Search results

  1. tropical 87t

    oil coming up from intercooler?

    My 87t has been blowing white smoke out the exhaust for a few weeks now. I removed the air hosed leading to the 3000 tube and noticed there is oil pooling up in the plastic elbow / air hose coming up from the exit hose of the intercooler (near the airbox/airfilter). What's the most likely...
  2. tropical 87t

    how to check engine codes

    I forget how to check engine codes with the super monitor. I tried searching for it, can't find it. Can someone tell me the button combo to check codes, I have an 87t with super monitor. Thanks.
  3. tropical 87t

    How about Jacksonville peeps?

    I'm in Lake City (65 miles west of Jax) but I'm in Jax a couple times a week. 87 Turbo.
  4. tropical 87t

    Need advice on troubleshooting battery drain

    Something similar happened to me after I did a engine rebuild on my 87t. My battery lasted only one day. I looked for a short for weeks, pulled one fuse at a time and test for draw with a multimeter on each. Just by chance, I found that my rear defroster and mirror heaters were on constantly...
  5. tropical 87t

    transmission concern

    I've got an 87t 5-speed. I'm 2k miles after a rebuild now. Transmission had new seals put in before reinstalling the motor. Just took my first road trip from Tampa to Miami (about 250 miles). Towards the end of the trip I was going about 10mph for an hour because of an accident up ahead...
  6. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    Yeah, I was trying to avoid draining the coolant. Now I'm trying to loosen the clamp that holds the pressure hose down before it goes under near the oil pan. Looks like 8mm. It holds two hoses from moving around.
  7. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    Did you have to remove the lower rad hose to tighten the pressure hose at the pump?
  8. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    I'm about to remove the pressure hose, it does look like a real PITA! I have pics of boths ends of it.
  9. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    Where is it leaking?...near the ps pump or the rack? You may have been looking at the oil lines running to the oil cooler near the bumper.
  10. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    I think you just need wrenches for the pressure hose. I thought just the pressure hose was leaking on your car. Gimme a little time and I'll send some pics of mine.
  11. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    Man, 22 degrees, that does suck. I have to put my flipflops on and go put my car on jack stands, I'll send some pics soon.
  12. tropical 87t

    what to change on return hose

    I'm installing a new ps pressure hose today. Mine is spraying fluid everywhere. Never done it before. I'm about to lift the car up to do it soon. I'll try to take some pics. I don't think your lines are even close to the headlights though. The pressure line runs from a banjo bolt into...
  13. tropical 87t

    Power steering problem.....

    ...90... , I appreciate the offer but I need to pick it up today and install it tommorow. A NAPA warehouse near me has a few. Thanks though.
  14. tropical 87t

    Power steering problem.....

    Really, that's very good news. When I was under the car it looked a bit tricky. How much did you pay for the pressure hose? Toyota wanted $321.00 and Napa quoted me $61.00 for the same part. Thanks.
  15. tropical 87t

    Power steering problem.....

    One month ago I put a "new" power steering pump on my 87gte and the pump is fine. The pressure hose that goes from the ps pump, under the engine, and to the ps rack sprung a leak at the rubber portion near the ps pump. I'm trying to avoid going to Toyota for this fix. Has anyone done...
  16. tropical 87t

    Alternator...Battery Light...Brake Light WTF!

    I had the same problem with the battery and brake lights on. I went through 2 alternators before they went away with the 3rd one. Mine were bad voltage regulators.
  17. tropical 87t

    No Spark Help

    could the absence of the coil pack ground wire cause the battery light to stay on? (dashboard)
  18. tropical 87t

    battery light / brake light

    I'm looking for a short now. I noticed the ground wire that is supposed to be on the ignition pack is not there. Does anyone know where that should connect to?
  19. tropical 87t

    battery light / brake light

    I just installed a new alternator, as described above, same problem.