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  1. becauseican

    BIC mounts do not sit flush

    The brackets are designed for REAR sump oil pans, which have different drain pipe routing. It can be made to fit the front sump pans but you will have to loosen of the mounting bolts of the tube and bend the tubes. But a front sump engine wont fit in the supra anyways........unless the motor is...
  2. becauseican

    If you could have any aftermarket part what would it be?

    Its to bad 99.99% of mk3 owners are not willing to pay for what it takes to make some of these custom parts........I cant even give my twin GT28R 1jz turbo kit away :icon_roll . I am lucky I never decided to make a production run of it or I would be out allot of money !! BTW solid pre 89...
  3. becauseican

    N/A and turbo auto transmissions the same?

    So will I be able to install an N/A abs auto trans, in my non abs N/A car?. I am just wondering as I am buying a 86.5, n/a, non abs car with a blown trans, and I need to make sure I get the right trans to make the car drivable. Also for towing the car, is it ok to tow it with the rear wheels...
  4. becauseican

    Complete 90 mk3 part out, and some other stuff

    I am located near Vancouver B.C. Sorry I am not interested in cutting up the exhaust and shipping it, local pick up only. Randy
  5. becauseican

    N/A and turbo auto transmissions the same?

    I am picking up a non ABS N/A mk3 next week with a blown trans, do they use same auto trans as in the turbo cars? Also is there a difference in the ABS and non ABS transmissions, and are they interchangeable?
  6. becauseican

    GT3076R good turbo for the 1jz?

    Yes Sp makes a SP63, which is known as the "perfect" street turbo for mk4's/ 2jz's. It is 600-650 whp capeable and spools up really fast. Some people have surge issues with it on the 7M, so it might act similar on the 1jz ??. For a budget 400+hp turbo i would reccomend a 60 trim t3/t4, I ran one...
  7. becauseican

    Project Cherry Widebody, finished! (New pics on post #451 and #511)

    Its another custom BIC part :biglaugh:
  8. becauseican

    Side trim adhesive

    You need to put the doubble sided embelm tape on the 89+ moldings. There is clips, that hold them on, but they will be loose and wear though the paint on the car within a few months. 3M or ProForm makes some good tape. 1/4" or 3/8" wide will work fine, the thickness is 1/16" or similar.
  9. becauseican

    Project Cherry Widebody, finished! (New pics on post #451 and #511)

    LOL, yea thats gonna happen. I have been working on the body work for 6+ months now. You dont want to know how many hours are into it already:aigo: . I will be sure to do comparison pics when its will make my car look lame parked next to it:nono: , so maybe ill find a stock car to...
  10. becauseican

    modified exhausts question

    The biggest reasons for having a loud exhaust on a bike is so people can HEAR you comming before they see you. I rode a CBR 600 for a few years, and almost got run over a few times by people that change lanes without using thier mirrors or shoulder checking. I actually had to kick the side door...
  11. becauseican

    Who here makes solid motor mounts?

    Yes I make them, and there is a group buy going on right now !!! Now about the shorter ones, I also wonder about oilpan clearence. I know the 1jz motorr only have about 1/4" before the pan will touch the crossmemer. You could always buy the regular length ones and cut them down the exact...
  12. becauseican

    why the cressida over the supra for drifting?

    I dont get the Cressida fad.........sure its lighter and dirt cheap, but it looks like a 83 Honda Accord, Grandma car.
  13. becauseican

    Anyone find anything weird in their 1J

    I found a C's short shifter and a Mines tunned ecu on my 1jz clip.......that made my day!!!
  14. becauseican

    motor mounts?!?!?!?

    The 89+ round mounts will work but NOT the 7M brackets, like said before you will need to find a set of JZA70 brackets or get the BIC replica brackets and use the round mounts with them. I have them instock and ready to ship, you will see them in about a week. Randy@BIC
  15. becauseican

    If your looking to put 2JZ cams into your 1JZ, look at this

    Thats a good deal, I paid like $150 just to machine my cams locally. Its a good upgrade, I picked up about 20 hp in the top end.
  16. becauseican

    MSD Digital 6 ona a 1jz???

    I did some more research and the MSD Digital 6 will not work, the MSD DIS-4 will work with a tach adapter. THe DIS 4 is made for distributerless ignitions. If I dont go with a microtech standalone, I will get the DIS-4 for next season.
  17. becauseican

    Horned / devil Toyota emblem??

    I could get some laser cut from stainless steel, then polished........hmmm...
  18. becauseican

    Pre 89 and 89+ Solid motor mounts, anyone interested? (upgradedsupra approved)

    This is more just a poll / guaging interest thread, for pricing and more specific info go the thread in the BIC section found here :
  19. becauseican

    GT3076R good turbo for the 1jz?

    List is about $1200 I think from SP