Gl, if people tell me tp jold parts i ask fpr eithe a 100$ deposit or 50%. Which ever is greater and i only give two weeks. Because if the person wants to buy the part they already know they are going to spend x amoubt of dollars and should have put that into their budget. I only revise the...
Will do! thank you for waiting so patiently with me i appriciate it and i am sorry for the delays, i'll have them out for you today. Thanks
PS when parts are received please leave and itrader feedback. Thanks Also clear out your PM box lol
#1 Short Yes (TRUE)
Snaked around (TRUE) - i use this option. I had a jumper harness for the body & engine harness created by driftmotion for about 120 but that was over 3 yrs ago. Its a PITA to go thru the dash but i find it cleaner in the engine bay with out the wiring running across the bay...
ditto, if u want EZ purchase a rebuilt bottom end w/head n install with harness & ecu n lil things. Stay away from 1j or 2j if u want cheap. Cheap they are not. It is cheaper for you to purchase a car with it already then to swap it.
Look up your laws about recording conversations. When you talk to your teacher, VP, or P record your conversations.
I know in NJ the law states that 1 person should know that their conversation is being recorded. IE: Person recording knows so they do not have to ask for permission or tell the...
I have a few pics and i'm trying to use what i have but they aren't that good because the engine bay was molested a bit. If someone has a bare stock 7MGTE Please take pics similar to the one on the DSM forum.
I would not mind donig this as well, but finding a STOCK 1JZ engine bay would be a...
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