Freelance Professional Computer Geek by day (IT-related stuff like network administration, troubleshooting, tech support, etc.; programming in VB, PHP, and a smattering of other languages; web design; etc. etc. etc.)...
[shamelessplug] Rock Star by night

I play guitar in 2 bands - one is original metal stuff called Desecrator (, the other is an 80's pop/rock cover band called Two For Flinching ( if you want to hear our stuff, check out either site, we've got songs on both

I'm also in the process of putting together a solo act for the nights I'm not playing with the bands...[/shamelessplug]
Oh and speaking of guitars... Hey CryoSlash, if you happen to read this, I'm gonna have to challenge your title there about being the best MKIII-owning guitarist... we should have a duel-off someday