Well I figure I'll post up an alpha version of what I'm working on. I intend to be writing some new features for a co-workers 7M, as I've done in the past for my GM vehicles. Well Motorola 6811 emulators are pretty common, but nothing exists for the Toyota CPU of course. So anyway I've whipped together a quick emulator which I'm still working on. It is written in C# so I could build it quickly, as GUIs in C++ are definitely not my strong suit. It is very basic at the moment, even lacking interrupt support. You can step through the main loop though, modify the entire memory space, and change registers while paused. Nothing too flashy yet, but its a small step for what I hope to test my code in.
I currently do not have an ECM to be figuring out how it works, it has all been off of the posted documents and 3p's help. Hopefully someone can explain to me how the interrupts work, which interrupts the IMASK value controls, and how the inputs trigger which interrupts.
Anyway the next features planned are interrupt support, memory breakpoints, and profiles for different ECMs so you can modify inputs, such as NE, G1 and G2, ignition switch, or STA to watch how the ECM supplies fuel/spark under different conditions.
Hopefully someone other than I will find this useful, so please let me know if you think anything else should be added. If you have .NET 4 Client Profile, you can just use the exe, otherwise use the setup file as it will install any necessary requirements.