any one had to deal with a "stalker" before?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ yea, I go to feilds just to piss off the angel guys who spent 800 for a spray and pray gun, and i bring out the AR-15 1-1 replica(yea its full metal too) just to scare people, its funny seeing them go holy crap is that real.
yea and im going to play with it on the feild too. LOL
Ive got 4 mags for the puppy too. so i can have some fun doing military sim play.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i keep (6) 30 round magazines loaded at all times. heading to home depo to get some motion sensors and extra lighting installed.. what i really need is someone with access to a police pc that can get me info on this guy.. All i have is his first and last name and the street of his last know addy 80 miles away, i know he drives a red 90's toyota 4x4 pickup. no plates # yet... i know he works in town here but i dont know where yet or what kind of work.... if anyone has any access like i mentioned, pm me...


If all else fails-Kick it
Aug 28, 2005
I would suggest bringing a couple friends with you if you confront him. My friends little sister had a stalker once. I think there was 3 or 4 people there (all armed), when he came by the house one day. Nobody's heard from him since.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
thanks modnar, i can make some calls to get some friends here to help if this gets worse.. but for now im on my own.. Im new in town and no friends here yet that i can ask for help with this kinda of problem....


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Reading this thread makes me feel a sense of fear, but also relief; a stalker who trespasses is not to be taken lightly at all, and it can only escalate from that point. I do believe that's a point of no return. The relief comes from what I am reading from other posters. I know that we have many conservatives, and many liberals on board here, but it's become a glaring truth that when confronted with true danger, you guys will all do anything to protect your loved ones. Maybe there is hope for the world yet.

Joel, you take care of this, and take care of it quick. I don't even know you or your sister and I am concerned for both of you. I have to tell you, if he's established a pattern and you know he will be back tonight, tomorrow night, etc etc, I would not hesitate to camp out in a place where I could get a good view and sneak up on the guy, or pick him off if he's brave enough to attempt unlawful entry again.

Good luck, and I hope everything comes out alright.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
joel w. said:
ok im wondering if anyone has ever had to deal with a stalker, i got some kid for the last week now thats been stalking my little sister and i chased him off the property last night about 1am, he had 20 seconds start on me so i didnt catch him arrrggg

we have called the sherrifs, but they said they cant issue a restraining order untill we tell him he is not welcome. and they need an addy for him to serve it.. But 2 years ago my pop caught him in our basement and said he would shoot him if he ever came back,

thats good enough warning IMO. she has seen him for the last week everynight outside her window and im starting to think he is progressing and getting bolder. Im camping out tonight with my ar-15, open season on his ass....

you thats funny cause i had a similar situation.

I borrowed my friends BB gun and i knew this lil fucker was coming to my house to stalk my sister. I hung out on my rooftop waiting for that little bitch.

anywho...i saw him, like clockwork at 225am and i unloaded on his ass..sniped him from uptop. of course he came back, id snipe him some more. eventually hed stop coming over.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
ya, thats about what i am down to. if he stick to his routine. I will be seeing him tonight...i do have some info coming from a friend of his so i may be driving to him in the am if i dont see him here first. thanks guys..


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
This fat ugly lil girl stalked me a few summers ago.....I was just an asshole to her and she eventually stoped :dunno:

Good luck Joel.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
of all of this "shoot him" crapp no one has suggested "call the cops when he is there"? Surely you could use a cell or a cordless if you are willing to sit on the roof or whatever, then call the cops, jump down and "detain" him.

You can shoot people in your house in Indiana? Thats cool... And nobody has brought up using a compound bow or anything? maybe some ninja stars or something?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i got rid of my compond bow a few years ago, believe me it is just as ninja stars, hahah but i do have a nice samurai sword that would work well, i would not want to be touched by its edge.. but seriously i just want it to stop. if he shows again,we are calling the cops...we are out in the sticks here, so it takes them time to get here.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
I think the AR is a little excessive. When I get my own house a 12ga. and a.45 will definitely be somewhere within reach. If he is outside your house: 1, Call police, 2, Verbally warn him that you have a gun. As long as hes outside and your sister is inside he can't do any harm. Let him stay outside while the police are on the way. But may God have mercy on him if he touches a doorknob or window. Waste him.

csr ma71

rooftop sniper
Apr 2, 2005
bay area
It's like that Tupac lyric, "pull a strap out on me, you better kill me". Because that's just a form of disrespect like you punking him. And if he's "thug life" then he's going to come by another day and show you his gun.

But if you just pull him aside and talk to him in a non threatning manner, then that should be enough, without having to show your piece.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
ayemate, good advice, thanks..

mkIIsupraman, his actions will directly determine my actions..but i will scare the shit out of him for sure..


csr, good point there too..dont pull it, unless your gonna use it..

sm2251, hahahha i leave the strip him naked part to bubba in prison..
Last edited:


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
As I said previously; in the past I might not have resorted to the use of firearms, but now that I have a family and children especially, I would not hesitate to put a few in someone who I percieved as a threat to me or my family. I would concider someone in my home who I did not personally bring in the front door in the middle of the night, especially after I had confronted him previously, as a threat. The man is in his 20's he should definitely know better than to be entering other people's houses uninvited in the middle of the night and should definitely know the risks envolved w/ such activities. It's not like he's a 12 or 13 year old just being stupid. He's an ex-boyfriend who may or may not be on drugs in an unknown mental and emotional state...that's a threat in my book.


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
IF you have to shoot him, you better make damn sure you kill him, because if not, he can take you to court and sue the shit out of you with a good lawyer.