my car with the stock lip scraped any sort of steep driveway. my car with a bomex lip scraped anytime i hit a big dip or anything that stuck up off the ground 4"(really a pain).
my car now with the kaminari front has better ground clearance so i rarely scrape. i also raised my car a bit so...
thanx for the graph, but when i mean lean it gets LEAN. for example, the car im working on(na-t ct26 with bolt ons and maft). lets say were cruising 4th gear (right when full boost hits)2600 rpm then i have my friend floor it as it approaches 4k rpm a/f goes up to 15-16 sometimes higher then...
looks clean....good job
for the coil packs maybe you would want to mount it over the exhaust valve cover longways and make a plate underneath it to bolt it onto. i have pics are up on the site somewhere if your interested
what clutch are u running? or planning to run. still on w58? what boost...
I'm desparately tryin to finishup my black car by then...jus waiting on a few more goodies to show up ( whenever they get here :( )
If the black car isn't done then ill show up in the brown one mos def
As usual ill be rollin wit maybe 2 mk2s (blue and red) and maybe another mk3
theres no pcv on that TB. iirc ppl have made plenty of hp on the stock tb so i dont think there is a point to changing it unless your 500+ or so.
cars looking nice, idk if you remember me from one of the meets at njit......but i live around your way
try calling eurotire on rt46....maybe they can help you out. they did my alignment years back when i was on rsr springs and bilsteins. once my car is running again ill probably have them redo it since i got poly bushings now and coilovers
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