couple na-t questions.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
there is 4 allen key plugs inbetween the valve covers, are they there just for casting purpose??

now another question, i'm doing the na-t and i was wondering if i could drill and tap one of those plugs and run my turbo drain into the top of the head?? i know its a little higher, but it must be under some pressure when leaving the turbo. could i just drill the valve cover??

does anyone know what those little valves are for underneath the intake manifoly, have two vacum lines to them, and one 2wire plug from the harness.??

does anyone got a vacum line schematic, turbo intake and throttle body is a bit different.


heres the picture the plugs are removed,


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Offical SM Expert: Suspension & Vehicle Dynamic
SM Expert
Dec 16, 2005
louisville ky
thats a big no for using that as a drain from the turbo. either send it back to the factory location or in yout case (na-t) just send it into the pan


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Those are the plugs for the oil galley, they also hold that metal gasket down that covers your spark plugs, dont drill them.
Instead, pull your oil pan off (do not do it with the oil pan on the block) and tap (or weld) a fitting into the side of it. That's pretty much standard procedure on an na-t.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
yah i was afraid of that, do you really need to put the engine on a hoist, and remove hood, motor mounts ,ect, likie the tsrm or is there a easier way??

anybody konw what i'm talking about, about those valves(if thats what they are) under the intake manifoly???


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
iceberg319;1128974 said:
support the engine, then drop the front subframe

so how can i support the engine other than a hoist,..can i put a jack under the bellhousing????? i'm guessing than pan slides out to the rear though doesn't it??


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
ok.. i can't find out where the plug is for my boost pressure sensor:aigo:
is it connected to the main engine harness???

there is this plug where i dont know where it goes(its a 4 wire plug, with only three connected) in second pic, could it be for the boost press sensor(even though the plug is different, different year maybe?

aslo in the first pic, anyone know what that is, i have a plug for it on my NA harness but not on the trubo harness, so i'll prolly just toss it.

thanks guys


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New Member
Nov 5, 2006
the blue thing is a vsv and isnt needed during the na-t process unless your gonna use the na harness and ecu and the second plug goes to the tranny i believe its the speed sensor connector


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
brs86supra;1129155 said:
the blue thing is a vsv and isnt needed during the na-t process unless your gonna use the na harness and ecu and the second plug goes to the tranny i believe its the speed sensor connector

i looked on my tranny couldn't see nothing, and my old NA harness doesn't have a plug like that, is the R154 different than the W58??


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
nother question

is the stock turbo boost pressure sensor for the stock boost gauge???? that would make sense why i cant find it on engine harness.

is the plug in the pan( in the pic) good enough for a turbo drain?? or even the plate below the oil filter???


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7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Sorry, been gone for a while... surprised no one's answered you.

dumbo;1129317 said:
s the stock turbo boost pressure sensor for the stock boost gauge???? that would make sense why i cant find it on engine harness.

I don't understand your question.

dumbo;1129317 said:
is the plug in the pan( in the pic) good enough for a turbo drain??



dumbo;1129317 said:
or even the plate below the oil filter???

Hell NO


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
well i got a gte boost pressure sensor mounted to a resistor pack(injector i beleive but could be wrong, its on the drivers side near the strut mount) i cant find it on my harness so i think it must just be for the gauge.

is that plate below the filter a pressure port??. whats it there for? thanks cre


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
dumbo;1139940 said:
well i got a gte boost pressure sensor mounted to a resistor pack(injector i beleive but could be wrong, its on the drivers side near the strut mount) i cant find it on my harness so i think it must just be for the gauge.

is that plate below the filter a pressure port??. whats it there for? thanks cre

Yes, the boost pressure sensor is only used for the boost gauge.

Yes, it's a "pressure port" ;) You could feed a turbo from there or from the plugged port near the oil pressure sender.

jdub said:
Check your NA block for another port forward of the oil pressure sender, under the water pump. There's a plug fitting in it. ;)


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
you seem skeptical on my "pressure port" wording, whats it there for?? i really dont wanna pull my pan:cry::cry: but i phoned can rent a hoist for 40bucks a day.. try and get here pulled and welded in one day,

i've read a bit, keep the bung as high as possible but where about?? i got the Driftmotiom na-t line kit, so where about, horizontal ways i mean?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Nah, just emphasizing it. ;) That port opens into the main galley after the filter, same one the stock feed and oil pressure sender are connected to.

You want the drain as high as possible and NOT lined up with anything moving. The crank and counter weights will throw oil at the return otherwise and may prevent sufficient drainage at times. Aside from that, just choose a spot that's not going to be obstructed. Should be a lot clearer when you pull the engine & take the pan off.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
CRE;1140501 said:
Nah, just emphasizing it. ;) That port opens into the main galley after the filter, same one the stock feed and oil pressure sender are connected to.

You want the drain as high as possible and NOT lined up with anything moving. The crank and counter weights will throw oil at the return otherwise and may prevent sufficient drainage at times. Aside from that, just choose a spot that's not going to be obstructed. Should be a lot clearer when you pull the engine & take the pan off.

ahh yes thank you very much that could be bad..haha thanks again. love how they cast over the stock drain, but just cover the feed....:icon_evil

ok.... so that plug in the pan(in the pic, 14mmhead, prolly 10mm hole) why is it there? and i was thinking cut that out for the drain(get the bung welded), looks like its between cylinders and only about a inch below the block/pan mating surface. and right inline with the turbo drain.

i allready got most of the conversion done, but UPS is not treating me well up here:icon_evil:icon_evil:icon_evil:icon_evil so i'm gonna do the pan as per TSRM, so the engine is not coming out of the car, just gonna raise it.

sorry for the long post, but 40 bucks a day for a eninge hoist, wanna get her right on, thanks again.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
dumbo;1141094 said:
ahh yes thank you very much that could be bad..haha thanks again. love how they cast over the stock drain, but just cover the feed....:icon_evil

??? They never drilled out either.

dumbo;1141094 said:
ok.... so that plug in the pan(in the pic, 14mmhead, prolly 10mm hole) why is it there? and i was thinking cut that out for the drain(get the bung welded), looks like its between cylinders and only about a inch below the block/pan mating surface. and right inline with the turbo drain.

The plug in the pan is blocking the return for the GTE's oil cooler.... which is a crap setup overall as it is.

dumbo;1141094 said:
i'm gonna do the pan as per TSRM, so the engine is not coming out of the car, just gonna raise it.

Have fun with that. I'm planning on pulling the engine and having the stock drain location opened up. I've got some balanced rods I need to have peened and cryo'd to go in too.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
They never drilled out either?? --what do you mean? the drain is drilled but has a plate over it, but the feed is just cast.

so you say that the gte oil cooler drain is a crap setup, is that for the cooler only, cause if i cut that out and welded the turbo drain bung there would that be good? i'm doing a remote filter and cooler so i wont need that drain neways.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
dumbo;1141683 said:
They never drilled out either?? --what do you mean? the drain is drilled but has a plate over it, but the feed is just cast.

so you say that the gte oil cooler drain is a crap setup, is that for the cooler only, cause if i cut that out and welded the turbo drain bung there would that be good? i'm doing a remote filter and cooler so i wont need that drain neways.

We just went over this.... the neither the stock drain or the stock feed were drilled out at the factory. The port with the plate over it is an access port to the main oil gallery after the oil filter. It had no purpose after the construction of the block, from what I understand. It is a pressure port though, so you could supply the turbo from there by putting a plate with a nipple on it... or you can use the other pressure port mentioned above.

The drain for the oil cooler in the pan WILL NOT WORK for a drain.

The stock cooler setup has nothing to do with the turbo's oil supply. I just mentioned that in case you were considering using it. The setup you're planning on is the better route for oil cooling.