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  1. Figit090

    Noob Question... Car wont Start- Help!!

    oh. asswipe. now i get it. i just thought he was just having another problem damn it.
  2. Figit090

    Noob Question... Car wont Start- Help!!

    i wish that was the case for me..i dont think my stock alarm works at all...
  3. Figit090

    Noob Question... Car wont Start- Help!!

    oh and did your car crank over? maybe its the main coil wire, or a sensor that has a bad connection/disconnection.... and why did you post this in off topic??
  4. Figit090

    Noob Question... Car wont Start- Help!!

    what the HELL??? i meant to type JIGGLE!! not giggle... the way i typed it sounds gay, because never did i laugh like a little girl, and i dont see how that could help this problem. maybe you didnt noticemy typo? lol......
  5. Figit090

    Noob Question... Car wont Start- Help!!

    mine did this a couple days back.... turned over and over...tried starting it 3 times. asked my dad to take a look and we wiggled stuff and then it started right up.... mystery as to why it did that.... nothing appeared loose... but after some giggles it fixed it. :-/
  6. Figit090

    As requested... Pics of my car...

    nice... well yeah, nice car. i really like it.
  7. Figit090

    As requested... Pics of my car...

    oh. coolio. that's awesome. have you received anything free? are the discounts pretty good?
  8. Figit090

    Google's new TiSP! Wow!

    when i read that i was like.... WTF? and then looked for the button to have the emails sent...LOL...
  9. Figit090

    Is BOSS a good stereo brand? I cant decide if i should buy this head unit.

    i would be running a stock amp though...probably... still better? :icon_conf or are you referring to using an aftermarket external amp with a stock headunit that needs an external amp like mine?
  10. Figit090

    As requested... Pics of my car...

    now one from the front. *hehe* if there wasn't already one up. but i dont think you saw my last post, what's the deal with sponsors? what do they do for you, how do you get them, and what are you required to do on your part??
  11. Figit090

    Rebuilding your engine?

    that doesnt sound bad but i have no clue what those parts would cost new... can anybody that knows prices on this stuff do a quick add-up if you would buy them all seperate? too bad it doesnt come with rods...
  12. Figit090

    Uh Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... *PICS*

    wow, that hood is awesome. so is your car. and maybe its because i dont see it much...but... when i saw your 2jz my mouth fell open and i spaced out for a few seconds. beautiful job on everything....