12th annual Toyota Sport and GT Car Meet


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
Those interested in running on the dyno MUST call Precision Autosports to sign up and pay. Registering for the meet does NOT include dyno time. As of 5pm yesterday only one person has signed up to dyno.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
As of 2 days ago, my turbo has appeared to have sucked up 3 or 4 tiny children...So chances are I won't be registering for a dyno session. :icon_conf

Anyone have updates for Airport Toyota's lack of having a friendly manager?



Apr 1, 2005
bfr1992t said:
Those interested in running on the dyno MUST call Precision Autosports to sign up and pay. Registering for the meet does NOT include dyno time. As of 5pm yesterday only one person has signed up to dyno.

that should have been made more clear, i had no idea.

it says pre-registered cars can dyno up until the evening. and at the bottom of the page it has thre registration form and asking what events you are attending.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
I second that with the confusion.

I was under the impression that pre-registering obviously meant you were guarranteed a slot for you to dyno for sure...and anyone there would be able to pay on the spot given there is time and availability to do so.

Precision Autosports won't allow for some extra dyno pulls by people that are willing to pay on the spot? As bad as it is, I think we'll probably have more people dyno and want to pay on the spot as opposed to prepaying for the simple fact that something could go wrong with their car.

We'll use myself as a perfect example. :icon_conf

Hopefully everything works out, though.


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
Sorry if there was any confusion. I agree it may not be stated plainly or obvious. Understand like any shop they do need to make money. If there isn't enough prepaid interest in dyno time they will be more interested in working on a customer car and reduce or cancel the time we have reserved. As of yesterday there was one person registered so I made the executive decision to move that spot to 5pm and fill the dyno time in reverse, meaning 5pm and earlier. I do not expect to dyno one car at 1pm and sit around from 1:30 until 6pm, nor expect the owner and employees to shuffle customer cars around trying to get some work in while waiting for the next Supra to arrive.

So, if you want to dyno please call Precision Autosports, sign up, and pay. We need more than one (two as of today actually). Otherwise we may have no dyno at all.


Anyone can help you, but you'll likely want to talk to Chris.
Ohiosupras Dyno Day
Date: Friday June 1st

Please inquire about race fuel, NO2, etc. They have some supplies on site and able to acquire whatever you need.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Louisville KY
Us Kentucky & Southern IN folks are DYNO Spoiled. We tell them (Dyno Shop) about how many will show & a start time & we are set. After all the runs are completed a talley of time &/or # of cars is taken & everyone pays up in cash. Usually block out a 4-6 hr slot depending on # of cars & we are charged either by time or car which ever is higher. Always have those that are undecided & want to join in on the fun day of if time permitting. With 49 registered to be there I would think there would be at least 10+ that would want to roll. Anyway I agree that a roll call should have been placed so that you would know what to plan for but to threaten to cancel the dyno completley with folks driving in 3+ hrs away could hurt the turnout worse then a threat of rain. I understand they have a shop to run but hell ther going to have a parking lot full of 20+ yr old Supras that I'm sure may need something done. How about sponser a minor mod fest, motor oil &/or tranny oil changes etc at some discount rate for the day. Make a sign up sheet for that & the Dyno runs. Business all day.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Louisville KY
dbsupra90 said:
yep still looking like 9am, trying to figure out best place to meet up for everyone. looks like we might be rolling 8 deep too!

Do you have a rolll call on that? Curious who is in the caravan. Still won't know If I can roll out that early till nxt Monday. The latest I would leave would be 2:30-3 pm after I pick up my son from school.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
I got a vacation day set up on the first, so I think I'm good. All I need now is get my damn truck fixed, buy an 10-20mm lens, figure out departure time/location and stay this weekend. You guys aren't the type to buy some cases of beer to drink at the hotel towards the end of the day, are you?


Apr 1, 2005
Steve_N said:
Do you have a rolll call on that? Curious who is in the caravan. Still won't know If I can roll out that early till nxt Monday. The latest I would leave would be 2:30-3 pm after I pick up my son from school.

looking like-

steve mkiii
dave mkiii
chris mkiii
aaron mkiii
kurt mkiii
james mkii
travis celica gt
casey mr2

boost lee may come down to caravan w/ us, and havent heard anything more about rob s w/ mkiv


New Member
May 17, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
Sorry Ive been out of the loop for a bit. My previous conversations with Precision had resulted in the idea that people could indeed pay on the spot. However, as Jim (BFR1992T) has mentioned, we do need some sort of interest shown. I should have made it clearer, but the understanding was that you can either pre-register with Precision and pay in advance, or you can 'pre-register' and pay on the spot.

It was largely intended to show Jeff (Owner) the needed interest and give both he and I a workable headcount of who to expect throughout the day. Another note, and something I should have outlined better, all dealings for the Dyno are to be directly with Precision to avoid confusion. Thus the registration form featured at the bottom of the OhSupra's page is independent of the Dyno.

I will make the necessary changes tommorrow, but the Show and Shine has indeed been moved from Airport Toyota. A new location is in the works and the transistion to it shouldn't hinder the meet nor be all that noticable for those in attendance.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
I just registed so that bumps the tally to 50 officially whenever the first page updates.

Also i dont know if this has been asked but what kinda of dyno is it.Im contemplating on blowing money to see if i was actually down on power last time out. Lastly will there be a lowest hp award, i believe i will have fighting chance :naughty:

Dave i got an idea, just hold that boost gauge untill we meet up and head out on friday and ill get it from you then.


Apr 1, 2005
alright sounds good man.

there are a few others that havent registered as well. we might actually make 60 :)

and it is a dynojet btw.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Dave - Given all the Indiana folks were going to back out :nono:, I was contemplating on driving south to meet up with you guys to make the drive worthwhile...However, I've got at least two guys that are going to be meeting up early Friday morning...So I'm unsure.

I know that you guys will be shooting up I-75 and the Central IN guys would be taking a straight shot across I-70...so I didn't know of anywhere that would be possible to meet up half way, maybe, assuming we could time it perfectly. That would be great, though.

Let me know what/where you guys decide to meet up for sure...Because nothing would be better than pulling up to Bob Evans in OH with a big pack of 10 +/- Supra's rolling up from out of state. :D

***EDIT*** Dave - Looking at a map right now, If we were to take I-74 shot straight to Cincinatti, obviously you guys will be coming up I-71 right to where we are...so we could always time it out, give ourselves 20-30 minutes extra to be able to wait for one group to show up before the other. But I'm thinking we could meet in Cincinatti, and then we could all take I-75 from there.

Whaddaya say? :)

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Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
A.J. with the silver '89 (Matt's old car) backed out.

However, I believe Matt is considering coming........Not sure.

Jason - He's still a no-go. :icon_conf

Hmm. Guess we'll see.


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
Dynojet 248.

Mob explained it well. I have over 10 years of experience with dyno days and while I could have Precision Autosports reserve the entire day and take all payments onsite, I personally need to see serious interest up front to know we are not waisting their time. Gone are the days when I could guarantee filling a entire day with Supras from dawn until late in to the night when we have ran so many cars we're literally falling over. So while it's not expected that we fill the entire schedule up front (mind you meets like Vegas and Texas have required this), we do need to put forth some effort. It sounds like we could potentially have the entire day filled which would be great.

Something to egg some of you on - while the members of Precision Autosports do truly appreciate all cars and are great people, they ARE a Mustang shop. Lets show them what inline 6's and Supras are all about!


The quiet one
Oct 29, 2005
Louisville should be I-71 to I-75 through Cincinnati up to I-675N (around exit 43) to US-35E towards Xenia (watch it, US-35 is 55MPH guys!). Turn left at the Factory Rd exit which I think is the first light and turn in to the first parking lot on the left. Precision Autosports is in the back. Extra parking is available across the street in the park. Precision Autosports is not the only tenant in the building so please be courteous with the front parking lot and do not park next to the building doors (for fear of your car being dinged as they are blind doors).

Those from IN, if you're taking I-74 to Cinci I'd recommend taking it to I-275E to I-75N. The West Chester area should be a good place to meet up. I would chose exit 19, Union Centre BLVD, head EAST and meet in the Panera parking lot. IIRC the sign is easy to spot and the lot is big. I would not recommend taking I-74 all the way to I-75
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