WHY THE MOTHER F__K!!!!!!!!!!!!


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
now i see the problem.

people are coming in and doing unskilled word that requires no education or experience. people who didnt have the resources available to them to get a college education and get some type of better job cause their locality didnt afford it to them.

so now, people who i guess slacked off in high school and didnt go to college are upset at their station in life and are looking for people to blame for their screw ups.

its so clear now. i pity you.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
lagged..i deliberately didn't call you out in that post because we have been thru this time and time again.

your personal situation clouds your judgement on this issue, you are looking for reasons to defend the illegals positions.

what a legal citizen has or has not done in the past has absolutely noithing to do with what is going on.

shure, working in a packing house sucks, and is definately is justification for higher education, i agree, but to make a statement like that is unfair, and absolute bullshit.

the fact is, no matter what the reason a person has to be forced to, or chose to work in these places, it is just plain wrong for someone to sneak into another country illegally and take those jobs.

i'm gonna go out on a limb here, and make the assumption you have never had to work a real manual labor job for years at a time to support a family.

you are coming off as an eletist here, and several of us here know why you are such a staunch supporter of illegal ailens, but i'm not going to go there again, there is no point. we have argued this issue before privately, and you have failed completely to make any valid points, and have failed to counter of the points i brought up...i still have those pm's saved by the way...


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
no private stays private ck, sorry

plus i did reval some personal aspects of my life that aren't up for discussion in public

besides, if this turns into another holy war, the thread would suffer the same fate as the others, and i think that even though this is just a car site, the discussion needs to continue in a public forum


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
lagged said:
now i see the problem.

people are coming in and doing unskilled word that requires no education or experience. people who didnt have the resources available to them to get a college education and get some type of better job cause their locality didnt afford it to them.

so now, people who i guess slacked off in high school and didnt go to college are upset at their station in life and are looking for people to blame for their screw ups.

its so clear now. i pity you.

If they came over and some how got higher up jobs that require a degree, would your opinion change?

This is a lame argument, just because its not effecting your job you blame the people who are loosing theirs. I remember the same thing happening when all the tech support call center jobs starting going over seas. People who didnt work those jobs could care less and blamed the american workers for having lame tech support jobs. Then next thing you know basically anything done over the phone starting drifting over seas and alot of people were effected and complaning.

It makes no sense for someone with a 'good' job to accept this kinda stuff from happening. All the american workers with no jobs be it crap manual labor or not are on unemployment instead. If you have a well paying job and paying taxs you would think you dont like the idea of your money going to some guy who doesnt work. Would you rather the american people collecting money while sitting at home go out and get a job instead?

Not everyone can have a cushy exec job or go to a great school etc. You must be one of those people who think anyone who isnt well off job wise is just lazy.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
i dunno. i dont agree. maybe my lack of real life experience and young age are a hindrance to my understanding of this situation, that is completely possible though i still am of the opinion that i am right regarding this topic.

please be aware that i am open to the possibility that i am wrong here, but i have not seen any kind of argument that convinces me. so ill have to agree to disagree with you guys.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
lagged said:
you cant make that assumption either.
???:confused: ??? I didn't assume, you just typed "lack of real life experience" (which includes actually needing a job to pay for expenses) and "young age" (usually 18 and under), ergo the situation doesn't directly affect you.

I think I see why my brother ignores your post in a thread like this (it seems even you did;) ).

Change of topic, a rhetorical question for you to think about: how do you figure these "slackers", should they want to improve their situation, do so without a job to pay for continued education (most people in college don't have the luxury of a "free ride" scholarship), a better house, etc?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Jervis Mcstabby said:
???:confused: ??? I didn't assume, you just typed "lack of real life experience" (which includes actually needing a job to pay for expenses) and "young age" (usually 18 and under), ergo the situation doesn't directly affect you.

I think I see why my brother ignores your post in a thread like this (it seems even you did;) ).

Change of topic, a rhetorical question for you to think about: how do you figure these "slackers", should they want to improve their situation, do so without a job to pay for continued education (most people in college don't have the luxury of a "free ride" scholarship), a better house, etc?

my line of thinking went something like this;

if you were born here you were able to go to public school here. if you did well enough in high school you could get a scholarship to go to college. if you went to college you could get a good job.

if your family couldnt pay for college that should have given you even more incentive to do very well in high school in order to get a scholarship.

an illegal immigrant that came here to work didnt have access to a good school system and therefor had no chance to go to college and get a good job.

now, someone (and i mean in general) who didnt do well enough to go to college and get a degree and start a career is complaining that illegal immigrants are stealing his jobs.

it seems to me like that person is simply blaming others for his problems.

also, a scholarship is not a "Freeride", people work hard for them and deserve them. also, there are tons of scholarships out there and almost anyone (provided they are a legal resident) can get one out of high school


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
i'm sorry, since when does a college degree guarntee a job and a better lifestyle?

i make a hell of a lot more than a whole lot of grads out there...

a lot of prople in the "trades" do...these are a lot of the jobs that the illegals seem to be picking up, the 25 buck an hour labor positions at construction sites in large markets.

the smartest thing you have said is that you are young and lack real life experience...do yourself a favor, and leave this subject alone, you are only going to make yourself look like an ass for continuing on the subject


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I saw the greatest bumper sticker the other day, it said, Illegals go home and take bush with you.
ahhh, good ol' American bumper stickers.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
trucker said:
i'm sorry, since when does a college degree guarntee a job and a better lifestyle?

i make a hell of a lot more than a whole lot of grads out there...

a lot of prople in the "trades" do...these are a lot of the jobs that the illegals seem to be picking up, the 25 buck an hour labor positions at construction sites in large markets.

the smartest thing you have said is that you are young and lack real life experience...do yourself a favor, and leave this subject alone, you are only going to make yourself look like an ass for continuing on the subject

25 dollars an hour is hardly an ambitious goal for someone with the opportunity to go to US schools and the chance to go to college.

with that said, its obvious we all dont see eye to eye here. personally, im quite happy not blaming my shortcomings on others. this is a big problem, people not taking responsibilities for their own actions.

for someone from a country with a lousy economy, well good for him. they should get the job. this is the land of opportunity after all.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
lagged said:
my line of thinking went something like this;

if you were born here you were able to go to public school here. if you did well enough in high school you could get a scholarship to go to college. if you went to college you could get a good job.

if your family couldnt pay for college that should have given you even more incentive to do very well in high school in order to get a scholarship.

an illegal immigrant that came here to work didnt have access to a good school system and therefor had no chance to go to college and get a good job.

now, someone (and i mean in general) who didnt do well enough to go to college and get a degree and start a career is complaining that illegal immigrants are stealing his jobs.

it seems to me like that person is simply blaming others for his problems.

also, a scholarship is not a "Freeride", people work hard for them and deserve them. also, there are tons of scholarships out there and almost anyone (provided they are a legal resident) can get one out of high school

LOl...my parents had money to pay for my education and all their children.
But i just wanted to earn my own money for my education and let my father save his money for himself.

So I worked hard and earned a government scholarship. It was a contract to work for them when I graduated but I got out of it not having to pay a single cent back.

I dont think people are blaming illegals because they cannot find a good job.
They are blaming the illegals because of thier cheap labour they are bringing the wage rate down and them being here demanding rights when they are not supposed to be here.

Illegals have access to education in their own country. Why is that there are people in Mexico who have degrees or good education. Its because they work hard for it. These illegals are fucking lazy. They do not want to work hard to get a good education back home or be creative and find ways to make money.

Instead they think" Lets go cross the border and work there for less, lets use their health system, benefits and steal their citizens ids and on top of that lets demand rights and greencard".

America and other developed countries have a good system of education for their citizens because people fought for it. It just didnt appear out of thin air.

Illegals should go back home and fight if they want something improved. Crossing the border illegally is not the solution to the problems back home.

I'd rather see jobs go to citizens of this country.
Before a lot of students used to be able to work part time at fastfood restaurants which was good. They learnt the value of the dollar and saved money for their college or enjoyed their hard earned dollar.

Now illegals with fake ssns and fake greencards take all these jobs.
Tell me how do students find jobs to help fund their college education or buy a car?

And if a illegal leaves the job, he/she hooks up another illegal to replace him/her.
If these illegals were not here, students would find it easier to find a part time job.

Who is more important to this country? Illegals or the future leaders of our country? (students)



May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
empera said:
im parts of canada its bi-lingual, a lot of europeans speak more then 1 language. This country is based on diversity so dun give me that shit. I agree that people should learn english to be a citizen but sometimes its hard to learn another language when your older.

Part** of Canada is bi-lingual. Not parts, i dont speak a word of french and i never will, because i live in BC, and i dont see my self going to Quebec. Even there, most areas speak mostly English

i dont know how to do it, but common, they are there illegally. Round them up, ship them out, and declair war. I saw a news clip of down town Dallis, full off illegals, prtesting, waving the mexican flag, bitching about rights. Fuck off, your not even there legally. I dont even live in America, and this subject pisses me right the fuck off, and if i did live there, well i would be doing something about it. May be small patatoes in the big picture, but i wouldnt stand by and let my country be invaded by illegal immigrants. I wouldnt say im all for legal immigration either, but im happy to see them atleast wanted to come to my counrty, follow the rules that i follow, pay the taxes that i pay, be a citizen.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
lagged said:
also, a scholarship is not a "Freeride", people work hard for them and deserve them. also, there are tons of scholarships out there and almost anyone (provided they are a legal resident) can get one out of high school
Again, you're not paying attention. A "free ride" scholarship is one where you don't have to pay ANY school-related fees during your time at college. That's the scholarship most people with scholarships don't have, and most "normal" scholarships only cover a small fraction of school fees. You can only find those "tons" of scholarships with the proper means discover them all (such as the internet, which cost money to access and not every school has it). Also, rhetorical denotes that it's a question that does not require an answer, because the answer is so blatantly infused into the question.

You know, that whole "young age" thing shows more and more every time you make a new post.

Not everyone has the financial means to go to college, many people can't even focus on college because they have to help pay the family bills to help keep their families from becoming homeless and leading an even harder life then they already DO (gee, sounds suspiciously like some group you keep supporting, except the threat of becoming homeless). It's high time for you to get out of this magical la la land you've imagined up where scholarships and funds for college flow like wine, and everyone has a true shot at college and a good job, no matter how near-destitute they are.