Im leaving it for now, driving season is among us. Maybe some day (next winter) drop it , reinforce it, then weld it all up. But not really sure yet.
Well I took her out again just now, and I can not get the profec A to program :: angry :::: angry ::
I can get it to go to "P1" where it learns the max boost, but it wont read anything. The vac lines are hooked up correct (I checked 4 times now), but it still wont read anything. Maybe tomorrow I'll look to check the "dip switches" on the back of it. I just dont under stand, for the most part it is the same as the ct26, actuator style for the waste gate. And it worked just fine last summer/fall with the ct in the car. Umm.........
I did hit fuel cut today when trying to program it( around 5400 rpm's). This turbo is all top end, nothing till 3500 or more. The ct26 felt WAY faster!?!?!?!?!:aigo: I guessing because it kicked in at lower rpms.
Well after trying to program it I took the supra threw the car was to get all the dust off, now time for :beer:, and mess around with the ps3. Im trying to load the digital movies onto the HD, but so far it isnt working so good. District 9 downloaded just fine, but the other I have no so much. I wonder if it has something to do with sony, since they made District 9 or something.????