Yep the #'s are in and not to good, compaired to other members with the 7mgte and the ct 26 set to 11-12 lbs of boost

If anything the 272 cams are bring
down the #'s. But I will keep searching here for more dyno sheets.
Also I think this is the first time 272 cams have been dynoed on a 7mgte and as we can see they didnt help anything out. But I also need some tuning very bad. After 3600-3800 RPMS on the EPA dosent like me any more. It is below 10 on the A/F.
As funky was saying there were also a few fox bodys down there and the one on the dyno before me was around 05 GT with cobra emblems, body kit you know, all the domestic rice. Any ways he only put down something like 180 HP and 230 TQ. But there also was a brand new GT500 in there and hot dam that thing put down like 504 HP & 498 TQ at the wheels.
Any ways on to the pics.