Yes, that feeling which you speak of is great. I had the same feeling when i rebuild my motor, even when other jealous people thought I couldnt do it.
Taco Bell suxs.
Fucks up my stomach everytime...havent had Taco Bell or Carls Jnr. in like 2 years.
Yeah thats true...muscle is more dense than fat. A muscled guy can look smaller than a fat guy but could weigh more.
I could never put on weight no matter how much I ate. The only weight I...
Doing stuff on your own is a good thing and a very good learning experience.
After finishing the task you set out to do, it gives you a feeling of pride and know it all attitude.
But when you talk to people like Ian who know the finer details on our cars, you realize that there is still alot...
Thats owners can attempt a rebuild and fuck it up and learn from it. But having a mentor is so much better.
Its like when you start a business. Usually its good to find a mentor in the same field and he/she can help you out to start your business. And you can talk to your mentor...
Thats right....I'd say check your cps and throttle postion sensor.
Years back I had a faulty tps and my car would crank but not start.
Then I opened the throttle and it started. I changed the tps and it started without me having to open the throttle.
I did mine at Rob,s Auto Shop in Hayward. Good guys and they know what they are doing. Mine cost $500 to do all the deck work for metal head gasket,replace all valve seals, put in a few new valve guides and 3 angle valve job...labor included.
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