I wonder what it's like to be an adult, yet have my parents allow me to act like a child. I don't know if America's sick fascination with her comes from her being a perpetual teenager doing adult things, or what. I am glad that this is happening to her, but they don't need to publicize it. Publicity stunts are what she is known for, and even if it was not meant to be one, technically, it's exactly what is happening.
I can't believe how some people think that "the law is being too hard on her, to make an example of her." Even IF that is the case, this treatment should be condoned, even embraced, especially because she deserves every bad thing she's getting. She's made herself into an experiment, by being the rat that was shocked mildly every time she touched the cupcake. Now they are cranking up the voltage to make her learn, and outside sources are crying foul. This goes beyond that though, because it's not just an experiment; she's breaking the laws that we are also held to and governed by, and she's breaking them over and over again. Maybe she will learn a little from this experience and perhaps turn partially into a semi-responsible adult.