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    Englishtown IV

    im down as usual and bringing along a few cars
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    Wolf installation

    sweet, will i see a 12 sec pass this time around?
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    Turbo vs N/A Cams Dyno Compare

    im running a GE motor with a ct26 (for now ;)) i jus measured a set of turbo cams that i have and measured right where the tsrm said it would be (38.35mm) but according to the manual the NA cams are 38.16 (ill be checking mine tomorrow), could this little difference in height cause this much of...
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    Turbo vs N/A Cams Dyno Compare

    looks interesting, i have a set of 89 NA cams and 88 turbo cams. both good condition and low mileage. ill have to do some measuring over the weekend. i cant measure duration tho
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    Anyone have Rota Slipstream wheels?

    yep i drive in pothole heaven and have unfortunately hit some big potholes and they are still in great condition with no cracks
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    intake manifolds the same?

    my 89 tps didnt fit my 88 tb, arm was 90 degrees off like doward sed
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    my 7MGE-T version 3.0

    heres a mod list: rebuilt 7MGE ct26@13psi hks vpc hks gcc blitz dual drive bov new oem headgasket arp headstuds k&n filter bic divorced ddp bic test pipe tanabe hyper medallion fidanza flywheel act 6 puck clutch and HD PP wheels and coilovers
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    my 7MGE-T version 3.0

    my 7MGE-t 2 years running strong! heres a pic when i first finished my swap then i upgraded to a maf-t and switch powersteering reservoirs and here how it sits 2day theres a cap on the hole now and a filter on the isc now and finally a crappy pic of where the...
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    1G-GTE styled IC routing?

    do we have room or will the pipe hit the hood? looks interesting