why not just buy a real one?
sure this might work...but you're going to have to custom make stuff and if it messes up...you screw your tranny? doesnt that kinda drastically offset the risk involved when you could throw down 50 for one meant for this, and avoid several hundred dollars in...
you're right, and i know that, it just seems like some kind of warning bell or alarm would be there for this kind of thing...but i dunno... its just sad. and i know that even a warning couldnt have done a whole lot...
get under it with a wrench and feel the bolts...it can take 15 minutes to check some spots for loose ones. heck you might have one missing.... good luck.
dear god...why......:icon_frow
one screaming fanatic at my school and we'd be in lock down in minutes. a college with thousands of students takes hours to just notify people? thats insane.
he had two hand guns and extra ammmo. forgot what type.
a witness said he knew what he was doing and reloaded quick...the guy was obviously prepared...and the amount of rounds held in a clip obviously did not hinder his killing spree.
hell he chained the doors shut once he was inside....
yeah this is really sad. pretty horrible,and at first it didnt hit me, but when i thought about the magnitude of killing 32 people...thats pretty f'ing sick.
thats like taking out a whole classroom of kids at my school.... i cant imagine what its like for the people that live/work/go to school...
hmm...allright i'll probably just get a stock amp and call it a day then... i just have to make sure it has the harness for between the HU and the amp, and then one for the output. it really sucks that i dont have ANY connector in my car's dash stereo harness....
OT: HAHAHAHAH!!!! hell yeah, i totally forgot about my post count. and, never heard that before.
---edit---; this is for suprahero
i think he sells supra parts? i cant remember. maybe he has offered me parts before.... and his post count only contains 3 different numbers, all of which are...
has an avitar from sparta, in which the main charachter looks like he's gettin' jiggy with it...and i'm not sure if he is weird for having that on purpose, or if i am for thinking of it.
----edit; not his signature.
damn...if he beats his wife imagine what he might have done to your car :icon_conf
lol...sounds like you're doing well. best of luck.
oh and who is this mechanic...a local guy lots of SM members just happen to be near?
i feel so left out when people mention others by name and...
personally, i think part-outs are a great thing, unless people are parting out perfectly good cars with just one problem another person is willing to fix...like rod knock...
it gives the rest of us a chance to get resonably-priced replacement parts that we otherwise couldnt get. and since...
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