, so i have to assume he is not an angel...

again. i now agree that pulling a gun is not the smartest idea, and will most likely escalate things more that i want..I hope after our little chase through the field a few nights ago with him, he realizes now its not just my pop's here..


7M's = Peoples Champ
Jul 4, 2005
Greater Gulf Coast
yeah pulling a gun is a last case option but a valid one if if looks like he is progressing. It all a matter of scaring him with out moving it to the next level.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
im out by port angeles. thanks for the offer hahahha.. well see if he ever show up again. but i hope he smartened up..


New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
lets jsut hope he doesn't show up again, and if he does, i say wait and hide up in the woods (or roof) and wait. When he comes back, whip out your rifle and take a shot, not nessacarily at him, but just in the air. I know he wont come back. Shit, anyone in the right mind should never fuck with us supra owners....:icon_evil


Supramania Contributor
Jul 3, 2005
My sister had a stalker, she was 17, he was 25 I was 15. He reached through her window and tried to grab her ankle, I came around the house and beat the shit out of him untill the cops showed up, at which point he swiftly surrendered, asking if he could press charges against me... it was swell..


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
Raven97990 said:
My sister had a stalker, she was 17, he was 25 I was 15. He reached through her window and tried to grab her ankle, I came around the house and beat the shit out of him untill the cops showed up, at which point he swiftly surrendered, asking if he could press charges against me... it was swell..

If I was in that postion I would do the exact same thing.

Dark Ninja

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Near Philadelphia PA
personaly, id rather not shoot him, i would turn his face to putty. wait for him to come in the house, and beat the hell out of him. do check him for weapons, maybe you will get lucky and he will have something on him. knife, gun, pointed stick, whatever. if he does stop fighting back, you really need to stop even though you will definatly want to keep going. the second he stops fighting back or gives up or whatever, chill out. now if he tries to escape, do what you have too to keep him there. if he gets out and then calls the cops your screwed. if hes in your basement/bedroom/kitchen, hes screwed.

also, ontop of the no trespassing signs, put his name clearly on the sighs. a, people driving by can see his name and see it attached to the no trespassing signs. b, you are explicitly banning him from the premesis. there should be no reason for him of all people to step on your property. period.

honestly, if i fealt a real threat, i wouldnt hesitate to kill him. but barring him pulling a knife or gun on you, you would end up in jail. if it is really worth it, then that is your choice, live with it.

though it sounds good, you havent seen him in a few days, so maybe he got the point. or maybe he knows your up there. i would scoure neighborhood lookin around for cars that didnt fit in and anything suspisious. make sure hes not around earlier in the day scouting you out.

and for the paintball thing, i use to play alot. i really dont recomend using that on someone. the only way i know that wil actualy slow somone down is to shoot their face, and i wouldnt do that. i have played games of pain endurance, and you have no idea how many shots someone can take at close range if they get their adrenalin pumping. a few times we emptied our hoppers into each other from about 15 feet away, and then reloaded........and we didnt wear 5 sweatshirts or any silly bs like that. i played in a would have to blind the guy to stop him if he was determined. trust me on that.