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  1. swaq

    Buying a vehicle across the country

    The quotes I got for shipping were in the $1000-1500 range. It'd be a bit cheaper to fly out and drive it back, but I don't have the time because I'm in school.
  2. swaq

    Buying a vehicle across the country

    I'm looking to buy a car from Florida and have it shipped to Oregon. Anyone have any advice? Particularly the following issues are what I have questions on: What is the best/safest way to pay for the car? How do we do the signing of the title, bill of sale, etc? Any particular shipping...
  3. swaq

    Opinions, Thoughts..... on a Girls of SM Calendar?

    Heh, someone's gonna be sleeping on the couch..
  4. swaq

    web browser question

    Which version of Firefox are you running? I'm using Firefox 2.0 and if I click the little X on the tab it just closes the tab. Also, Ctrl+W is supposed to close just the current tab you're on. Try that and see if it also closes multiple tabs.
  5. swaq

    ok here goes

    Multiple repost, just search for 'myspace' in the title... Here is the official thread:
  6. swaq

    Opinion on High speed internet

    Upload speeds are more important to me than download speeds, for the most part.
  7. swaq

    Opinions, Thoughts..... on a Girls of SM Calendar?

    Don't forget TurboLover (usually posts under Jake's sn, IHI-RHC7):
  8. swaq

    Guitar Heroooo!

    I've beaten all the songs on Hard, and I've started working on Expert, but it's slow going because I don't own the game. My brother (who owns the game), however, has 5-starred most the songs on Expert, and can play Sum 41 - Fat Lip on expert without looking at the screen...
  9. swaq

    Opinions, Thoughts..... on a Girls of SM Calendar?

    I don't think my fiancée would be up for this. :icon_razz
  10. swaq

    Opinion on High speed internet

    That's more from forum mark-up tags, such as the original UBB tags. That is similar to hypertext mark-up language (HTML) and XML which uses angle brackets (<tag>something</tag>). Mark-up languages aren't really programming languages, because you aren't programming anything, you're just...
  11. swaq

    Opinion on High speed internet

    I've had bad experiences with Comcast, both in speed/reliability and in them trying to screw me over. My parents use ClearWire which is one of the slowest broadband services I've ever used. Very unpredictable too. I'd highly recommend Verizon, particularly their fiber-to-the-curb package...
  12. swaq

    ***The Every Other Color and Wild Paint Scheme Supras Thread***

    Where are the yellow Supras?
  13. swaq

    Possible new wheels: opinions?

    $250 is a really good deal. I really like the 5-spoke look.
  14. swaq

    Lynn got in an accident...

    Car is now for sale: It is a hardtop. The car would probably have to be shipped out there. If you wanted to pay for shipping... :)
  15. swaq

    Career thread!

    I'm a software engineer/programmer. I've got about 3 years toward my bachelors. Just two more terms of school, and two terms of an internship and I'll graduate!
  16. swaq

    Computer help - Right mouse click

    Hmm, weird. Have you tried different browsers to see if it's just a particular one? I always recommend Firefox, but Opera is a good one too. (IE is the devil) Oh, and FYI, the programmer term for that is the "context menu". :)
  17. swaq

    Did you know inlines 6 engines weren't for perfomance?

    I knew what video that was before I clicked the link. One thing I'm wondering though, is it true that the 300ZX handles better than the Supra?
  18. swaq

    Lynn got in an accident...

    I certainly want to, though I might wait a year for when I'll have a garage to keep it in. Then I'd feel better about owning a nicer car.
  19. swaq

    Lynn got in an accident...

    Went to look at the Supra today. The guy there estimated $4-6k to fix it, and the frame is definitely bent. The engine looks to be intact, but we couldn't open the hood for closer inspection. Pictures attached. I took more pictures but I don't have a very good internet connection right now...