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  1. P

    Update on the Intake for the 7MGTEs

    I think thats just your accordian hose...:nono:
  2. P

    tems question

    Damn...i keep thinking Kramer is's cool, but kind of eerie..
  3. P

    Best Turbo Award!!!!!

    you can't rebuild ball bearing turbos, right?:nono:
  4. P


    thanks, i had no idea. Friend of mine is slowly getting me into F1, just wish their was a bit more passing...still awesome nonethless. Hey, has anyone heard of hydraulic valves being sold for street cars?
  5. P


    heh, really, i thought they had switched to the v8s completely for this season.
  6. P


    new regulations they're up to 20k for reliability. anymore ideas on a high revving 7m? I'm really considering trying to go this route with my car. :naughty:
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    shaeff's parkinglot tire destruction. :)

    hehe good times, used to do that with my last supes, havn't worked the nerve up to try that kind of thing with the new one (crashed my last one). :3d_frown:
  8. P

    She goes...but won't stop!

    I had the same thing happen on my first supra and on this current one. It's probably you're master cylinder. Don't keep bleeding it or the brakes may seize up on you...
  9. P


    hehe sorry, schools been killing my time lately. I'm thinking along the lines of 12 - 15k rpms. My feeling is that if we could get the revs up the car could go from an aweseome dragger to an awesome track car as well. Destroking the motor is what I figured (thinking back to the hks...
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    Has anyone ever made a high revving 7mgte? How would you go about doing so?
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    Slipping Technique and Clutches

    What clutch do you guys reccomend for a slip style launch technique?
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    My Hids on my Mk3

    look pretty sweet to me, hmmm, maybe i'll pick up a pair :icon_bigg
  13. P

    Noticed something weird....

    I was looking down into my engine bay the other day, checking my fluids when I noticed something that didn't quite look right. It seemed that my drive belt wasn't connected to every pully in the bay. In fact there are three pullies that when the engines on are just not doing anything it looks...
  14. P

    what octane am i suppose to use

    I always stick to the highest grade I can get for my 87 turbo, which is sadly on 91 octane here in Cali...:nono:
  15. P

    Blitz Intake

    hmm does anyone know exactly how accurate the testing was? mainly in the filtration data...any other first hand comparisons?
  16. P

    Blitz Intake

    What do you guys think of the blitz sus power intake? Not the blue one but the big shiny gold one. Is anyone here using it? Thought i'd ask here before placeing the order. Thanks
  17. P

    Anyone ever buy from SUPRASPORT.COM

    has anyone ever shopped at their prices seem amazing but whats the service like?
  18. P

    High Idle

    Ok so I checked to make sure my ISC wasn't stepping back and it isn't. I thought my idle rode up a little when I had my AC on but I guess it doesn't after looking at it again. So I'm thinking it has to be a vacuum the problem is finding it...:icon_conf
  19. P

    Atmospheric or Closed Loop

    I guess you answered my question for me then, I was just about to ask why use two. So with closed loop is compressor surge always something you have to worry about? It's not making sense to me...why would they make a recirculation BOV if there is always the fear of compressor surge?
  20. P

    Atmospheric or Closed Loop

    well heres my thinking, i'm sure if you're running 20+ psi the pressure needs to be released, but what about all these setups that are only running 10 - 15 psi. I read an article a while back (maybe I can find it) it was discussing closed loops versus atmospheric. They took a modified car to...