ok, well maybe i can find one...
as for the wiring harness, all i have are these wires, do i still have to change something or can i just solder these to an existing harness meant for the stock setup i have?
this is the thing i'm not sure of...what is it?:
antenna cable:
and the wires:
sweet! now you said with the stock amp... do you mean one inside the stereo or stock external amp somewhere in the car...
i dont see an external amp...and i have a 1986.5 supra. i'm hoping they didnt add one down the line....
i do know that i have 14 wires (no harness clip at the end), an...
i didn't even know that the 1GZ-FE existed!! a v-12? amazing! the idea of 12 cylinders amazes me...i guess its just because i never knew toyota made one. anybody know where i could get a sound clip? i'd like to hear one running.
ok i looked and realised that the left round hole is unidentified...i know the right one is for the antenna. and obviously, again, there is only one harness hookup so i will probably need an amp of some sort. i dont barely know how all this stuff works...i'm assuming this thing just sends a...
ok well i picked up a 3-in-1 single-disk made in 1997. its model #86120-33040 and it says 56807 on the front next to the toyota logo.
as you can see there are only hookups for i believe one harness, the antenna, and power....so i think i'll need to find an amp, if all that will fit in my dash...
i totally removed the plastic (once rubber?) coating and edges on the metal dust cover strip for between the head covers... it was cracked to uselessness and ugly so i cracked all of it off and just set the metal sheet in. looks much cleaner now, and still helps keep out some debris. you dont...
yeah i hear its much eaiser to remove both...dont feel bad, you'll thank yourself.
and that main upper bolt i think is the main problem with removing them seperately...
plus, you can change the fluids and clean up the tranny while its out...
have fuN!!!
p.s. - what are you sticking back...
aside from checking the condition of the wired, you DID check to see that they were all going to their correct cylinders? easy mistake, eaisly overlooked...everything appears normal...but its really way off.
my car idled like shit and chugged when i mis-placed #2 and #4 i believe...
i had...
why did something short out and cause a fire?
the only way i'd want light up sleepy eyes would be if i could turn off the headlamps and have some sort of red light come on in its place so i could make the car look pissed off.
lol...random. i know. but if i could make the headlamps retract...
when i went through that silly phase, i just turned on the lights from the fully off position and then clicked them to the "lights off" position, so the motors loose power and stop. if you click all the way back they get it back and retract though. so click it forward, and quickly back...
i'm wondering if the two might possibly be connected...
any system that traps air pockets, i think, would also insufficiently cool the engine.
can an air pocket cause a BHG?
i checked, only one cam lobe as you predicted... and a little slugy oil in the breather, and next to the cam with rust. thats it though.. the oil that drained out is a little murky, but i havent looked at it up close yet because i let it drip overnight.
i'll get new oil and a filter today...
cool history lesson.
cool racecar... mainly because i like old racecars and their interesting designs as compared to today's. BTW, that car is pretty boxy.
and another question...
is it still a form of protest? or did it just...stick.
if it just stuck, i find it very odd. but then...
I did a search, does the stock electric auxiliary fan kick on only at 160 degrees? or with the AC? hows that work.
has anyone seen their kick on?
anybody know a good way to test it and make sure its functioning correctly?
not a big deal...more of a curious concern. i dont believe...
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