this is a neat thread...
a while back i had a thread about totally removing the muffler but LEAVING the resonator and placing a pipe in place of the muffler place; some people (but not many) said it would sound ok/good, and some said it would sound like shit.
while i figured this to be...
that might work if you have a BHG, but if not its a bad idea. you'll be down at least 100 bux for a new gasket, plus the crapshoot of cleaning you have to do for a proper seal. and it might not even help access to the bolt. i dont know that part for sure.
cool thanks, makes sence. now how do they transfer that energy to the shaft? i'll look at the real pics again later to try and figure it out now that i know how the pistons move.
exactly my question.
and a cleaned cylinder and/or sparkplug means you were burning coolant in that cylinder and it steam-cleaned the carbon right off.... or at least removed some of it. check the gasket and see which cylinders actually blew.
holy shit! 590?? 35k miles?? BAH!!!!
i'd jump on that deal as well. literally. i'd find the damn thing, jump on top, and scream *MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!* while wildly waving something sharp.
but on the serious side....
what do we have here... around 1500 dollars (to include any...
yikes. scary shit, glad you're ok. i've only flown 2 times, and turbulence alone makes me hope to god the engineers did a damn good job designing the frame. especially as you watch the wings bend. THAT is un-nerving...especially when you've never been near enough to a plane to see that the...
they have an image like that on their site...
are all the cylinders fixed in their arrangement and attached to a shaft? or do those pucks spin around independantly?
i bought mine from a friend for 1400 dollars, later found out it had a BHG and repaired it myself...i think it had block sealer in it. new windshield for about i figure i've put about 2700 into it alltogether...ish. not sure. i stopped caring.
i love it though.... friends always...
OH MY GOD IJ i did not realise you were back. err...around.
anyway... sorry to hear about your loss. is rod knock really a given after a BHG rebuild? i dont want to end up with rod knock down the line. i cant afford it. i hate the thought of it but i might have to sell my car. i cant...
wow, i'm sorry for what happened...i hope that insurance helps you out on this one. definitely go to dinner with the couple, that sounds awesome...or a gift or something. best of luck, glad you're ok.
wow, amazing cars. i've never seen such a beefy looking mk3 dragster... and a streetable-looking one at that.... (black one with the chute and huge drag slicks) just...kinda...i dunno. there was definitely some milky stuff on one of the cam bearings when i removed the cams, and some of the valleys had clear oil while some were a bit darker... but i dunno. i put on a new filter and 5 quarts of new oil. i'll change the filter in a week, and...
yeah that helps out a lot, thanks! is there a specific model/year of car/amp that i should get? maybe a serial number off the amp as well if its not too much might help the search. i think i might get better results with a model number because i'm having trouble finding good...
thanks a lot!
and thanks to everyone else as that i know what i need i'm confident. i'm so glad i found this thing. maybe it wont play mp3's but i dont care. its something, it looks stock, and it looks nice.
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