12th annual Toyota Sport and GT Car Meet


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
I'm still good to go so add me to the list. I agree with jeff, nothing is cooler then bunches of supra's heading into bob evans(except I'll be the odd guy with the only truck). As far as condition of my truck, the clutch system is seriously screwed up and have no idea what's wrong. It's going to Norris Automotive on wed and should be fixed that day or the next....

...Also, I don't mind going south to meet up with the Tucky folks, but meeting halfway might make paying for gas easier.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
^You're making my head hurt. :icon_conf ............lol

Alright. REGROUP:

Armando - ......I'll give you a call tomorrow about specifics on where to meet as well as a few others...

Dave and any of you other KY/S.IN guys that are rolling in the Caravan up I-75.......Are you willing to meet up somewhere on the I-275 loop around Cincinatti so that us 3-4 Indiana Supra's can tag along with you up I-75 to Dayton?

It won't be out of your way as you guys will be coming up I-71 to the 275 loop and then going around it. If we (central IN) guys take I-74 straight to Cincinatti, we'll end up on the 275 loop as well...and we could meet somewhere along there and then roll together in a big group, taking I-75 the rest of the way up.

Whaddayasay? :)

Let me know...It's only a few days away!!! :D

(317) 395-8362 <---For future reference incase anyone needs me.


Apr 1, 2005

i dont mind meeting up so long as we can figure out a for sure time window and where to meet. i know nothing about the area.

im trying like hell to get the code 61 sorted so i can bring the 90.

i'll see what the other guys think about meeting up. im not a lone ranger in this entourage


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Not to mention I'm not bringing my T100, but my dad's Golf... :icon_surp ...I'm not sure if I'm gonna miss work to leave early with you guys or not, I'll have to get back to ya on that.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
^That's good.

Well - "By schedule", it says that everyone is meeting up at Bob Evans at 10AM on Friday morning..........and given you OH/S.IN folks have 2.5 hours to get to Dayton, I'd think you guys would be heading out around 7:30 or so?
Let me know on that.

Also, if we're going to meet up...we need to plan that out with precision so nobody is having to wait hours for the other group.

From Indianapolis to Cinci's 275 loop, it's about an hour and 15 minutes.
From Louisville to Cinci's 275 loop, says it's about an hour and 15 minutes as well.

(Indy to Cinci said 1hr 47 minutes)
(Louisville to Cinci said 1hr 48 minutes).....One minute quicker. ;)

Anyways, I guess if we time it right, and both groups decide on a definate time, then we should get to the 275 loop at about the same time.

Let me know what time you guys want to meet!!!
