heh...i know this would never happen...but when i read that i imagined some newbie reading this forum going and promptly going out to their stock wheel and yanking on it.
lol... i already thought about that. i guess everybody gets in a car different....
but i should shut up because i have no idea what its like to be that tall. you're 9 inches taller than me. lol.
i wasnt thinking about that aspect..only if legs would squeese under between the wheel...
mine kinda has one...that little flip-up door just behind the shift boot :biglaugh::evil2:
i've been keeping an eye out for a universal cup holder that would somehow attach to the mkiii's interior...but no luck so far... i doubt there is one out there that isnt home made. :nono:
yeah i've learned a LOT in one day from little questions here and there in like..9 threads. its been a very learning-filled day. a busy one at that....but aside the point...
don't the skidpad numbers give it away? i guess the only way to really know would be numbers and tests on two fully...
i dont think height is really the main dealio here... you could be 7' 2" and still have skinny legs that slide right under.... or 4' 8" with large legs that cant fit without it...
WTF!?!? LOL! i was NOT expecting that explosion...that was hilarious...
what is this show? reno 911? i've never seen it before... what kind of show is it?
lol... weird.
ok if we're going to start that i'm going to require that everyone measure the circumference of their leg....and then laugh when mine is one of the thinner ones.....:biglaugh: j/k but yeah...i can get out allright but its more of a strain...and its slower getting in and out.
on a couple...
yeah i messed with my wheel once while driving...tried to tilt it. it was a dumb idea but i guess i didnt care that moment.... then i realised i had no accurate control over the car and got scared...i think ia turn was coming up. lol
hmm...ok. well its running pretty good except for some funny knocking noises sometimes...and i dont think its electrical.
dang...everything hooks up to this sucker. i'll check it out next chance i get. thanks!
oh yeah...where should i look to get a replacement...kragen or a generic auto...
LOL! i thought this thread was about a honda prelude too...until i read it and figured it out.
it means an introductory thing....we're talking about the whole mini-movie that came between the two full-length features... not the cars contained in the thing. lol
and that car is in fact a 3000gt.
i'm not sure if i should laugh.
at first it seemed humorous but...not.
did you crash?
ok so far there's only one other person besides me that uses it...
i thought that its really hard to get in and out without moving it... and i doint really like the wheel too high... its...
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