how long do you let a buyer pay to buy your Toy part?


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
Fairfax, VA
Moderators, Im not sure if this is the right spot for this q?

The part that Im selling are my set of 4 mkiv tt wheels.

Anyway, he, the buyer already left a deposit ($100) 2 wks ago today and said originally that he would pay the rest last week then send a pm to me that he would send the rest of it when he gets a chance to. In the meantime, there are other buyers that are inquiring about the item and this buyer who left a deposit is holding back the whole transaction which I would like to have it finalized.

What do you guys think? Thanks for your time.
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Matthew 6:33
Apr 5, 2005
Palm Bay, FL
Refund the money and sell the parts to the other buyer. The original terms of the sale were broken by the purchaser. If you are not in need of funds or space that the parts are taking up, you can work with the original buyer. If he has an honest reason why he was not able to pay i.e. school costs, insurance was due, etc, then be a friend and help a friend in need. However, if he is just going out with friends and not making the purchase a priority, then move on. The decision is yours and you are justified in either choice you make.



Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
Is this a member here? Since there no one inqiuring about them, if it were me, I'd hang on to the money and wheels untill you've made an honest effort to contact him. Untill someone inquires about them, tell the new buyer the situation, make the new buyer give you all or part of the money, seal the deal. Then give the original buyer a time limit,( I'd say about a week) when that time passes relingish the wheels to the new buyer. When that happens refund the money with expalianation. Comunication is key. I.M.O. a week is plenty of time. Unless your on "Survivor", on the moon, lost at sea with no phone or dead, Everyone has a minuette to reply, call, email what ever. even if your computer doesn't work, you can still get a computer to use.

"when he gets a chance??" when dose that end? You control the sale not, the other way around.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2006
Oxnard CA
csnow;1558189 said:
Refund the money and sell the parts to the other buyer. The original terms of the sale were broken by the purchaser. If you are not in need of funds or space that the parts are taking up, you can work with the original buyer. If he has an honest reason why he was not able to pay i.e. school costs, insurance was due, etc, then be a friend and help a friend in need. However, if he is just going out with friends and not making the purchase a priority, then move on. The decision is yours and you are justified in either choice you make.

original terms: yes, the two weeks are up but, however, the other terms are "when he gets a chance"


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
Fairfax, VA
Member is not here but on sf and a newbie for that matter. My fault. We actually spoke on the phone a few times and agreed on when the rest of the payment would be sent out (which is the following week).

He even mentioned when I called him that his a nurse by profession and was working at a hospital setting. He also said that he was very busy but I checked on sf and was on the board mostly everyday checking on other sections of it. I am in the impression these past few days that if he truly is a registered nurse, he should be able to pay for the rest of the balance without much of a problem unless some other issues are involved.

I will give him a deadline on when I need the transaction completed and would refund him the deposit if he could not comply.

Thanks for everyone that chimed in. I appreciate everyone's input.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
He being a R.N. has nothing to do with the transaction. Like a wise man once said "Sure, we make a lot of money, but we spend a lot, too." Patrick Ewing


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
Fairfax, VA
S.A. supra;1558283 said:
He being a R.N. has nothing to do with the transaction. Like a wise man once said "Sure, we make a lot of money, but we spend a lot, too." Patrick Ewing

Mike all I'm saying is at least his getting a bigger paycheck than other people. I forgot to mention that his getting the wheels for a mkiv.

Im just annoyed that Im being ignored since I have been honest from the very beginning of the sale.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
First come first serve...

Deposit to hold for hours only. If tey have not returned when they said and someone else is there with cash in hand. It is getting sold.

First one that comes with what I am asking. Takes it. I make that known upfront in all dealings (electronics, furniture etc).

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
I was joking. Kinda, But Like others have said. Call him let him know he needs to come up with the rest or you'll sell them to some one else, and refund his money.

On a side note. I shipped the motor today.


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
Fairfax, VA
figgie;1558295 said:
First come first serve...

Deposit to hold for hours only. If tey have not returned when they said and someone else is there with cash in hand. It is getting sold.

First one that comes with what I am asking. Takes it. I make that known upfront in all dealings (electronics, furniture etc).

Still learning the curves here Figgie. Thanks for the info.

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

S.A. supra;1558307 said:
I was joking. Kinda, But Like others have said. Call him let him know he needs to come up with the rest or you'll sell them to some one else, and refund his money.

On a side note. I shipped the motor today.

I know dude. Looking forward to finally bring my window down. It's almost 80+ degrees here today.


New Member
Sep 11, 2009
Rochester ny
If you give him back the deposit whats the point of a deposit to begin with?? If he cant pay he losses the deposit and the next guy with cash gets the wheels.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
I would leave a message and if he dont call back within a day keep the money for wasting my time and sell to someone else.
Jun 6, 2006
turboguy327;1558459 said:
If you give him back the deposit whats the point of a deposit to begin with?? If he cant pay he losses the deposit and the next guy with cash gets the wheels.

I'm not sure the terms of this sale were properly thought out and posted to begin with. I doubt that "Non-refundable deposit" was part of the agreement.

OP, I'm not giving you a hard time here. Most of us, on good faith, would assume someone would pony up the money in a timely fashion.

I'd made an honest attempt at contacting the buyer - PM, phone, etc, and let him know that he has X-number of hours (or a day, or whatever) to pay you, or you'll refund his money and sell the item to someone else who HAS the money.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
turboguy327;1558459 said:
If you give him back the deposit whats the point of a deposit to begin with?? If he cant pay he losses the deposit and the next guy with cash gets the wheels.

hvyman;1558470 said:
I would leave a message and if he dont call back within a day keep the money for wasting my time and sell to someone else.

I've got to say the same. If the deposit wasn't clearly negotiated as "non refundable", you're skating on this ice here, and it's just generally a shitty thing to do.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Gl, if people tell me tp jold parts i ask fpr eithe a 100$ deposit or 50%. Which ever is greater and i only give two weeks. Because if the person wants to buy the part they already know they are going to spend x amoubt of dollars and should have put that into their budget. I only revise the intial agreement for family emergencies or equivalant ie accident, sickness, etc. Other then that if you knew you didnt have the money til x date then dont bother me til that date. I also advise them that even with a deosit local pickups hold greater prorities and will sell if someone picks up.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
My Supra
Yea send him your number and give him 2days to call you, if he doesn't
send the money back and let other buyers purchase the product.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
I didn't read much of the thread, but it sounds like he doesn't want what you have very badly. Send him back his money, thank him for his time, and ask him not to call you until he's ready to do buisiness.

Don't waste your time with dead-beat buyers. You're best off to get out of it with a bit of time put in and no money committed. I'm sure you'll find an honest buyer in no time.