compound-tacoma;1257249 said:
Actually, the math does add up!!! the problem is you aren't using the proper elements that are being affected. In any turbo setup weather gas or diesel you have to equate your manifold pressure in relation to absolute pressure(atmospheric pressure). Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 14.7psi or 1 bar. When a turbo makes boost it is simply compressing atmospheric pressure. So when a stock ct26 is making 14psi or 1bar there is actually 2 bar or 29.4psi coming out of the turbo, but you most subtract atmospheric pressure because it is neither created or lost(except in a vacuum).
So the simple equation is 1 bar(atmospheric pressure) + 1 bar(what the turbo produces) = 2bar - 1bar(atmospheric pressure) = 1 bar manifold pressure!!!! Thus the turbo is working in a 2:1 ratio.
Now when turbo's are compounded, one compressor is feeding the inlet of the second. The boost made by the first turbo is multiplied by the second turbo by a ration of 2:1 when using two turbos and 3:1 using three. and on, and on.
Example: 1bar(atmospheric pressure)+1bar(first turbo)=2bar, 2bar into second turbo(at a ratio of 2:1)=4bar-1bar(atmospheric pressure)=3bar manifold pressure!!!!!!
Thats 3bar or 45psi at the manifold, minus 2to3 psi for any loses like massive intercoolers and such. This is the secret that diesel guys have been using for years to make over 150psi with three turbo's compounded. And almost no one has tried it on any gas motors. I am currently running a compound setup on my 2000 Tacoma (pictured above). My brother and I have done all the fab. work and R&D. Running two 44mm wastgates with 4-7psi springs and no boost controller i've seen 25+psi before 3500rpms in 4th gear WOT. I'm running a GT45 into a TO4E t3/t4 50trim comparable to a GT30. The TO4E makes 5psi at 2krpms and the big one make 5psi around 3krpms. Some when the big turbo spools and the little one starts compounding it. The boost shoots from 10psi to 25psi+ with in 500rpms when loaded in 4th gear. Thats 25psi by 3500rpms!!!!! And my clutch starts slipping. Its is a stage 4 six puck competition clutch with 250% increase torque capacity, and it can't hold it since the power is coming on so FAST!!!!!!!
I'll be glad to answer any question. I'm going out of the country tomorrow and won't be back until the 9th. Vids will be up some time in march. I've been driving my truck daily since i got it running two months ago and no problems from the setup. Absolutely no lag!!!!!!!! In any gear traction is a problem:biglaugh: even thought i have a welded diff. and over 20in of rubber in the back. My intake temps are lower then when i was running a single TO4E at 10psi and I am running 15psi now. So there is no problem with running the big turbo into the little one, and it is way more efficient that way. How i pipe my setup might be confusing, and if it doesn't make since ask me specific questions and I'll give specific answers.
did you just try to explain to me what absolute pressure and call absolute in relation to atmospheric? REALLY?
First off. learn the proper terminology. Absolute pressure is in relation to the unachievable ZERO Kpa which does not exist, even in the near perfect "space" (10 kpa). When speaking in absolute values. There is no such thing as a "vacuum" as the minimum value will never ever be below zero (0 Kpa/PSIa). Now if you are talking in relation to Gauge pressure, then there is a "vacuum" in the sense that sea level is infact the reference point of measurement.
A turbo does not compress. A turbo flows. The pressure is the resistance to said flow which happens to be dependant on
1. Engine displacement for the given flow of air
2. VE of the engine for the given target RPM.
I am going to be quite frank.... PSIa inside of the intake manifold does not, will not, EVER IN THIS UNIVERSE equal to flow. EVER.
As IJ state before. the restriction and specifically dealing with critical V will be tied to the inlet of the smaller turbo since that is where the smaller restriction to the velocity of air is.
A simple understanding of Bernoulli's principle shows that for a given flow volume of air/liquid, decrease the area and the velocity has no choise but to increase. Increase the area and V decreases. Quite simple really.
Now on to you pressure ratio. at least you established that you understand that. But your data is dead wrong. Turbos do not get "better" because some magical gnomes are throwing pixie dust on the turbos and that"increase" or decrease PR. That is dependant on the turbo itself.
Now your setup.
Something magical happens. The GT30 (using GT3076r numbers which are close). If you limit the turbos flow to about 38 lbs/min. That turbo comes in around mid 2k RPM. This is assuming a 2.7L engine pushing it and assuming a redline of 6k RPM. A GT45? I am going to say not a TRUE Garret GT45 as there is no way in hell that 2.7L of engine will bring a true GT45 online until 7K+ rpm. So probably a variant of the SP61/PTE61 etc which those come online at the mid 3k RPM mark give or take.
On the 7m or 2jz.
A GT35r at a PR of 2. If it is not flowing between 35 lbs/min - 42 lbs/min will be going into a less efficent zone. The problem is that we know for a fact that the monster GT42RS turbo that is the primary turbo will not be helping with spool, AT ALL (high 4k RPM), on the lower end of the RPM spectrum. So the PR is not dependant on the big turbo as it is doing ZERO work at that point, PR is dependant on what has always been dependant on.
****DROLL ROLL****
displacement of the engine along with the VE of said engine.
So we get back to what I and the rest of the guys that actually studied physics have been saying, this still requires PROPERLY sized turbos. It is not a end all be all solution for turbo and two improperly sized turbo will net you nothing, as a matter of fact, net you some serious loss as you have increased entropy in the system by quite a significant amount.
The diesel engine you speak of, refresh my memory, how big displacement are they? 6L? Hell that is big enough to spin a GT42RS by themselves without to much issues within thier RPM range.
and I am saying it one more time.
Pressure DOES NOT EQUAL, and will never EQUAL FLOW.
What pressure is, a direct correlation to flow DEPENDANT on engine displacement along with it's VE.
a LS7 will require less pressure to achieve X HP
a 2jz will require more pressure to acheve X HP
A 4G63 will require more pressure than the 2jz and LS7 to achieve X HP.
HP is a function of air flow NOT pressure (see the common theme

Read what I posted over and over and over.......
Understand the difference between them. once you do. Then come back in here and try one more time.
There is a reason that WRC uses a 32mm inlet restrictor on their turbo cars. No matter how much pushing or pulling there is, once critical V is reached. The party is OVER.
Now on your setup, you are using overlap to increase power but the T04e is a 500hp turbo by itself. This stuff is not really rocket science

there will always be give or take and your setup is no exception and diffrent than what BL is doing (ei WIDER power band by sizing turbos correctly to minimize overlap).