well the supra didnt make it to IA.
the bad news
i had problems with the paint shop. i left it there at the start of the month and he understood that im trying to make it to IA and i need time to finish some engine tuning and leaks before i go. the car sat outside untouched for 2 weeks. I requested my diposit back of $500. he said because i backed out that he doesnt have to pay. this was last month. im trying to send a demand letter to his shop but its been a while since i received the Green card saying it was signed for. i will try sending it to his apartement complex but i dont know his suite number...
in better news
after selling my 88 sr5 pickup AKA the blue beast i had the need to replace it..
meet the reincarnation of the blue beast
2014 tacoma TRD SPORT 6 speed manual with Supercharger

she has 7 miles on her and i had to order it and wait a month for it to be built.