I had the same problem.Was a fucking nuisance.
I would go to the mall and other places it wouldnt start.The worst time it happened was in the envening and it was pouring down really hard. I was all wet drying to fix my supra in the rain.
I had to tow the car 4 times on different...
Where does the No. 1 bypass water hose from the ISC connect to?
I looked and searched and also the TRSM does not show it clearly.
Fuck...That sucks...Like the others have said, get a lawyer and get on top of this asap!!!
You do not want to fuck around with the IRS. They will fuck you inside out and upside down.
I know because a few years back one of my friends filed his tax returns for his company and later recieved...
say it all about Supras what would it be...
If there was one song, that would make you listen to it over and over again while driving in your Supra...
If there is one song that would remind youself of your Supra nomatter where you are...
If there is one song that would make you the...
Yeah...I think the "Meet" idea can be pulled off successfully and that will teach him a lesson...What goes around comes around...
Just Leave a note in an envelope in his car saying " Dude, you just got punked"
1972 Toyota Levin
with the power to weight ratio, that thing will fly.
Some guy in New Zealand put a 7mgte in a 1986 Levin....pocket rocket.
Or tie him naked to a pole and every one do drivebys and throw eggs at him or shoot him with paint balls.
Or even better have a very hot chick dress really slutty flirt with him and take him to a hotel and she tells him that she is kinky and wishes to tie him up with him laying down on his...
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