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  1. OneJArpus

    Happy birthday, SupraCentral!

    Happy Birthday
  2. OneJArpus

    1.5jz swap questions/concerns

    Which block do you plan on spending money on? 2JZGTE = More money 2JZGE = Cheapest route but requires a more thinking and planning. I would recommend GTE
  3. OneJArpus

    Wheel Choices

    522's look good thats my choice
  4. OneJArpus

    Safc II part throttle boost tuning

    i'm actually interested in this, as i'm trying to figure out what is a good LO setting and HI setting.
  5. OneJArpus

    Odd fuel odor? Can anybody help me identify where its coming from?

    Change the gas cap, see if that changes the smell for you in that area, i had a similar issue and it was my gas cap.
  6. OneJArpus

    Need Help With Battery

    Wow for 146 was it atleast close to an optima battery? Interstate batteries are great IMO, i got one for my new daily for 55 bucks and for the supra is 70 but i already have a vatozone battery in it i paid 89 or so for it 2 yrs ago
  7. OneJArpus

    mk3 kaze 1uz project

    Spend the money on a DD then, don't bother with a project when you need a daily. Invest in a car that will get you to and from work along with other chores while you build up the 1uz project. The project will go better when you have a daily, that way you don't stress yourself about finishing...
  8. OneJArpus

    mk3 kaze 1uz project

    Be prepared to spend countless hours working, cursing, and spending lots of money. Because a budget build still turns into a few extra thousand dollars needed to finish, Take pics of your chassis
  9. OneJArpus

    Gauges, What's Your Opinion?

    That blows..... =/ if i waited a few months i could of gotten that instead of a LC-1 lol
  10. OneJArpus

    LED climate control -- help.. im bad at searching

    Its in the MKIII Supra Reference/Tech-Tips section
  11. OneJArpus

    Sounds like BS...Smells like BS, But is it BS??

    LMFAO, my boys on the phone with the guy... he's fucking with him so bad LMAO!!! The guy said the car doesn't start probably because the CPS is bad, then my boy asked why he's selling it because he likes DSM's more and my boy was like "Those are gay"... the guy chuckles n goes ok... LOL...
  12. OneJArpus

    Sounds like BS...Smells like BS, But is it BS??

    LOL. Trade? 400 HP? But needs to be towed....
  13. OneJArpus

    This should be fun, Guess this sound!

    sounds like something is slapping something..... LOL
  14. OneJArpus

    Got into an accident :-(

    Theres a car collector company you can search by state. THe company i am going with Just by pics valued my supra at 10,000 full coverage. Then the value goes up with more parts purchased. He said their book value for my 88 stock would have been 6500... so a 3500 increase on it all is not bad...
  15. OneJArpus

    The absolute worst looking MK3, ever?

    lolol mkiii? looks like a 7m in the bay
  16. OneJArpus

    Shops in Florida

    damn if i lived in FL i would do the swap for you. =/ Reasonably priced as well + show you what i've done.
  17. OneJArpus

    1JZ Idle Suddenly Rough After Lifting Car.

    Before you go ripping things apart. *Check engine light turns ON* ------ Get the codes.... Find out exactly what the ECU is trying to tell you Also check the connections on the intercooler. You could of knocked a pipe loose. Once you have the code check it out and come back. What is the...
  18. OneJArpus

    Strange regulator by motor mount

    Don't remove it. You can barely notice its there. If you decide to remove it, hold it, when you install the bypass drive the car and tune, if you still run fine then keep it for safe keeping and enjoy.... if you run like crap then put it back on. Mine had my car running so rich that it...
  19. OneJArpus

    engine under-cover needed?

    I just put my new one on my car.... cleaned the engine bay again before driving and came back opened the hood and i was in aw how clean it still was :D.... Temps couldn't tell a diff as it was 30 degree's out... i'll see in the summer