any one had to deal with a "stalker" before?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i just saw pop dig a 6 ft deep trench out back with the JD500 hoe ..
i think hes fed up too... he says its just a compost pit though.... lol
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I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
This is a tough one...if you have the extra spare time, I'd stake out the point that he enters the basement and wait for him to actually enter the house. Then I'd either come in behind him or just shoot him from the entrance (window/door) just make sure he's inside the house when you shoot him. Two things could happen; he'll die, he should have known the risks and he was trespassing on your property. You were defending your family. Or, he'll survive and be arrested for trespassing and he'll know for future reference that you will not hessitate to shoot him if he comes back onto your property. Either way, it will probably put an end to him messing w/ you and your family. The problem w/ doing nothing is that you don't know if he will actually cause harm to you or somebody in your family on one of these visits and I wouldn't want to sit around and wait for him to make the first move.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
yes mdc thats what i thought.., we called the sherriffs office, they have been informed, but they say they cant do anything yet, they know who he is, but they say they dont have a physical address on him to serve a restraining order against him. all they have is his grandmothers house address and she says he doent live there anymore..

troy, i agree, but from everything ive read and watched about stalkers. they dont stop on there own and they usually progess to more extreme behavior, this is my big fear..


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
My point exactly: I have a family and I think my views on this have changed since my child was born. If there was somebody repeatedly trespassing on my property after being confronted and continues to do so. Your first step is to notify the authorities which you have done...they are obviously no help (sure they are trying to locate him). But you don't know what kind of mental and emotional state this guy is in...people do some messed up stuff when they are dealing w/ mental and emotional issues. Does he do drugs, that will compound the problems. Either way, I would be damned if I would sit back and wait for this guy to barge in w/ a gun or something and attack your sister and her boyfriend or some other member of your family. He's already resorted to entering your residence...if he does it again you are completely within your rights to defend your property and family. If he's in your house...shoot him. Forget shoot to wound or shoot to kill...just shoot him until he doesn't have any fight in him. If he dies; that is unfortunate but he could have done the same to someone you love. If he doesn't die; he sure will have gotten the message.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
as far as drugs go, she says he did not "use them", but that was 2 yrs ago, personally i think hes a tweaker just due to the fact hes here between 12-1 am nightly.. but i dont know him. i guess i met him 2 yrs ago but i cant recall him at all..


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Joel: It's time to get proactive and take it to him.

Your sis should be able to find out where he's living go and have a quiet chat with him explaining the error of his ways.

Be waiting there when he returns from your place turn the tables.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
step one, visit
step two, purchase M16A2
Step three, buy paint
step four, freeze paint for 20-30 mins or untill its a slushy like paint.
step five, turn velocity up to 400fps
step six, shoot his ass

have fun, he will get the message.


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Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Troyota said:
Forget shoot to wound or shoot to kill...just shoot him until he doesn't have any fight in him.

+1 This is called a 'failure to stop' drill. You keep shooting until he stops. 2 in the chest, one in the head. Repeat as needed.

Be warned though - most states do NOT have a law that explicitely states when you are legally allowed to shoot or not. Most states rely on case precedent. If he is armed and in your house and you shoot him, you will still probably be arrested and charged with manslaughter.......a small price to pay to stop him from hurting your family.

I would suggest staying away from this guy out in public unless you have a concealed weapon permit or you are willing to carry a gun illegally. This guy is unstable and will probably try to hurt you if he feels threatened. Stay where you're strongest - at your home - and try to fortify it as much as you can to prevent him from entering.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Im prepared to scour the earth for him. i know there are rules about this on here so i will watch what i say...If i get my hands on him, he will understand my point.


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
d34dc311: what did that little jewel run ya? I am gonna get a new marker or two, I want a good tournament gun but also want to get a milsim one too...maybe just get a Smart Parts Ion and a MilSim body...I also like thier new SP8 MilSim marker (looks like the M8 prototype rifle)


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Squid699 said:
+1 This is called a 'failure to stop' drill. You keep shooting until he stops. 2 in the chest, one in the head. Repeat as needed.

Be warned though - most states do NOT have a law that explicitely states when you are legally allowed to shoot or not. Most states rely on case precedent. If he is armed and in your house and you shoot him, you will still probably be arrested and charged with manslaughter.......a small price to pay to stop him from hurting your family.

I would suggest staying away from this guy out in public unless you have a concealed weapon permit or you are willing to carry a gun illegally. This guy is unstable and will probably try to hurt you if he feels threatened. Stay where you're strongest - at your home - and try to fortify it as much as you can to prevent him from entering.

Tiz why I live in Indiana. If you're in my house, and I don't know who you are, I can shoot your ass.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i do have a valid concealed weapons permit...

edit, squid, i had to sell my glock to make the move here this summer. i miss it much..
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Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
VA has precedent that I can defend my home, but no explicite laws like FL or TX. But the world is a nasty place, that's why I have my permit and have my Glock on me at all times when I'm out and about.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Troyota said:
d34dc311: what did that little jewel run ya? I am gonna get a new marker or two, I want a good tournament gun but also want to get a milsim one too...maybe just get a Smart Parts Ion and a MilSim body...I also like thier new SP8 MilSim marker (looks like the M8 prototype rifle)

the T68 M16A2 is turnny legal, it shoots .68 cali balls and has a max velocity(stock non moded) of 400fps. an operational 30 rnd clip will be out in the next month or so.
i get groupings of 3-6" at around 100feet.
barrel is 16"

also have this, :)
go to
look for the Rap4 LE its about $400-$500
it shoots .43 cali paint and ejects shells, it has no hopper, and a fully functional 20 rnd clip. its an exact replica of an AR-15, Co2 tank is inside the stock, it is a non turnny gun. max velo. 450fps.
grpings at 75' 8-10"
excelent for military sim.


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